- Elder Dragons dominate Monster Hunter, but some non-Elder monsters like Espinas and Tigrex are equally powerful.
- Ranking monster power levels is tricky due to Monster Hunter’s diverse creatures, but Plesioth’s hip check and Espinas’s passive-aggressive fight stand out.
- Monsters like Deviljho, Magnamalo, and Ahtal-Ka are formidable foes who pose a significant challenge to even experienced hunters in the series.
As a long-time Monster Hunter fan and someone who’s spent countless hours battling these beasts, I can confidently say that the Rajang is by far my favorite monster in the franchise. With its lightning-fast reflexes, powerful attacks, and ability to take down even the mightiest of Elder Dragons, it’s truly a force to be reckoned with.
I remember the first time I encountered a Rajang in Monster Hunter 2 – I was completely overwhelmed! It took me hours of practice and perseverance before I finally managed to bring it down. But that sense of accomplishment when I finally defeated it was unmatched, and from then on, I was hooked.
The way the developers have continued to evolve the Rajang over the years, from its original form in Monster Hunter 2 to the Furious Rajang in Monster Hunter World, is a testament to their attention to detail and dedication to creating memorable and challenging creatures for us hunters to take on.
And let’s not forget about the joke – I mean, who wouldn’t want a pet Rajang? Just imagine having one of these beasts by your side as you go about your daily life. It would definitely make running errands a lot more exciting!
In the realm of Monster Hunter, it’s undeniable that Elder Dragons hold the top spot as the mightiest creatures. When debating strength, conversations often revolve around these Elders. The title of ‘Elder’ is given to those with the power to significantly impact an ecosystem’s health. Interestingly, there are a small number of monsters exerting such influence that don’t fall under the category of Elder Dragons.
Ranking the monsters in Monster Hunter can be challenging due to their wide variety, making comparisons feel more like comparing apples to oranges. The positions on this list may change easily, but these monsters exhibit power levels that are nearly at the limit before reaching Elder classifications.
15. Plesioth
The Water Wyvern

Monster Class | Piscine Wyvern |
Status Elements | Water, Sleep |
Weaknesses | Thunder, Fire |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter |
The Plesioth might not be the strongest monster in this collection, but it’s certainly one thing: Persistently irritating. From the initial generation of Monster Hunter, the Plesioth has been a thorn in the side of both novice and seasoned hunters. Fortunately for newer fans, it hasn’t been featured in a mainline game since Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
One of the Plesioth’s formidable abilities includes the swift hip tackle, catching even swift hunters unawares. Additionally, it can siphon a significant chunk of a player’s vitality with its destructive and wide-ranging water blasts. Consequently, not even Gunner players are immune to this watery adversary’s fury.
14. Espinas
The Lord Of The Forest

Monster Class | Flying Wyvern |
Status Elements | Fire, Poison, Paralysis |
Weaknesses | Ice |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Frontier Season 2.0 |
Espinas only appeared in the mainline series of Monster Hunter for the first time in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, yet it left quite an impression. It might appear docile and unresponsive to attacks at first, but when provoked, it transforms into a formidable opponent by launching poison-infused fireballs and charging at hunters with its horns.
Simply stated, the Espinas may appear weak due to circumstances, but don’t let that deceive you. These creatures can easily transform a casual hunt into a life-threatening struggle. So, always remember to prepare yourself thoroughly as a hunter.
13. Diablos
Tyrant Of The Desert

Monster Class | Flying Wyvern |
Status Elements | N/A |
Weaknesses | Ice |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter |
One of the initial beasts in the “Monster Hunter” series is called the Diablos. Despite passing through multiple generations, it continues to be a formidable adversary. The Diablos doesn’t have any debilitating effects on hunters, but its colossal frame, raw power, and liking for dry terrains make it a tough quarry, becoming increasingly challenging as players advance in their Hunter Ranks.
In combat, the Flying Wyvern doesn’t spend much time airborne, but its charging attacks are remarkably swift. It also has a habit of digging underground, popping up unexpectedly to catch hunters off guard. This alone makes it a formidable foe, but the Diablos, being enormous and powerful, adds an additional layer of danger. Be sure to bring plenty of potions before engaging in a battle with a Diablos.
12. Yian Garuga
The Black Wolf Bird

Monster Class | Bird Wyvern |
Status Elements | Fire, Poison |
Weaknesses | Water |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Freedom |
The Yian Garuga appears to be an Elder Dragon in its appearance, yet in the game, it belongs to the Bird Wyvern class. First introduced in Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite for the PlayStation Portable, this creature has made a recurring appearance in almost every subsequent Monster Hunter game, except for Monster Hunter: Rise; however, it’s still plausible.
The Yian Garuga battle is exceptionally challenging, suitable only for seasoned players with quick reflexes. It boasts an incredibly large health bar, and even if its rapid, often unresponsive-for-the-Hunter attacks don’t deter a novice player, its venomous tail and disorienting roars certainly will.
11. Tigrex
The Roaring Wyvern

