Monster Hunter Wilds’ Focus Mode Should Strike New Blood for the Series

Monster Hunter Wilds' Focus Mode Should Strike New Blood for the Series


  • Focus Mode in Monster Hunter Wilds should streamline combat and make hunts more intuitive for newcomers.
  • Highlighting monster wounds with Focus Mode allows players to deal more damage strategically.
  • Future Monster Hunter titles may feel like they’ve taken a step back without the innovative Focus Mode mechanic.

As a seasoned Monster Hunter veteran with countless hours spent tracking, hunting, and slaying fearsome beasts across various dimensions, I can confidently say that the introduction of Focus Mode in Monster Hunter Wilds is a game-changer. It’s like they’ve taken my life’s worth of frustration over misdirected swings and turned it into a feature that streamlines combat and makes hunts more intuitive.

The upcoming game, Monster Hunter Wilds, is growing increasingly ambitious as it pushes the boundaries of its established traditions. Over the years, fans of the Monster Hunter series have grown accustomed to these conventions, but Monster Hunter Wilds introduces some refreshing changes. For instance, the fully voiced protagonist, the ability to swap weapons, and named NPCs are all exciting new additions. However, it’s the game’s new Focus Mode that is expected to significantly alter the monster-hunting experience and revolutionize combat strategies. This mechanic, which has been eagerly anticipated by many, is set to take the franchise to an entirely new level in Monster Hunter Wilds.

It appears that Focus Mode is a feature that could have greatly enhanced the gameplay experience in Monster Hunter much earlier. However, it’s also possible that Monster Hunter might not have achieved its current acclaim if Focus Mode had been introduced earlier. Given the impression I get from seeing how Focus Mode operates in Monster Hunter Wilds, it seems likely that this feature will make hunts more intuitive and accessible, potentially attracting even more new players than Monster Hunter: World did. Therefore, it might be wise for Monster Hunter to keep this innovative feature as a permanent addition.

Focus Mode Should Become a New Series Tradition After Monster Hunter Wilds

An Overview of How Focus Mode Works in Monster Hunter Wilds

The special Focus Mode in Monster Hunter Wilds provides players with enhanced control when targeting monsters. This mode highlights precisely where a weapon strike or monster attack will connect, making it easier for players to aim at specific body parts of the monster or defend themselves effectively by positioning their weapon’s guard accordingly.

In Focus Mode, weapons will respond or defend based on where the camera is pointing, simplifying combat and making it more manageable. Given that monsters in previous Monster Hunter games have been as challenging to deal with as the camera, reducing the number of controls during combat could make hunting monsters a more inviting experience for players.

One of the greatest benefits of using the Focus Mode mechanic in Monster Hunter Wilds is that it allows players to highlight wounds they create on a monster’s body part by concentrating their attacks on it. Once Focus Mode is enabled, that wound will be highlighted in a bright, glowing red to make it more visible to players. From there, players can attack those wounds to deal more damage than they would normally be able to. This is essentially an evolved form of the Tenderizer mechanic from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Finally, while in Focus Mode, players can use special Focus Strikes that deal extra damage to a monster’s wounds and weak points.

Future Monster Hunter Titles Without Focus Mode Will Feel Like a Step Backward

As a dedicated fan, I’ve been eagerly anticipating the new Focus Mode in Monster Hunter Wilds. Based on what we’ve seen so far, it seems like a feature that could become a staple of the Monster Hunter franchise. For years, the series has been missing something like Focus Mode, and if future games in the series don’t incorporate this mechanic, it might feel like a significant step back. Ideally, future Monster Hunter games would not only include Focus Mode but also continue to refine and enhance it, as long as it remains part of the franchise.

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2024-08-22 13:03