Mass Effect Romance Tier List

Mass Effect Romance Tier List

As a seasoned Commander Shepard who’s navigated through the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, I’ve had my fair share of romantic entanglements with some fascinating characters. Some left me yearning for more depth, while others made my heart race with their charm and wit.

One of the biggest draws to Mass Effect is its romances. As the Mass Effect Trilogy carries Shepard across three games, they have the opportunity to form close bonds with many characters, some of whom have been with Shepard for years. Mass Effect: Andromeda doesn’t take place over three games, so the Ryders don’t have the same advantage of potentially knowing their romantic partner across several games, but the romances were still well-written and worth pursuing. Some romances in both Mass Effect games are better than others though, with some beating out the others in quality.

This list includes characters who journey with Shepard throughout the entire Mass Effect Trilogy, regardless of whether they are potential love interests for all three games or not. The ranking also considers the depth and quality of the romantic relationships. For Mass Effect: Andromeda, the evaluation is solely focused on the romance aspect.

S-Tier Mass Effect Romance Options

  • Liara
  • Garrus
  • Tali
  • Jaal
  • Cora

Liara stands by Shepard no matter what, even helping to revive him with Cerberus. Throughout their journey against the Reapers, she remains one of Shepard’s most steadfast allies, using her connections as the Shadow Broker to aid in the fight. Although she doesn’t physically accompany Shepard during Mass Effect 2, her role in Lair of the Shadow Broker more than compensates for this absence.

As a passionate fan, I can’t help but admire two standout characters from the Mass Effect universe – Garrus and Tali. These characters have an uncanny ability to win over players as they stick by Commander Shepard through thick and thin, demonstrating unwavering loyalty that’s hard to resist.

Jaal’s narrative in Mass Effect: Andromeda is compelling due to his connection to the main storyline, his native Andromeda origins, and his personal journey. However, it’s his distinctive character and relationship with Ryder that make his romantic pursuit engaging. His straightforward demeanor and evolving bond with Ryder elevate his romance as one of the standouts in Andromeda. Similarly, Cora’s romance is marked by initial conflict given her aspirations to be the next Pathfinder. As she adapts to her new role and Ryder and she find their footing, their blossoming relationship within Mass Effect: Andromeda becomes a noteworthy aspect.

A-Tier Mass Effect Romance Options

  • Miranda
  • Kaidan
  • Ashley
  • Jack
  • Thane
  • Liam
  • Vetra
  • Reyes

Miranda is one of the best romances in Mass Effect 2, but her absence from the first Mass Effect and her removal as a squad mate in Mass Effect 3 means that her presence is more diminished than some other romances. Kaidan’s romance is compelling and well-written but, as one of the Virmire Survivors, he isn’t a squad mate in Mass Effect 2, and his content is limited in Mass Effect 3. Ashley suffers the same problems as Kaidan in that her romance is well-written, but she suffers the same lack of content as Kaidan in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.

In comparison to Miranda who some players find too flawless in Mass Effect 2, Jack offers a more turbulent, intense romantic option. If you opt for a non-Renegade approach during your initial interactions with her, you can explore a relationship with Jack in Mass Effect 2 that rings true. However, Jack is not a squad mate in Mass Effect 3, which means the conclusion might not be as satisfying.

In the game “Mass Effect 2”, Thane was introduced as a skilled assassin whose storyline takes a heartrending turn. Despite his tragic backstory, his romantic subplot is engaging and thoughtfully crafted, and he contributes to the main narrative in “Mass Effect 3”. Characters like Liam may not share the same level of plot significance as Cora or Jaal, but their romances are enjoyable and emotionally satisfying. Similarly, Vetra faces the same issue with regard to plot relevance as Liam, but her romantic storyline is also well-written.

Reyes stands out because he isn’t part of the regular team, but rather a non-player character (NPC) with whom relationships can be developed. This relationship is well-liked due to the engaging storyline and thrill of courting a character like Reyes, who embodies a charismatic rogue persona.

B-Tier Mass Effect Romance Options

  • Cortez
  • Traynor
  • Peebee
  • Suvi
  • Gil

In Mass Effect 3, Cortez first appears and stands out as the initial gay romantic interest within the Mass Effect series. Despite being stationed on the ship rather than accompanying the squad, his relationship with Shepard unfolds with a profound narrative filled with emotional depth. Similarly, Traynor debuts in Mass Effect 3 and is exclusive to female Shepards. Like Cortez, she stays aboard the ship but contributes through intel and support as part of her role. Her bond with Shepard offers an enjoyable and heartwarming experience.

Overcoming Peebee’s defenses might require considerable effort since she often comes across as less mature compared to other romantic options in ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’. Yet, her romance storyline is endearing, and many find that surmounting her initial impressions is a reward worth pursuing. Throughout ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’, Suvi, a crew member of the Tempest, stays aboard the ship. She’s exceptionally kind and an attractive choice for Sara Ryder. Similarly to Suvi, Gil is also part of the Tempest’s crew, spending most of his time onboard the vessel.

C-Tier Mass Effect Romance Options

  • Samara
  • Kelly
  • Jacob
  • Morinth

Samara’s romance is subtle and can easily go unnoticed, it necessitates that Shepard is not involved with any other romantic interest. The interaction is limited, but its understated charm might appeal to some players. On the other hand, Kelly’s romance is exclusive to Mass Effect 2, and also offers minimal content.

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2024-09-09 16:03