Monster Class | Flying Wyvern |
Status Elements | N/A |
Weaknesses | Thunder, Dragon |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Freedom 2 |
Some players might underestimate the Tigrex, assuming it’s an easy foe due to its long-standing presence in the series. However, even veteran hunters will find themselves breaking a sweat once this beast gets enraged. The Tigrex is known for its aggressive assaults, with its rage mode making it increasingly swift and relentless as a hunt progresses.
As a dedicated Monster Hunter player with countless hours spent battling fearsome beasts in various iterations of the game, I can confidently say that the Molten Tigrex is one of the most challenging and exhilarating monsters to encounter. Debuting in Monster Hunter 4, this fiery feline was a formidable opponent, towering over previous versions and possessing Blastblight abilities that made it an explosive fight indeed.
Though it’s been absent from the mainline Monster Hunter games since its debut, I’ve had the pleasure of facing off against this powerful creature in Monster Hunter Stories and its sequel, Wings of Ruin, as well as the limited-release app Monster Hunter Riders. Each encounter with the Molten Tigrex was a test of skill, strategy, and determination, pushing me to the limits of my abilities as a hunter.
In short, the Molten Tigrex is a monster that I will never forget, and one that continues to challenge and thrill me in new ways, even years after its introduction. If you’re looking for a truly memorable fight in the world of Monster Hunter, I highly recommend giving this beast a try!
10. Rathian & Rathalos
Queen Of The Land And King Of The Skies

Monster Class | Flying Wyvern |
Status Elements | Fire, Poison |
Weaknesses | Water, Ice Thunder, Dragon |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter |
Among the initial group of monsters unleashed, these two – Rathian and Rathalos – remain among the most formidable. The agile tail whips of Rathian are swift and extend over a broad area, whereas Rathalos exhales fireballs that ignite trails as they travel. When injured, both monsters become more aggressive with additional attacks, and they have enhanced versions in Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos.
Naturally, because they are a pair, assaulting one often triggers the other to quickly intervene. One of the toughest missions in Iceborne involves confronting both simultaneously, but with a competent team, it becomes an extremely rewarding challenge to conquer.
9. Zinogre
The Lord Of Lightning

Monster Class | Fanged Wyvern |
Status Elements | Thunder, Paralysis |
Weaknesses | Ice |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Portable 3rd |
The Zinogre, first introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, is terrifying whether in its standard form or its versions like the draconic Stygian Zinogre or Thunderlord Zinogre. This monster stores immense electrical energy within it, which it can unleash to increase its power much like a Super Saiyan. Remarkably, the Thunderlord Zinogre remains perpetually charged throughout the hunt.
As someone who has spent countless hours battling monstrous creatures in various video games over the years, I can confidently say that the Zinogre is one of the most thrilling adversaries to encounter. Its agile acrobatics and thunderbug summoning abilities make it a formidable foe, but also a delightful challenge for any seasoned player. In my experience, no electrified monster can match its excitement and intensity. The Zinogre is not just a mere obstacle in the game world, but an exhilarating addition that transforms every fight into an unforgettable adventure!
8. Brachydios
The Crushing Wyvern

Monster Class | Brute Wyvern |
Status Elements | Blast |
Weaknesses | Water, Ice |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate |
As a film enthusiast, I must confess that the usual Brachydios is quite the challenge with its lightning-fast agility and detonating fists. But its variant, the Raging Brachydios, takes things to a whole new level. This beast has a unique organ in its head that amplifies its destructive slime to an explosive extent. And let me tell you, this creature is not just strong; it’s downright clever. When it gets damaged enough, it retreats to its lair and triggers explosives, effectively trapping us both inside.
Apart from being formidable creatures that emit destructive slime as they move, these monsters are also highly territorial and aggressive. However, players can lessen the difficulty of confronting them by targeting their slime-covered horn or arms. This weakens the monster’s ability to launch its explosive attacks.
These monsters not only have a fearsome presence due to their explosive slime trails, but they are also territorial and aggressive. To make battles with them less challenging, players should focus on damaging the slime-covered parts of the Brachydios, such as its horn or arms. This reduces the monster’s capacity for creating destructive attacks.
7. Bazelgeuse
The Invading Tyrant

Monster Class | Flying Wyvern |
Status Elements | Fire, Blast |
Weaknesses | Ice, Thunder, Dragon |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter World |
In Monster Hunter World, the gameplay is more grounded compared to previous installments, yet it offers players one of the most formidable monsters in the Monster Hunter series – the Bomber Wyvern. This fearsome creature has unique explosive scales that can detonate when dropped onto its prey from flight, causing a devastating explosion below.
Among the creatures listed, the Bazelgeuse stands out as a wandering titan. It often traverses from one map to another, seeking opportunities to disrupt challenging hunts in progress. In our terminology, “parties” refer to these difficult hunts. This beast is so destructive that it’s categorized as an Elder Dragon-Level creature due to the devastating impact its attacks have on local environments.
6. Deviljho
The World Eater

