Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

Key Takeaways

  • Suletta Mercury pilots Calibarn, overcoming the Gundam curse, using top-notch equipment.
  • Calibarn features deadly weapons, including Beam Vulcans, Beam Sabers, and the Variable Rod Rifle.
  • Calibarn’s Permet Score reaches level 10 with Suletta, allowing them to create a powerful Data Storm.

As a seasoned anime enthusiast with years of battleships-on-steroids entertainment under my belt, let me tell you about Calibarn, the shield that packs quite the punch. This isn’t your grandma’s run-of-the-mill protective gear; it’s got top-notch Aerial engineering that makes even the toughest enemies think twice before crossing its path.

The TV series titled “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury” marked a seven-year gap since the release of “Iron-Blooded Orphans“. This new installment introduced the franchise’s first female lead character, Suletta Mercury, as well as its first LGBT protagonist. Throughout most of the series, Suletta pilots her Gundam Aerial until her sister Ericht, who is actually Aerial’s true identity, forces her away in an attempt to shield her from their mother’s schemes. Later, after reuniting with Miorine Rembran and being selected by the Space Assembly League to confront her mother, Prospera Mercury, and Quiet Zero, Suletta consents to pilot Gundam Calibarn. However, Calibarn was branded as a “monster” by the Space Assembly League because it lacked safety features for pilots to manage the strain of its Permet Score.

Suletta effectively matches Calibarn, and as a team, they successfully thwart Lady Prospera and Quiet Zero, also putting an end to the Gundam legend’s curse. Although Calibarn has minimal screen presence, it becomes apparent that she possesses immense power. With her advanced equipment and exceptional piloting skills, she proves too formidable for Quiet Zero to overcome. Here is a summary of the legendary, fearsome Gundam.

Calibarn’s Top-Notch Equipment

A Deadly Monster

Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

Initially designed as a rival model to the Lfrith, both units were intended for the Vanadis Institute’s deployment in the Ochs Earth forces. However, unlike the Lfrith, Calibarn lacked safety features that could protect pilots from the devastating effects of her Permet Score data storms. Consequently, the Lfrith was fully developed and mass-produced, with both Vanadis and Ochs Earth utilizing its units. During the Vanadis Incident, records of Calibarn’s existence were erased when she was seized by the Space Assembly League and stored away. It wasn’t until Suletta became her pilot that Calibarn was armed with a few exceptionally potent weapons which she utilized in battles against Quiet Zero and Ericht.

Beam Vulcans, Quick and Reliable

Calibarn sports a pair of Beam Vulcans situated atop its structure, much like many characters in the series. Primarily employed during close quarters, these cannons serve to repel adversaries or inflict damage on their equipment by means of proximity.

Beam Sabers, Standard Melee Weapon

Similar to many Gundams, Calibarn typically carries two Beam Sabers within her knapsack. She can wield one of these with her left hand, while she holds the Variable Rod Rifle in her right. These sabers are always readied for combat, as indicated by their blue hue.

Variable Rod Rifle, A Witch’s Broomstick

Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

The Calibarn’s main weapon. The Variable Rod Rifle, affectionately called by fans: Beam Broomstick, is a portable massive firearm in the shape of a broom. On the rear end, it has a propulsion unit made of four Quadra Thrusters. These are strong enough to propel Calibarn, giving her immense speed. On the front end is a uniquely-shaped cannon that shoots a powerful beam capable of destroying mobile suits in one shot. Suletta uses this weapon to both dodge the unrelenting fire of the Gundnodes and destroy several of them in one continuous shot.

Escutcheon Shield, A Sister’s Gift

Following the defeat of Ericht Samaya/Gundam Aerial Rebuild, she transfers her Escutcheon Shield and the eleven GUND-BITS containing the spirits of their replica sisters to Calibarn. These GUND-BITS bond with Calibarn in a manner similar to how they did with Aerial. This endows Calibarn with the capacity to utilize GUND-BITS, much like Aerial previously could. Additionally, these components unite to create the Escutcheon Shield. As a shield, it functions similarly to any other, but its defensive powers surpass normal limits due to the exceptional craftsmanship of the Aerial.

GUND-BITS, Remotely Controlled Firepower

Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

As an ardent fan, I’m thrilled about the Escutcheon Shield, a tool that lets Calibarn harness the power of eleven GUND-BITS. These GUND-BITS resemble the Fin Funnels from Witch From Mercury, a staple in the Gundam Universal Century, notably wielded by the Nu Gundam. I’m talking about rapid, extremely powerful laser blasts here! But that’s not all; they can also construct robust beam shields or barriers for defense. The real magic happens when Calibarn combines these GUND-BITS with the other three Gundams to conjure a Data Storm, effectively disabling the Interplanetary Laser. It’s an amazing spectacle!

Permet Score, A Curse and A Blessing

May All Blessings Find Their Way To You

Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

Similar to other Gundam models, Calibarn is outfitted with the GUND-ARM System. Scattered throughout her structure are Shell Units that trigger the GUND Mode. The GUND Mode’s performance level increases via the Permet Score, which can be manipulated by the pilot. This mode significantly boosts the machine’s abilities at a substantial physical cost to the pilot. Unfortunately, Calibarn’s GUND Mode and her tendency to create lethal Data Storms have resulted in the death of every previous pilot, earning her the ominous title of a monster. However, Suletta Mercury was able not only to survive this mode but also adapt to it, making her capable of operating Calibarn skillfully. Regrettably, her body bears the scars from the physical trauma sustained while withstanding the Data Storm.

Permet Score 10, Breaking a Curse

Mobile Suit Gundam: How Powerful is Gundam Calibarn?

All Gundam units can elevate their Permet Score up until how high the pilot can endure it. By Permet Score 3, it is hard to endure for most. Gundam Aerial had previously reached Permet Score 6, which made her incredibly powerful. Suletta and Calibarn usually fought at Permet Score 5, making them extremely strong, but rapidly tiring out Suletta. With the help of Aerial, Gundam Pharact and Gundam Schwarzette, Calibarn and Suletta are able to reach Permet Score 10, which emits a rainbow-colored light. This lets them create a Data Storm so powerful it completely shut down the Interplanetary Laser.

If you run, you gain one…If you move forward, you gain two

Despite not being as heavily armed as other formidable machines, Calibarn’s unique abilities, combined with her proficient pilot, make her exceptionally powerful. She’s demonstrated feats comparable to Gundam Unicorn, even controlling other machines using her Permet Score. Her lightning-fast speed and overwhelming firepower allow her to overpower the Gundnodes and Quiet Zero singlehandedly. In the realm of the Alternate Universe series, Calibarn could be one of the most powerful Gundams, standing alongside the Gundam 00 QanT and Mighty Strike Freedom.

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2024-09-07 22:33