Most Charismatic Protagonists In Nintendo Games

Most Charismatic Protagonists In Nintendo Games

As a seasoned Nintendo gamer with decades of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that the charisma of these beloved protagonists has been a constant source of joy and inspiration throughout my life. From the silent heroism of Link to the barrel-throwing antics of Donkey Kong, each character has left an indelible mark on me.

One thing that sets Nintendo apart, besides crafting enjoyable games for all ages, is the endearing main characters from each of their series. Their journey began with Mario; after all, isn’t everyone drawn to the charismatic Italian plumber with a heart of gold and an unwavering determination to rescue a princess?

After more than four decades since the introduction of Mario, Nintendo has written many more stories with protagonists that every player would like to have in their friend group. To mention some of them, here are the most charismatic protagonists in Nintendo Games.

5 Link

The Famous Hero Of Hyrule

  • Link never speaks, yet everybody loves him.
  • He’s courageous and willing to defend the weak.

From the get-go, the champion of Hyrule, Link, has stepped in to help Zelda and the kingdom’s citizens on numerous occasions. Whenever danger looms or Ganondorf seeks a fight, Link gathers his strength to confront the challenge, ultimately growing strong enough to shield those who are unable to protect themselves.

One remarkable aspect of Link’s charm lies in his ability to convey emotions effectively through sounds and cries rather than spoken words. This trait is not unique to him among Nintendo’s characters, but what makes him stand out is that despite this lack of verbal communication, he has managed to win the hearts and admiration of countless gamers worldwide, as well as many in-game characters.

4 Donkey Kong

An Ape That Knows How To Party

  • Donkey Kong is a great uncle.
  • Started as a barrel-throwing villain and became a hero.

Back in ’81, I first met Donkey Kong as a wild, barrel-tossing ape foe in the Nintendo universe. But over time, he transformed from an adversary to a hero, a beloved great uncle, and simply a blast to play. For many of us old-school gamers, our initial introduction to DK was probably in the classic platformer, Donkey Kong 64, where Donkey Kong teamed up with his nephew and his girlfriend, Dixie, to battle waves of enemies.

As a devoted admirer, I can’t help but be captivated by DK’s charm, and one of the main reasons for this is his unique sense of style. Let’s face it, it’s tough not to find endearing an easy-going giant ape donning a red tie – a fashion statement that adds a touch of elegance to his otherwise rugged persona.

3 Kirby

Pink, Cute, Gluttonous

  • His cuteness and clumsiness make Kirby likable.
  • Kirby had his own animated series in the early 2000s.

The concept of Kirby is a weird one, there’s no denying that. A sentient pink ball with red shoes that gets the traits and powers of anything it swallows probably didn’t go over well the first time it was pitched in one of Nintendo’s meeting rooms. Luckily, the character was approved and players have been able to get to know Kirby better over the years.

Back in the early 2000s, I was one of those lesser-known Nintendo characters who got my own animated show. And that character was none other than Kirby! Now, Kirby isn’t your typical hero like Link or Donkey Kong. He doesn’t need a big muscular build or an outgoing personality to save the day. Instead, he’s this adorable, plump pink ball with rosy cheeks, always ready for adventure.

2 Mario

The All-around Nintendo Superstar

  • Mario has no hero build, yet he still faces danger head on.
  • Appearing in almost every Nintendo game, it’s hard for players not to love him.

Representing a multi-billion dollar company like Nintendo as its leading character isn’t simple, but Mario carries this responsibility effortlessly, never allowing it to slip away. From his beginnings in the ’80s as an Italian plumber, Mario has become an iconic hero with distinctive catchphrases and plenty of jumping sounds.

Mario isn’t just charming because he’s Nintendo’s top figure, but because he consistently steps up to help others without hesitation. He may not have the typical physique of a hero, being neither tall nor particularly muscular, and lacking any innate powers. However, he courageously confronts danger head-on and leaps into action to save his dear friends like Peach, Toad, Luigi, and anyone else who finds themselves in need.

1 Luigi

His Love For His Friends Is Greater Than His Fear

  • Luigi’s love for his friends overshadows his scaredy-cat nature.
  • Players resent that he never gets as much credit as Mario for his deeds.

Initially, considering Luigi as more charismatic than Mario might have stirred up some debates, given the strong feelings surrounding this topic. Over time, though, it has become apparent that Luigi often receives less recognition compared to his brother. Despite rescuing numerous people or performing valiant acts, these deeds seem to be overshadowed by his twin’s achievements, leaving many players wondering if Luigi gets the credit he deserves.

One notable characteristic of Luigi is his courage in confronting his fears to protect his companions. Unlike Mario or Luigi, who lack traditional heroic physiques, they still opt to tackle danger. Interestingly, Luigi appears more delicate and quick to fear compared to the others. However, it’s remarkable how, despite his vulnerabilities, he draws upon the love for his friends and determination to save them, which makes him the most heroic character in Nintendo’s history and a captivating main character overall. These admirable qualities are evident in every installment of Luigi’s Mansion series.

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2024-08-17 10:33