Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Best Planets

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets


  • LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga offers a massive galaxy to explore across all nine episodes, making it the biggest LEGO title yet.
  • Some planets like Mustafar and Bespin have more secrets and quests, providing a sense of scale and variety to players.
  • Coruscant, Tatooine, and other iconic Star Wars planets offer a mix of impressive sights, challenging puzzles, and rewarding collectibles.

As a seasoned Star Wars enthusiast and avid LEGO gamer, I must say that exploring these planets in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has been nothing short of extraordinary! Each world offers unique challenges, captivating visuals, and an immersive experience that truly transports you to a galaxy far, far away.

In the game titled LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, players are offered an expansive Star Wars universe to traverse across all nine episodes. This means that the game surpasses any previous LEGO title in terms of its size. Various planets, each with their own captivating vistas and distinctive challenges, are now accessible at your command, inviting you to embark on exciting adventures.

Some worlds are simply more engaging than others due to their abundance of mysteries and adventures spread across numerous layers, thereby creating a grand experience. As players delve into The Skywalker Saga, they’ll soon discover that uncovering the planets brimming with intrigue is one of its many appealing activities.

10 Mustafar

A Volcanic Hellpscape, Where Anakin Skywalker Truly Became Darth Vader

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 23
  • Datashards: 1
  • Unlockable Characters: 2
  • Unlockable Ships: 2

As a passionate Star Wars fan, I must admit that Mustafar isn’t your typical vacation spot due to its infamy as the battleground for the intense duel between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, it’s thrilling to explore the locations where this iconic fight unfolded. Despite being a desolate wasteland dominated by towering volcanoes, lava flows, and ash, Mustafar is quite compact as players in the Mining Complex can attest.

Mustafar is a destination worth exploring for its array of collectibles that provide a challenging quest for those who aim to obtain them without meeting the same fate as Anakin. Beyond the captivating setting from a memorable scene, players can also enjoy replaying the iconic track, “Anakin’s Dark Deeds,” composed by John Williams, repeatedly.

9 Kamino

The Aquatic Planet Where Kaminoans Create Clones For The Grand Republic

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 15
  • Datashards: 0
  • Unlockable Characters: 5
  • Unlockable Ships: 1

Heading to Tipoca City promises a refreshing change from the chaos, given its serene location on Kamino, graced with beautiful architecture and a refined society of Kaminoans who abhor violence. Kamino is tranquil, making it delightful to discover and delve into its fascinating history, including the cloning facilities utilizing DNA from Jango Fett.

Enjoy observing clone creation and their strolls around tranquil Kamino before being deployed as soldiers in a vast galactic conflict. Although Kamino isn’t rich in collectibles, there are engaging methods to gather them, which adds to its appeal as a place to explore.

8 Dagobah

The Swamp Planet That Thrives With Creatures and the Force, and Yoda’s Place of Exile

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 15
  • Datashards: 1
  • Unlockable Characters: 2
  • Unlockable Ships: 1

Among the smaller planets within the game, Dagobah stands out as an intriguing destination. It’s filled with complex puzzles, and the game doesn’t provide much guidance when trying to solve them. The planet is teeming with dangerous creatures such as swamp snakes and other beasts that hide in the water, ready to pounce on unsuspecting visitors, making Dagobah a potentially perilous but engaging world to explore.

On Dagobah, you’ll find Yoda’s quaint abode, making exploration here an enjoyable part of the game. Although Dragonsnake Bog isn’t the largest zone in the game, as we’ve learned from Yoda, size doesn’t define importance.

7 Bespin

Interesting Interiors On Cloud City Showcase Engineering That Floats

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 23
  • Datashards: 1
  • Unlockable Characters:5
  • Unlockable Ships: 3

Lando Calrissian’s city is as splendid as its leader, and while it might seem ordinary at first glance, hidden beneath the high walkways lies a massive courtyard filled with numerous treasures and adventures waiting to be discovered. The breathtaking sunset just adds to its charm, making it no wonder why so many are drawn to it.

Regrettably, the charm of Cloud City seems to diminish upon entering its structures. While these straightforward, pristine corridors are lined with snow-white walls, they can appear rather unattractive, though not enough to overshadow the magnificence of its exterior. It’s often said that beauty lies within, but in this case, it seems to be the opposite for Cloud City.

6 Yavin 4

A Forest Moon That Was Once a Jedi Temple

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 26
  • Datashards: 1
  • Unlockable Characters: 5
  • Unlockable Ships: 3

On this moon that orbits a star, it’s not classified as a planet per se, but it’s undeniably famous among Star Wars enthusiasts. As you touch down, you’re met by an immense pyramid-shaped temple that beckons you to scale its heights. Within, you’ll find the vibrant energy of the Rebel Alliance, sprawling over three stories, each brimming with more treasures than the last. But wait, there’s more!

