Mortal Kombat 1: How to Complete All Invasions Mode Season 8 Klues (Full Guide)

Mortal Kombat 1: How to Complete All Invasions Mode Season 8 Klues (Full Guide)

As a seasoned Mortal Kombat 1 gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that the shorter seasons are a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s always exciting to dive into new content quickly. On the other, it leaves me yearning for more!

In the latest seasons of Invasion Mode, it appears that each one is getting shorter compared to the previous ones. Players of Mortal Kombat 1 have managed to finish Season 8 rather quickly. As usual, they’ll encounter special Klue Nodes while traversing the six accessible Mesas. Each of these will require solving using one of the recently unveiled MK1 Animalities.

A total of seven Season 8 clues are available, yet only the last one can be unlocked by players who successfully defeat this season’s final boss in Mortal Kombat 1. For those who have spent a little time understanding all the Animalities, solving all seven puzzles should be manageable. However, for those struggling, the ensuing guide might prove helpful.

All Invasions Mode Season 8 Klue Solutions (MK1 Klues)

Mortal Kombat 1: How to Complete All Invasions Mode Season 8 Klues (Full Guide)
SHARK WEEKHard to See (Rampart)Perform Johnny Cage’s Open the Beaches Animality.Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward while standing at medium range.
  • Furious Penitent (Ashrah Skin)
  • Gold Cage Coin (Legendary Key Item)
  • Skulls of Power (Rare Talisman)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits
IEC GEA (Ice Age)Flying High (Fengjian Village)Perform Sub-Zero’s Mammoth Mash Animality.Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward while standing at medium range.
  • Frigid Madness (Sub-Zero Skin)
  • Blood Brawler (Rare Talisman)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits
KNOWS KUNG FUMostly Toasty (Flesh Pits)Perform Li Mei’s UnBearable Animality.Press Down, Back, Down, Front Punch (Square on PlayStation, X on Xbox, or Y on Switch) while standing at medium range.
  • Godly Frenzy (Liu Kang Skin)
  • I-C-U (Epic Talisman)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits
RISE FROM THE ASHESQuick Beatdown (Shang Tsung’s Laboratory)Perform Liu Kang’s Rising Phoenix Animality.Press Down, Back, Down, Back Punch (Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or X on Switch) while standing at medium range.
  • Frenzied Thunder (Raiden Skin)
  • Automatic Cybertronic Sinslayer (Epic Talisman)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits
A FRIEND OF IVYStars & Scars (Fire Temple)Perform Reptile’s Feed Me, Syzoth Animality.Press Down, Down, Back, Back Kick (Circle on PlayStation, B on Xbox, or A on Switch) while standing at medium range.
  • Deranged Punishment (Takeda Skin)
  • Poison Drip (Epic Talisman)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits
NO PICNIC BASKETCool Breeze (Fire Temple)*Perform General Shao’s Bear Necessities Animality.Press Back, Down, Down, Back Kick (Circle on PlayStation, B on Xbox, or A on Switch) while standing at medium range.
  • Raving Warrior (Scorpion Skin)
  • The Hunger (Rare Relic)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits
YEE OF GRITE (Eye of Tiger)Not So Quick (Tarkatan Colony)Perform Kung Lao’s Ti-Gore Animality.Press Forward, Back, Down, Back Punch (Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or X on Switch) while standing at medium range.
  • Raving Taira (Kenshi Skin)
  • Bronze Cage Coin (Rare Key Item)
  • Looming Darkness (Epic Talisman)
  • 100 Seasonal Kredits

To gain entry to the Cool Breeze Node within the Fire Temple, players must first defeat the Dark Dragon and acquire the divine artifact known as the Krown of a God Key Item.

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2024-09-25 16:06