Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther


  • Mech Arena
    offers dynamic multiplayer robot combat with customizable mechs in thrilling battles for up to 10 players.
  • Longarms are powerful early-game sniper weapons with high damage output at long range but require precision due to lack of aim assist.
  • Equipping Panther with high-damage weapons like Railguns or Fragment Guns transforms it into a versatile, tanky brawler mech in
    Mech Arena.

The given text describes different types of weapons that can be equipped on the Panther mech in the game MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries. Each weapon has unique traits and stats.

As a dedicated gamer, I can tell you that Mech Arena is an exhilarating multiplayer experience where I get to pilot my own customizable robot, or mech. In this dynamic game, I engage in heart-pounding 5v5 battles against other players. The game provides a range of modes and intricately designed maps, as well as an impressive selection of weapons for me to utilize. Collaborating with my team and competing against others, I work towards unlocking upgrades and customizations to enhance my mech’s abilities and dominate the battlefield.

The panther mech is an impressive machine in this competitive shooter, but acquiring it is no easy feat as it’s now exclusively available through the cash shop, unlike before when it could be unlocked via gameplay. Despite the challenge of obtaining it, the panther’s versatility makes it a valuable asset. It can adapt to various playing styles by effectively utilizing a broad selection of weapon loadouts.

6 Longarms

Good Early Game Weapons

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • EnergyCost: 8/10/12
  • Type: Sniper
  • Perk: Deadeye
  • Traits: Precision, No Aiming Correction
  • Rate: 60 RPM
  • Rounds: 5
  • Rounds: 5
  • ReloadSpeed: 12 seconds
  • OptimalRange: Over 75 meters
  • Max Range: 180 meters
  • Accuracy: High

In the competitive realm of this PvP game, long-range weapons known as Longarms stand out for their ability to deal significant damage from afar. Players can acquire them early on, making them a valuable asset throughout the mid and late stages. Yet, their impressive damage capacity comes with certain trade-offs: no aim assistance, less power at close quarters, a limited magazine capacity, and a prolonged reload duration.

Equipping long-range weapons on a Panther in Mech Arena provides an excellent training ground for novice snipers. Due to its robust build, the Panther offers enhanced durability, allowing newcomers to practice peeking from cover, firing their weapon’s entire magazine, and then swiftly returning to safety.

5 Missile Racks

Long Range Explosives

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Energy Cost: 8
  • Type: Missile
  • Perk: Alpha Strike
  • Traits: N/A
  • FireRate: 200 RPM
  • Rounds: 6
  • ReloadSpeed: 10 Seconds
  • OptimalRange: 0–150 meters
  • MaxRange: 150 meters
  • Accuracy: AoE

Missile Racks are exceptionally powerful Missile-type weapons. They have an impressive range of around 150 meters, though it is advisable to use them within 50 meters due to their slow projectile speed.

As a devoted fan of Panther in this multiplayer combat game, I can tell you that mastering the build for this character is quite a challenge, but oh, the rewards are worth it! This strategy shines brightest during the early to mid-game phases when better weapon alternatives haven’t been unlocked yet. However, be mindful of the fact that we’re dealing with unguided missile launchers here. That means maintaining a clear line of sight on your target is an essential part of the gameplay. These weapons are most effective against stationary or slow-moving targets, making them a valuable addition to your arsenal in the right circumstances.

4 EM Rifles

Laser Aimed Sniper RIfles

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • EnergyCost: 6/8/10/12/16
  • Type: Sniper
  • Perk: Power Shot
  • Traits: Shot Delay
  • Rate: 37.5 RPM
  • Rounds: 1
  • ReloadSpeed: 5.3 seconds
  • OptimalRange: Over 75 meters
  • MaxRange: 165 meters
  • Accuracy: Extremely High

EM Rifles, celebrated for their superior performance in the Sniper class, are known to unleash green bullets that cause substantial harm upon impact. With escalating proficiency, these weapons deal double damage when fully upgraded. Pressing the fire key initiates a laser sight alignment on the target, and precisely 0.7 seconds later, the bullet departs from the barrel.

Although Panther is known for its customizable brawler mech features, it holds surprising sniping abilities. In essence, when armed with long-range weaponry, Panther transforms into a formidable artillery platform. Its robust structure offers ample protection, allowing it to remain at a distance and absorb damage while dishing out its own.

3 Disc Launchers

Guided Weapons Platform

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • EnergyCost: 8
  • Traits: Explosive, Low Fire Rate
  • Rate: 120 RPM
  • Rounds: 6
  • ReloadSpeed: 6.6 seconds
  • ProjectileSpeed: 30
  • OptimalRange: 0–60 meters
  • MaximumRange: 120 meters
  • Accuracy: High (locked on), low (manual aim)

Legends refer to Disc Launchers as formidable guided-class weaponry. True to their moniker, these tools unleash explosive discs towards adversaries. Their reach spans a medium distance, and they can accurately zero in on targets situated up to 60 meters away.

Outfitting the Panther mech with Disc Throwers transforms it into a nimble, heavily armored machine that functions as a guided missile launching system. Operating this setup proficiently isn’t a simple task, but mastery can lead to impressive results. With sufficient durability, this mech is capable of advancing towards targets, making it crucial to steer clear of long-range unguided fire.

2 Railguns

Non-Targeted Sniper Weapons

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • EnergyCost: 12/16
  • Type: Sniper
  • Perk: Punisher
  • Rate: 50 RPM
  • Rounds: 3
  • ReloadSpeed: 29 seconds
  • OptimalRange: 0–120 meters
  • MaxRange: 165 meters
  • Accuracy: Pin-Point

no decrease in damage effectiveness at close ranges. Although they only have a 15% probability of dealing double damage, they lack aim assistance. After the recent update, railguns have emerged as top-tier weapons, providing impressive one-shot accuracy comparable to EM rifles and carrying a magazine capacity for three rounds.

As a fan of the Panther’s role as a remote weapons platform, I cannot stress enough how effective it is with those powerful weapons. This setup offers an advantage when using Railguns in close quarters – a useful feature for situations where a player finds themselves out of position. Fortunately, they can still deal significant damage and stay combat-ready until they have a chance to reposition.

1 Fragment Guns

Unload Up Close

Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Panther
  • Rarity: Rare
  • EnergyCost: 14
  • Type: Close Quarters
  • Perk: Wide Hit Cone
  • Fire Rate: 75 RPM
  • Rounds: 6
  • ReloadSpeed: 6 seconds
  • OptimalRange: 0–11 meters
  • MaxRange: 27 meters
  • Accuracy: Low

Enhanced Shotguns, or Fragment Guns, represent an advanced form of standard shotguns. They are optimized for combat in very close quarters, delivering maximum impact up to a distance of approximately 11 meters from the target. Additionally, they inflict more damage than regular shotguns.

Because the Panther mech is renowned for its robust armor and effective in close combat, many prefer equipping it with high-damage short-range weapons. The Panther’s armor allows it to withstand attacks while moving in close. Following a barrage from the Fragment Guns at extremely short range, most opponents will be taken out.

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2024-07-14 12:07