Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games


  • Pandora is a dangerous world, but heroes like Scooter, Angel, and Maya rise up to defend it despite the chaos and dangers.
  • Heroes on Pandora like Krieg and Roland have complex pasts, but still fight for justice and protect the innocent from evil forces.
  • Lilith, the ultimate hero of Borderlands, uses her cosmic powers to protect the universe and her friends, willing to sacrifice everything.

These are the stories of three heroic characters from the Borderlands series: Krieg, Roland, Maya, and Lilith. Each character has a unique background and motivations for becoming heroes in their own way.

In the treacherous and lethal realm of Pandora, chaos reigns supreme. This unforgiving planet is not for the faint-hearted or those seeking peace; instead, it attracts only the brave and the greedy. The allure of Borderlands has lured innumerable Vault Hunters to its shores, drawn by the promise of peril and potential wealth. Amidst the unforgiving terrain and chaotic populace, the occasional valiant soul rises up to challenge the status quo.

In the world of Borderlands, it’s unusual that heroes exist since most individuals are primarily driven by personal gain. However, the valiant actions of these Borderlands characters can’t be dismissed, as they’ve set aside riches and recognition to uphold what is right.

6 Scooter

Sacrifices Himself For Others

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

At a glance, Scooter may appear as an ordinary mechanic from the South, but beneath this unassuming exterior lies a brilliant mind. Instead of idling away his days in Sanctuary, Scooter harnessed his intelligence to transform the city into a skybound refuge, rendering it impervious to Hyperion’s attacks. Leveraging his mechanical expertise for the greater good, Scooter emerged as a true hero, soaring high with unwavering dedication and courage.

In a selfless act, Scooter remained dedicated to operating his modest Catch-a-Ride service on Pandora, allowing residents to use his scooters for a charge. Tragically, during an attempt to help others evacuate the planet, Scooter met his end in space when his hand became trapped in a rocket’s mechanism. Despite the circumstances, he found peace knowing that his final act was saving lives and left behind his iconic catchphrase as a parting message.

5 Angel

A Siren Who Aids Others Despite Her Father’s Oppressive Protection

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

As a devoted follower of the Borderlands lore, I’d like to share an alternative way of expressing the story of Angel, the Guardian Angel of the Vault Hunters.

During her tenure working for her father, Angel found herself against her will, held captive. Yet, her Siren powers proved invaluable, making her an indispensable asset with her Phaseshift capabilities. Although Angel wasn’t always virtuous, she employed her abilities heroically, supporting the Vault Hunters selflessly, at times sacrificing herself for a life she had never known.

4 Krieg

A Former Bandit, Still Psycho, Who Fell In Love

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

In the chaotic world of Pandora, not many Bandit Psychos can be considered heroes. Among this group, Krieg stands out as a notable exception, despite his tumultuous past. Haunted by years of abuse, Krieg’s mind is constantly at war within him. The rational part of him has surrendered, allowing the psychotic side to reign supreme. However, this doesn’t mean the sane Krieg is inert. He vows to eliminate both personas if Krieg poses a threat to innocent lives. Consequently, Krieg chooses to confront mercenaries and criminals instead.

Krieg gained heroic status after being captivated by Maya, a mesmerizing Siren whom he deeply fell in love with on both sides. His transformation into a hero underscores the belief that even a notorious, rampaging Pandora Bandit like Krieg harbors unwavering devotion and valor when faced with significant emotional connections.

3 Roland

A Soldier Who Attempts To Liberate Pandora From Hyperion

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

At first, Roland was just an ordinary soldier serving under the Crimson Lance, a private military force representing the Atlas corporation. However, Roland’s story took an unexpected turn when he proved himself to be an exceptional Vault Hunter. He eventually returned to the Crimson Lance, not as a simple soldier, but as its new leader. The loyalty of the Lancemen shifted towards Roland, who employed their military strength for the welfare of the populace instead of corporate profits.

Roland devoted his entire life to combating ruthless corporations, among them Handsome Jack’s Hyperion, intent on obliterating Pandora in order to rebuild it for their own citizens. Roland embodied heroism as a Vault Hunter, harnessing his abilities to protect the powerless.

2 Maya

The Sole Siren Protector Of Athenas

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

When Maya was discovered, her Siren powers made it necessary for her to be handed over to the Order of the Impending Storm. At Athenas, she underwent rigorous training from monk mentors. There, she learned to break free from their predictive constraints and crafted her unique identity as a Vault Hunter. Following Pandora’s liberation, Maya chose to revisit Athenas and assume the role of its guardian.

Maya wholeheartedly committed her existence to protecting Athenas and warding off its adversities. She went so far as to give up her own life for Ava’s sake, recognizing in her the prospect of a more powerful Siren who would carry on her teachings and abilities. This action underscored Maya’s readiness to put the future first, regardless of personal cost.

1 Lilith

The Hero Siren Who Wants To Save Planets

Most Heroic Characters in the Borderlands Games

In the intriguing world of Borderlands, Lilith stands out as the most heroic figure among the six formidable Sirens. With abilities beyond comprehension, Lilith is the only one who has harnessed her powers effectively, using them to promote peace and benefit the entire universe. Initially, Lilith was just another Vault Hunter driven by treasure desires, but her transformation into the revered Firehawk marked a significant shift. Employing her extraordinary abilities, she put an end to the chaos on Pandora, proving herself to be so much more than a simple treasure seeker.

With Roland’s demise, Lilith bravely assumed leadership at Sanctuary and vowed to confront Hyperion in a relentless battle to put an end to the destructive corporate conflict, potentially saving Pandora from annihilation. Regardless of personal cost, Lilith is resolute in her commitment to shielding innocent lives.

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2024-07-14 11:33