Marvel Rivals is One Step Away From an Ideal Post-Match Approach

Marvel Rivals is One Step Away From an Ideal Post-Match Approach


  • Marvel Rivals impresses hero-shooter fans with engaging gameplay and popular characters, hinting at a possible early launch in 2025.
  • The game could benefit from incorporating Overwatch’s ‘Play of the Game’ feature to highlight impactful moments and enhance player experience.
  • While already featuring Highlights, Marvel Rivals should consider showcasing the best play of the match to give all players their moment to shine.

As a long-time fan of hero-shooters and Marvel comics alike, I must say that Marvel Rivals has me absolutely thrilled! The game’s engaging 6v6 gameplay, combined with iconic characters and distinctive abilities, is an irresistible blend that’s hard to resist. While I anxiously await its official release in 2025 (hopefully not too much longer), I can’t help but feel that it has all the potential to become a standout title in the genre.

The fast-paced team-based hero shooter game, Marvel Rivals, has already caught the attention of gamers in its genre, thanks to its exciting 6 versus 6 gameplay, beloved characters, and unique special abilities. Although it’s still undergoing playtesting and won’t officially be released until sometime between Q1 and Q2 of 2025, the competitive mode data from the Closed Beta suggests a potential Season 0 launch as early as October. However, this could mean an earlier official release or simply another phase of beta testing – it’s not yet clear which is the case. There’s also speculation that the data might be misleading, and the countdown could just be a randomly generated number.

Despite a few areas that require fine-tuning, Marvel Rivals is already demonstrating great promise in its early stages. The third-person shooter seems to be almost ready for launch, with just a couple of modifications needed. For example, although it’s received acclaim for its stunning graphics and Team-Up features, Marvel Rivals might be improved further by implementing role lock and revising its post-match approach. These changes could enhance the gameplay experience, addressing concerns from players and creating a more polished final product.

Marvel Rivals Could Benefit From Adopting A Post-Game Feature From Overwatch

Overwatch’s ‘Play of the Game’ Would Transition Perfectly to Marvel Rivals

It’s clear that the game Marvel Rivals shares similarities with Overwatch, but it’s also creating a distinct identity within its genre. Instead of directly addressing some of the problems faced by Overwatch 2, it seems to be intentionally avoiding them. However, this doesn’t mean it’s flawless. Therefore, there’s still plenty of room for NetEase Games to learn from earlier hero-shooter games to further refine Marvel Rivals.

One aspect that could enhance Marvel Rivals is adopting Overwatch’s ‘Star Performance’ system. After each game, this feature briefly spotlights a player who made a decisive, impactful play, not necessarily one resulting in multiple eliminations. The ‘Star Performance’, selected by Blizzard’s algorithm, recognizes various types of impressive plays.

  • High Score: Displays significant killstreaks, multi-kills, or environmental kills.
  • Lifesaver: Highlights actions taken to prevent the elimination of one or more teammates.
  • Shutdown: Features a play that eliminates an enemy using an Ultimate ability.
  • Sharpshooter: Showcases difficult kills, judged by speed, accuracy, and other factors.

In the game Marvel Rivals, while it shares some resemblances, there are distinct variations. For instance, at the conclusion of a match, the Most Valuable Player (MVP) and Second Most Valuable Player (SVP) are highlighted on the scoreboard. In Marvel Rivals, MVPs tend to be chosen based on their overall performance, taking into account factors like kill count, damage they inflicted or mitigated, and low death rate. The SVPs appear to be selected using similar statistics but are often seen as the runner-up to the MVP in these instances.

Although it’s possible for MVP (Most Valuable Player) and SVP (Superior Value Player) honors to be given to teammates, these awards could just as well be bestowed upon players from competing teams.

Marvel Rivals Could Highlight the Most Impactful Play in a Match

Marvel Rivals is One Step Away From an Ideal Post-Match Approach

In a title where players control Marvel superheroes and villains, emphasizing exceptional plays and giving players their moment to shine should be a top priority. With the game already featuring Highlights, it seems the technology to incorporate a ‘Play of the Game’ after a match already exists. However, this doesn’t mean that ‘Play of the Game’ should replace Highlights, which let players view standout instances from others. This concept is already innovative and deserves recognition for giving all players time in the spotlight.

It appears that since the game currently has Highlights, it suggests they have the necessary technology to add a ‘Game of the Match’ after each game.

In addition, although MVPs (Most Valuable Players) and SVPs (Superior Value Players) are often chosen based on impressive statistics, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the “Play of the Game” will be awarded to them. These honors hold significant value, but extraordinary plays can still be recognized by other players. For instance, an exceptional mass resurrection performed by Adam Warlock or a skillfully timed ultimate ability from Luna Snow could grab attention. Currently, players can view and save their personal highlights via the Career tab, however, it would be even more engaging if Marvel Rivals implemented a feature to showcase the top highlight to all players at the end of each game.

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2024-08-18 18:05