Most Important Hotkeys In Foxhole

As a seasoned veteran of the battlefields of Foxhole, I must say that the game has truly mastered the art of immersing players into the chaotic yet exhilarating world of warfare. With my years of experience under my belt and countless hours spent in trenches, behind artillery guns, and atop tanks, I’ve come to appreciate the intricate web of strategies, teamwork, and sheer determination that the game demands.

In plain and accessible language: The strategic war game called “Foxhole” isn’t simple by any means. Understanding just one role, like learning how to play as a medic in “Foxhole“, is achievable, but becoming proficient at every role – from logistics in the rear to leading tank offensives on the front line – is an entirely different challenge.

Mastering the essential commands and hotkeys for the game Foxhole is indeed crucial, as it provides a solid foundation for beginners and even experienced soldiers alike. The advantages of these shortcuts are particularly significant during war, where efficiency can be a deciding factor.

General Shortcuts In Foxhole

Name Hotkey Use
Move WASD Classic controls.
Climb/Vault Spacebar Climb ladders or out of trenches.
Sprint Shift Be careful of stamina.
Crouch C More accurate aim and duck behind cover.
Prone X Even more accurate aim.
Rotate Camera Hold Scroll Wheel In combat, it’s often best to rotate toward the direction you’re firing.
Open/Use E Open stockpiles, open gates, loot items, pick up wounded soldiers etc.
Map M The map is crucial for seeing the roads, the latest intel, base supplies & more.
Inventory Tab Players can choose which items to equip, drop items, and check their supplies.
Primary Equipment 1 Rifles, Hammers, Trauma Kit etc.
Secondary Equipment 2 Pistols, melee weapons, binoculars etc.
Tertiary Equipment 3 Grenades, Bandages etc.
Aim Hold RMB Weapons can’t be fired without aiming first.
Shoot/Use LMB As well as shooting, most equipment is used via LMB.
Reload R Reload weapons or vehicles.
Pick up/Submit Heavy Item V Pick up, drop, or submit heavy items such as machine guns, shells, and critically wounded soldiers.
Deploy Item B Place down tripods and machine guns.

Communication & Other Hotkeys

Name Hotkey Use
Local Chat T Call out for medics, warn of grenades or coordinate any aspect of the game.
Squad Chat G Join a squad for more coordinated gameplay and comms that work regardless of location.
Toggle Chat U Can be used to mute everyone while listening for something else.
Callouts Menu H The place markers can tell allies exactly where enemies are, and the text callouts are great for those without a mic.
Emotes 3 – 0 Pressing these numbers will perform the following emotes, Forward, Hold, Rally, Wave, Salute, Surrender, Cheer.
Hide HUD F8 Great for screenshots & immersion. Press twice to also hide player names.
Get Unstuck !unstuck If trapped, type this in the chat and don’t move for 2 minutes. 8 uses per war.
Player List & Regiments F1 Use this menu to look at your own rank, commend other players, and manage regiments.
Inspect Players Alt + LMB Can be used to see player’s stats, commend them, mute them, invite them to a squad etc.

Tanks & Vehicle Hotkeys In Foxhole

Name Hotkey Use
Enter/Exit Q Seats can be entered from different sides.
Change seats Z Switch between being a driver, gunner, passenger, commander, etc.
Specific Seat Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, or 4 This depends on the vehicle.
Lock/Unlock L Lock a vehicle when getting out to repair or resupply.
Drive WASD Works best by rotating the camera with Scroll Wheel.
Break Spacebar Useful to avoid running infantry over.
Horn LMB Honk to warn infantry in the way or at bridges to alert other vehicles.
Reload R The gunner’s job in tanks.
Open Hatch & Gates E Commanders can pop out of the hatch to see better & drivers can open gates.
Open Vehicle’s Inventory E Many non-tank vehicles can transport equipment.
Hitch Trailer Shift + E Stand between a truck and a trailer or artillery piece to hitch.

Artillery Hotkeys In Foxhole

Name Hotkey Use
Enter Q Enter either side of the artillery gun.
Deploy/Undeploy F Artillery can be moved and rotated when undeployed & fired when deployed.
Submit Ammo V This is for the soldier carrying the shells.
Reload R Reload after shots if shells have been loaded.
Distance Scroll Wheel Listen to a spotter to know how far to fire.
Azimuth Hold RMB Change the direction of the shot.

Construction Hotkeys In Foxhole

Name Hotkey Use
Build Menu B With a hammer or shovel equipped, choose various structures to build in Foxhole.
Rotate Hold RMB Rotate building pieces to face different ways.
Change Direction Scroll Wheel Some buildings are instead rotated this way.
Build, Repair, or Dig Hold LMB With a hammer and basic materials or a shovel, hold to complete a blueprint.
Upgrade Mode F Can be used to upgrade a bunker for example.
Toggle Off Auto-Snap Hold Shift Can be used to place buildings near to others without snapping.

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2024-12-05 09:13