Master Sniper Elite: Resistance Multiplayer with These 7 Beginner Tips


  • Use third person camera and cover effectively to outsmart enemies and dominate multiplayer.
  • Snipe inconspicuously from hidden spots and be prone to limit vital areas for a successful kill.
  • Experiment with different rifles and don’t ignore secondary weapons to excel in close combat engagements.

In essence, Sniper Elite: Resistance carries a lot of similarities with its forerunner, so if you’ve been playing Sniper Elite 5, your skills from that game will help you excel in the multiplayer mode right off the bat. However, it’s recommended to finish the entire campaign first before diving into Multiplayer, as this will provide the best insight into how the game works.

For newcomers, it’s beneficial to familiarize themselves with some early exploration tips. These tips can aid them in enhancing their skills and grasping the intricacies of multiplayer gaming. With practice, they can progress to a competitive level. Interestingly, these seemingly obvious tips might slip one’s mind during the excitement of gameplay.

7. Look Around Corners

The Third-Person Camera Can Be Used to One’s Advantage

  • Hide around corners.
  • Be mindful of flankers.

In the game “Sniper Elite: Resistance,” the camera perspective is from a third-person view. This allows players to remain undetected or hide behind shielding cover, ensuring that the enemies cannot spot or hit them. During multiplayer matches, both teams aim to accumulate as many kills as possible for victory. By skillfully using cover, players can not only prevent enemies from scoring points, but also identify strategic spots where an enemy may be hiding.

6. Be Inconspicuous

There Are Plenty of Spots Enemies Might Overlook

  • Don’t snipe from high corners.
  • Don’t linger around noticeable landmarks.

Instead, numerous gamers might prefer spots where they can effectively snipe. However, conspicuous positions like the tops of cliffs or output areas are easily spotted by others. It’s wiser to attack from less noticeable locations.

Instead of merging with the surroundings to amass kills, remaining unnoticed adds one more kill for the team.

5. Lay Low

Being Prone can Limit Exposed Vital Areas

  • Make use of crouching and being prone
  • Use crouching and being prone while moving

Not just speeding up the recovery of breath, being prone also reduces your size as a target. Players who remain standing or crouching expose numerous vulnerable spots that opponents can attack. Every death moves you one point away from winning.

Players might find it beneficial to utilize the lying-flat position when maneuvering out of cover to take a shot or to move behind a wall. Keep in mind that opponents from past Sniper Elite games may excel at hitting moving targets, so players should never underestimate their abilities. In situations where being prone isn’t an option, crouching could serve as a suitable alternative when near windows.

4. Relocate Often

Always Be on the Move to Avoid Being Targeted

  • Don’t keep attacking from the same place
  • Relocate even after failed shots.

Every time a player fires a shot, it’s like they’ve given away their position. This is because each time a player scores a kill, the ‘kill cam’ reveals them to their defeated opponent. Consequently, other players often check that location to see if the killer is still hanging around.

Every time a player scores a successful goal (snipe), they need to move to a different spot. If the shot doesn’t hit the target, that position becomes unsafe.

3. Experiment with Different Rifles

Not Every Rifle Fits Every Player; Try Them All

  • Test out high-zoom rifles
  • Test out rifles that work well at close range.

Some players perform optimally with rifles that boast high precision and handling, allowing them to land pinpoint shots. Such players might prefer a rifle offering a high level of magnification. Conversely, other players might favor a lower zoom level in their sniping, relying on the power behind each shot. This can be effective in close-quarter combat, minimizing the need to switch weapons.

Different players may not adopt identical playing styles. Just because a player uses a highly-rated zoom doesn’t guarantee they have an optimal gameplay approach. Each player should discover the rifle that suits them best, enabling them to excel and play at their peak potential.

It is possible one’s PC settings might affect their gameplay.

2. Don’t Ignore Secondary Weapons

One Doesn’t Always Need to Be a Sniper

  • Have the right secondary weapon to use.
  • Switch to secondary while traveling.

In some instances, opponents won’t always be far away; they might appear right next to the player. To prepare for these tight situations, players should select a backup weapon that fits their preferred style of close-quarters combat.

In certain situations, a rifle can perform equally effectively whether it’s used at short or long distances. Given this versatility, gamers might benefit from occasionally switching to their backup weapon during travel. This ensures they are prepared for potential close-range combat if necessary.

1. Practice

Enemies Will Be Bringing Their A-Game

  • Play Authentic difficulty
  • Make use of the practice range

Sniper Elite isn’t a game where you learn by diving in headfirst. It’s best to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics first, such as completing the single-player campaign to fully understand the gameplay. Once comfortable, choose your preferred weapons and equipment setup. Spend some time at the practice range to polish your skills before jumping into multiplayer.

A great approach to preparing for multiplayer games involves playing the campaign on “Authentic” mode. This way, players will face a tough challenge, fostering a mindset where they must be cautious and vigilant, as getting spotted could lead to defeat.

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2025-02-01 02:50