Metaphor: Refantazio Ordemos Bounty Guide

Quick Links

  • Navigating The Abandoned Path
  • How To Prepare Against Ordemos
  • How To Defeat Ordemos
  • Rewards

As a seasoned adventurer with countless battles under my belt, I can confidently say that taking down Ordemos, Grudge’s Fang, was no walk in the park. But hey, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

Approaching the last leg of my adventure, I find myself inching closer to the final dungeon, preparing for the ultimate showdown against Louis. Along the way, I stumble upon a new set of Bounties in Metaphor: Refantazio, and among them is one on Ordemos, known as Grudge’s Fang. It’s my chance to take it down before facing the final boss!

Starting September 26th and onwards, you will be able to pursue this reward after choosing it from the Recruitment Center, colloquially known as “Incarnate in the Woods.” This ominous title suits our impending adversary well, as a single misstep could lead to your destruction.

If you’re here with dreams of claiming some sweet loot, you’ve hit the jackpot! Let me guide you through the treacherous Abandoned Path dungeon, its fiendish foes, and tantalizing treasures. I’ll also share a comprehensive strategy to crush Ordemos without mercy. Let’s get this show on the road!

Navigating The Abandoned Path

In the overgrown labyrinth known as The Abandoned Path, you’ll find yourself in a forest-like dungeon with expansive areas. To entice Ordemos into combat, you must defeat three out of the four marked foes called Rigopetia.

As a devoted admirer of Catherine’s Bond, I’m thrilled to share that by achieving Rank 7, she becomes an ally who joins me in my dungeon expeditions! Her formidable aid significantly boosts my combat capabilities, offering potential assistance even during the most challenging boss fights.

But for your convenience, I’ve detailed all the enemies in this dungeon below with their corresponding weaknesses so you can take them out with ease:

Enemy Weakness Resistance/Immunity
Spekto of Fury Ice, Light
  • Repels Slash, Pierce, Strike
  • Absorbs Fire
Papyrga Pierce, Wind, Dark
  • Repels Fire, Light
  • Resists Ice, Lightning
Leginovesp Pierce, Wind
  • Repels Lightning
Rigopetia Ice
  • Resists Fire
  • Blocks Wind

Most of these adversaries seem quite feeble, and it’s possible that you are considerably stronger than them, allowing you to defeat them instantly without even needing to fight.

As for the foes we’ve covered, let’s delve into the landscape itself – though it might seem contradictory, this expansive territory isn’t actually a traditional dungeon, but more like an interconnected open world.

I’ve highlighted every collectible item in the image above by these numbers. Feel free to pick them up in whatever sequence you prefer. Here are the items, listed along with their respective numbers:

  1. Magus’s Earring
  2. Maglacrystal Bloom
  3. Clockflower
  4. Howlite Monocle
  5. Gold Beetle
  6. Priestess White Mask
  7. Talisman of the Raptor

After gathering all the required items, don’t forget to save your game first before you eliminate three of the marked Rigopetias indicated on the map.

Since defeating the third one triggers the boss fight with Ordemos, let’s make sure we are well-prepared for the battle ahead, shall we?

How To Prepare Against Ordemos

As a player, I’ve encountered a formidable foe named Ordemos, a Giant-type adversary at level 63. He’s particularly vulnerable to Dark attacks, but watch out as he’s resistant to all forms of physical damage and electric repels him. His arsenal of powerful physical skills can quickly deplete your health if you’re not cautious in your tactical decisions.

When Ordemos launches an attack, he often induces a state called Daze. To ensure that this doesn’t affect several party members during battle, consider equipping skills such as Patra, or gear with properties that nullify or counteract the effects of this status condition.

Here are the characters I utilized for our recent battle, each identified by their Archetype. Additional information about the equipment and abilities of each character can be found in the notes section.

Party Members Archetypes Notes
Protagonist Prince Void Wave skill from the Soul Hacker Archetype is great for lowering Ordemos’ attack and dealing damage.
Hulkenberg Dark Knight/Paladin The tank role of the team. Holy Knight’s Proclamation and Shelter Formation from the General Archetype are all viable skills to have here to boost her viability.
Junah Persona Master The one-time weakness inflicting skills like Dance of Verdure can be synergized with the Protagonist’s Void Wave. Inherit healing skills from the Cleric Archetype to make her a Support.
Heismay Ninja Dark Skills to expose Ordemos’ weakness. The Adamant Nightblade skill is excellent at applying debuff plus exploiting weakness.

Once we’ve finalized the setup, allow me to share some reminders for your attention prior to engaging in combat:

  • Dual-Healers: While we’ve already focused on Junah being the healer of this fight, it’s not a bad idea to inherit a skill like Mediline on Hulkenberg so she can provide extra heals during the fight.
  • Avoid Physical Skills: Even though Ordemos only resists them, using these skills is a waste. Instead, use skills like Frigid Fortress Tactic for physical characters like Hulkenberg if you choose to attack using them.
  • Optional Party Members: You can swap Junah with Eupha if you want to use the latter’s elemental skills from the Devil Summoner Archetype.

How To Defeat Ordemos

Previously mentioned, it’s wonderful if Catherine appears here to join us. If she manages to deal a significant damage to Ordemos’s health, it will greatly ease our efforts against him. However, if she doesn’t, don’t worry, we can handle it either way.

In the beginning of the battle, Heismay is likely to take the first turn because of his high agility. I recommend using Adamant Nightblade spell here to lower Ordemos’ evasion and exploit his vulnerability towards dark magic.

Keep applying the debuff until he has accumulated three stacks of it; once that’s done, you’ll be able to confidently deploy Heismay’s other dark abilities against his Ninja character. If you’re daring like I was, you might even consider using Rakunda as a preemptive measure and applying its effects on him to lower his defenses.

With Hulkenberg, you’ll need to balance utilizing her Shelter Formation ability to enhance everyone’s defense, and employing Holy Knight’s Proclamation to absorb attacks from Ordemos. Every now and then, you can also unleash any elemental skills she inherits for damage.

Now, let me share an interesting turn of events involving Junah and the main character. Junah possesses a diverse set of abilities that can temporarily weaken enemies from her Masked Dancer/Persona Master persona and Dance of Verdure, which fits this situation perfectly.

Apart from decreasing Ordemos’s attack power with the Protagonist’s Void Wave (a move derived from the Soul Hacker archetype), we can also exploit the wind vulnerability previously inflicted upon him by utilizing Junah’s abilities.

Keep applying this tactic and always make sure to focus on restoring the health of your team members when it drops below 50%. This will help prevent any unwanted knockouts. If you maintain a continuous defense buffer using Shelter Formation, your party should sustain minimal damage.


To conquer Ordemos, Grudge’s Fang, you’ll earn these rewards once the battle is over. Among them is the “Incarnate in the Woods” bounty reward, which can be claimed at the Recruitment Center using the Bloodstained Talon after it has been turned in.

  • 6210 EXP
  • 863 Archetype EXP
  • 3500 MAG
  • 5000 Money
  • Talisman of the Foul
  • 75000 Money (112,500 if you have Catherina’s Bounty Bonus skill active)
  • Increased Courage (4 notches)

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2024-12-12 15:39