Marvel Villains That Would Beat Superman

Marvel Villains That Would Beat Superman

As someone who’s spent countless hours poring over comic books and watching animated series, I can confidently say that these three villains – Dormammu, Beyonder, and Mephisto – would give even the mighty Superman a run for his money.

One of the most enduring and renowned superheroes is Superman, who consistently demonstrates unlimited power and an unwavering commitment to upholding good values. Regardless of the magnitude of danger, Superman remains steadfast in protecting the innocent and thwarting his adversaries. It’s not difficult to see why Superman is intriguing; his god-like abilities set him apart from others. However, many DC Comics villains have managed to challenge him. The fact that Apocalypse was able to kill Superman illustrates that even a superhero as powerful as he has vulnerabilities.

It’s clear that several formidable Marvel antagonists could either match or overpower Superman in combat, depending on which version of Superman is being discussed. While some versions, such as Cosmic Armor Superman and Prime One Million, possess incredible powers that allow them to alter reality, reshape planets, and save the universe when all others fail, the DC Animated Universe’s Superman will be our point of reference for this discussion when comparing his strength against the most challenging Marvel supervillains.

5 Galactus

A Godlike Being Who Consumes Planets To Fuel His Power

  • First Appearance:Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966)
  • Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby

One of the most well-known supervillains across time, Galactus, is a character that X-Men enthusiasts are well acquainted with. What sets this character apart is his actions of mass destruction, not because he desires to cause harm but due to an insatiable hunger driving him. This is the cost he bears for possessing cosmic power beyond human understanding.

It’s clear that a version of Superman without his own cosmic abilities would face immense difficulty against an adversary like Galactus. In comparison to a being as powerful as Galactus, the DCAU Superman’s powers appear weak and trivial. The only reason Galactus might destroy this Superman is out of irritation rather than any intention to cause harm.

4 Thanos

With The Infinity Stones, Superman Is Toast

  • First Appearance:The Invincible Iron Man #55 (February 1973)
  • Created By: Jim Starlin & Mike Friedrich

People who pondered Thanos’ strength got a clear picture of his immense power when he collected the Infinity Stones and employed them to eliminate half the universe in the MCU. This was a devastating incident that echoed throughout pop culture, as it marked the first time the heroes suffered defeat after numerous films filled with fans cheering their triumphs repeatedly. The fact that Thanos could challenge characters like Captain Marvel and Thor underscores his immense power, and the Infinity Gauntlet makes him a formidable adversary indeed.

It’s understandable why the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) Superman might struggle against his adversary, despite many fans favoring Superman in these closely-contested battles. However, when Thanos obtains the Infinity Gauntlet, Superman will quickly find himself in trouble. Thanos can use any of the stones to harm Superman, rendering him powerless and vulnerable to a brutal onslaught.

3 Dormammu

A Demon Who Can Destroy The Entire Universe At Full Power

  • First Appearance: Strange Tales #126 (November 1964)
  • Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko

Doctor Strange resorted to manipulating time because he recognized from the beginning that directly confronting Dormammu would result in defeat for him. This approach allowed Marvel Cinematic Universe viewers a glimpse into the immense power of this demon. If Dormammu decides to escalate, he has the ability to obliterate the entire universe with a single move. Given these capabilities, it’s clear that Superman wouldn’t stand a chance against such a formidable adversary, especially when considering the version of this hero from the DC Animated Universe.

In addition, it’s widely known that Superman has weakness against magic. This could lead to an imbalanced battle where the Superman from DCAU might struggle to land even a single blow before Dormammu employs his powerful magic to reduce this iconic character to nothing but ashes.

2 Beyonder

A Ridiculously Powerful Being Who Dwarfs Superman In Every Way

  • First Appearance: Secret Wars II #2 (May 1985)
  • Created By: Jim Shooter & Mike Zeck

No matter how strong Superman seems, it would be futile for him to engage in battle against an entity so incredibly powerful that it controls the power of countless universes within the grasp of its hand. This immense power is one of the main reasons why the Beyonder is considered one of Marvel’s most terrifying villains. The DCAU Superman wouldn’t even get a chance to throw a punch before being whisked away from existence by this cosmic figure.

It may be one of the most unfair fantasy matchups, but this is more of a testament to the respect Superman wields. Aside from the DCAU variant, numerous versions of Superman will have a tough time dealing with the Beyonder, even if this villain has been nerfed somewhat following Jim Shooter’s departure from Marvel.

1 Mephisto

A Powerful Magical Being Who Can Exploit Superman’s Weakness

  • First Appearance:Silver Surfer #3 (December 1968)
  • Created By: Stan Lee & John Buscema

A demon with eternal life and potent magical abilities, it’s clear why Mephisto could potentially match or even overpower Superman. After all, Superman is vulnerable to magic, so the DC Animated Universe version of this hero might struggle to inflict continuous damage on a villain known for rapid healing powers.

Although Mephisto wields greater power within his own realm, it doesn’t automatically imply that Superman would find it effortless if they were to engage in combat on Earth or any neutral ground. Mephisto’s magical abilities will certainly pose a challenge for Superman, and the outcome of their battle may already seem inevitable.

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2024-09-02 04:33