The crumbling remnants conceal a few mysteries as well. Surrounded by an allure that hints at more, there are additional enigmas to unravel and adversaries to confront. Whenever side missions lead gamers here, it’s tough not to feel like a Rebel scout, exploring a dangerous zone to establish a stronghold. This unexpected element of immersion, seldom sought in a LEGO game, adds an enjoyable twist that many may not anticipate.

5 Naboo

The Underwater Gungan City Pairs Well With the Glory of Theed

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 53
  • Datashards: 0
  • Unlockable Characters: 8
  • Unlockable Ships: 3

On this planet, you’ll find beauty and tranquility that’s evident as soon as you enter the underwater Gungan city. This unusual metropolis is filled with puzzles, requiring careful navigation through its slender walkways and bubble-shaped chambers. Climbing to the surface offers an even more breathtaking view.

After triumphing, players can savor the splendor of Theed, a city boasting architectural designs reminiscent of the Italian Renaissance. Regrettably, its beauty lacks diversity, with many structures appearing similar and offering restricted opportunities for exploration or scaling compared to other urban landscapes. As artists often advise, “Observe, but don’t interfere.”

4 Cantonica

A Castle Town Rife With Gambling

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 35
  • Datashards: 1
  • Unlockable Characters: 4
  • Unlockable Ships: 1

It’s quite unexpected that one of the series’ weakest parts contributes significantly to creating one of the most captivating worlds. The fact that it thrives by presenting everything except a casino is intriguing. Canto Bight resembles a medieval town like Bradford-on-Avon, with its dimly lit streets adding an atmospheric feel reminiscent of a video game like Final Fantasy. Visitors can easily lose track of time exploring the labyrinthine network of paths and alleys before even reaching the main gambling area.

Fortunately, this isn’t nearly as loud or annoying as the movie. Instead, it has a sleek, sophisticated vibe, much like a high-end nightclub. There are enticing features both in plain sight and hidden away, giving Cantonica a unique charm that surpasses the film’s experience.

3 Kashyyyk

The Homeworld of the Wookiees, Sprawling With Jungles

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 26
  • Datashards: 1
  • Unlockable Characters: 2
  • Unlockable Ships: 1

In this fantastical world, I find myself among the treetop dwellings of the Wookiees – akin to the Ewok village on Endor, but high above the ground. The towering trees here are teeming with dense vegetation, inviting me to explore their hidden depths. Yet, unlike Endor, this planet stretches far beyond these lofty realms, offering countless mysteries to uncover.

On Kashyyyk, the ground is equally inviting. Visitors can search for kyber bricks on its sandy beaches or traverse through its riverside forests, helping the furry creatures escape from oppressive clone troopers. The environment may not be as bustling as some others, but it certainly doesn’t feel devoid of engaging activities. This demonstrates that even the less populated planets within this sci-fi universe are worth exploring.

2 Coruscant

The Grand Republic’s Capitol, A Literal City-Wide Planet

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 67
  • Datashards: 2
  • Unlockable Characters: 16
  • Unlockable Ships: 4

In the films, the capital city of the Republic is depicted as a colossal metropolis spanning the entire planet. Each city within this vast expanse has multiple facets. The Federal District, situated on the uppermost level, lives up to its grandeur in size and majesty. Despite appearing straightforward for navigation, it’s filled with hidden collectibles that challenge your creativity to find. From scaling towering statues to entering the vast Senate hub’s chambers, every endeavor demands a bit of puzzle-solving. Fortunately, each challenge brings its own reward.

Contrarily, reaching the grand Jedi Temple isn’t too difficult. However, you might find it lacking in valuable artifacts.

The ground-level scene in Uscru District offers quite an appeal, despite certain rough edges. With its gritty architecture and vibrant neon illumination, it exudes a captivating cyberpunk atmosphere. Moreover, the secluded lanes are brimming with intriguing puzzles to unravel and tasks to undertake. Ultimately, Coruscant’s diversity is rivaled only by its crowdedness.

1 Tatooine

The Sand Planet That Started it All

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga  Best Planets
  • Kyber Bricks: 100
  • Datashards: 3
  • Unlockable Characters: 25
  • Unlockable Ships: 3

In this beloved and frequently revisited setting of the saga, Tatooine, developers have undoubtedly invested significant effort. The vast expanse of the Jundland Wastes offers a stunning view, particularly after conquering the lofty cliffs to uncover hidden secrets. For those embarking on the correct questline, there’s an opportunity to engage in an epic battle against a colossal krayt dragon.

Instead of sticking to your familiar surroundings, consider taking a trip to the two notable towns as a refreshing switch. Mos Espa, known for its towering structures and podracing mania, tends to be more bustling. On the contrary, Mos Eisley, while just as perilous as you’d expect, offers the same level of danger with merchants and ne’er-do-wells lurking on broader avenues. The infamous cantina only amplifies this sense of danger. Yet, despite its grim atmosphere, these towns faithfully embody the iconic imagery that has made its mark in science fiction films.

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2024-08-11 15:05