Monster Class | Brute Wyvern |
Status Elements | Dragon |
Weaknesses | Thunder, Dragon |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter 3 |
The spiky beast known as Deviljho is one of the series’ notorious creatures, recognized for its fame. This aggressive intruder boasts an extraordinary level of power and size, but this comes at a steep price: an extremely rapid metabolism. Constantly tormented by hunger, Deviljho will try to consume anything that exhibits movement, whether it be humans, Elder Dragons, or even other Deviljhos themselves.
In the world of monsters, Deviljho goes head-to-head with Bazelgeuse as their rivals. Determining who is stronger between these two is quite challenging. Their territorial battles in “World” appear to result in a stalemate. While Bazelgeuse possesses the ability to fly, and seems to exhibit a bit more cunning, a ravenous Deviljho can effortlessly overpower the Bomber Wyvern with its formidable jaws.
5. Magnamalo
The Devourer Of The Rampage

Monster Class | Fanged Wyvern |
Status Elements | Hellfire |
Weaknesses | Water, Thunder |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Rise |
It’s not always the case that top-tier beasts are Elder Dragons or on par with them. For example, Magnamalo, while undeniably imposing, didn’t seem overly powerful prior to the release of Rise. However, following its debut, it has been involved in territorial disputes with Rathalos, Bazelgeuse, and even Kushala Daora, who is an actual Elder Dragon. The surprising aspect is that Magnamalo seems to come out on top against all of them.
Magmanalo’s peak performance occurs during the final battle. To maintain a spoiler-free environment, the character successfully executes Wyvern Ride at a pivotal instant. The monster’s courage is undeniably striking, and it is arguably one of the most potent creatures in the world of Monster Hunter.
4. Shen Gaoren
The Fortress Crab

Monster Class | Carapaceon |
Status Elements | N/A |
Weaknesses | Fire, Dragon |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter 2 |
Shen Gaoren, in simple terms, is a colossal sibling character from the Cenataurs and Hermitaurs group, renowned for its immense size. Its shell is fashioned from the skull of the Elder Dragon Lao-Shan Lung. Similar to Lao, Shen Gaoren appears exclusively in defense missions, and it has a knack for causing massive destruction, inflicting extensive damage on castle walls with its formidable strength.
The Carapaceon’s claws can slice through hard stone, and it has the ability to spit acid powerful enough to penetrate armor. Yet, Shen Gaoren is generally a peaceful creature. It doesn’t regard humans as prey and usually ignores their presence. However, Shen Gaoren transforms into a menacing force when it detects a settlement within its boundaries. It will ruthlessly attack anything it perceives as a threat.
3. Akantor & Ukanlos
The Supremacy And Avalanche Wyverns

Monster Class | Flying Wyverns |
Status Elements | Fire (Akantor), Dragon (Akantor), Ice (Ukanlos) |
Weaknesses | Thunder, Fire (Ukanlos), Dragon (Akantor) |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite |
Similar to the Raths before them, these two are always found together. Often referred to as the Gods of Black and White, these massive wyverns share a close family bond. Akantor digs through molten lava pools, capable of splitting the earth with a thunderous roar. On the other hand, Ukanlos navigates through ice and snow, leaving destruction in its wake as it plows through everything in its path.
Akantor and Ukanlos were previously categorized as Elder Dragons, but in truth, they are more accurately described as advanced Flying Wyverns. Despite their appearance suggesting immense power, they can manipulate their environments to suit their needs, often with detrimental effects. However, these creatures have wings that have evolved into virtually undetectable structures by human eyes.
2. Ahtal-Ka
The Pavilion Mantis

Monster Class | Neopteron |
Status Elements | N/A |
Weaknesses | Water, Thunder |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate |
The ability to use tools sets animals apart as highly intelligent beings. However, Ahtal-Ka from Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate takes this concept to unprecedented heights. In combat, she doesn’t just fight, but employs an array of tools, such as throwing debris and manipulating massive rubble with her powerful silk threads. The pièce de résistance is the Ahtal-Neset, a monstrous structure resembling a wyvern that she controls using an intricate web of silk pulleys, effectively transforming herself into a mech operator.
In the game, Ahtal-Ka is infamous for raiding fortresses and stealing their resources. These stolen goods are then used to expand and fortify her stronghold, the Ahtal-Neset, making it larger and more formidable than ever. The Ahtal-Neset you see in the game is still under construction, but if fully built, it would be more than double its current size.
1. Rajang
Destruction Incarnate

Monster Class | Fanged Beast |
Status Elements | Thunder |
Weaknesses | Ice |
First Appearance | Monster Hunter 2 |
At a casual glance, this Horned Beast appears rather ordinary, resembling a gorilla with horns and an elongated tail. However, it’s merely twice or thrice the size of an average gorilla in reality. Don’t let its seemingly small stature deceive you – the Rajang, pound for pound, is renowned as one of the most powerful creatures within this franchise, even surpassing the formidable Elder Dragons.
Among non-Elder monsters, it’s Rajang that preys on Elder Dragons. It targets Kirin and consumes its horn to amplify its lightning capabilities. A formidable version of Rajang, known as Furious Rajang, can knock out a Savage Deviljho with just one punch. It’s no surprise that one of its primary inspirations was Goku; this creature appears to be more like a superhero.
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2024-12-30 12:55