Most Polarizing Characters In Monogatari

Most Polarizing Characters In Monogatari

Key Takeaways

  • Koyomi Araragi is a complex, polarizing character with vampiric powers, trust issues, and a creepy side.
  • Hitagi Senjougahara, affected by an Oddity, has a romantic side, but also a lonely nature and jealousy.
  • Kanbaru Suruga is a toxic, selfish character consumed by jealousy and obsession in the series.

As an old-timer who’s seen my fair share of oddities and supernatural happenings, I must say that these characters from Bakemonogatari have left quite an impression on me. The Oddity Specialist, with his mysterious air and unpredictable comings and goings, reminds me a bit too much of some acquaintances I’ve had over the years. Always showing up when you least expect it, disappearing just as mysteriously, and leaving you wondering if they’re truly helping or causing more chaos.

In an urban fantasy series with hints of romance, Monogatari boasts a cast of eccentric characters and its whimsical humor frequently clashes with the gravity of the storyline in unexpected manners. Consequently, it’s not unexpected that certain characters on this show generate differing opinions among viewers.

This group of characters is quite divisive within the series, as some viewers adore them despite their flaws, while others can’t help but call for their removal whenever they appear. Join us as we explore this band of outcasts struggling to survive in a realm tainted by the strange phenomena known as Oddities.

6 Koyomi Araragi

The Male Lead Often Crosses The Line

  • First Appearance: “Bakemonogatari” – Episode 1
  • Age: 17
  • Type: Half-Vampire

The main character of the series was an ordinary high school student in his third year, until he encountered the vampiress Kiss-shot. After allowing her to drink his blood, he transformed into a vampire, but didn’t complete the change fully and was able to regain his humanity. However, because Kiss-shot lives in his shadow, he hasn’t given up his vampire abilities. Despite being naturally solitary and mistrustful of humans, he shows trust towards others and strives to aid those in distress. In essence, he is a paradoxical figure.

However, it seems his most criticized trait might be his unsettling behavior and apparent fixation, often noted by characters such as Senjougahara and his siblings, which they consider his primary flaw. Despite his eccentric and impulsive personality that some viewers find endearing, others have chosen to avoid the series due to Koyomi’s questionable characteristics. He is a character who elicits strong reactions, constantly treading the fine line between admirable and abhorrent.

5 Hitagi Senjougahara

Some Say She Lacks Charm

  • First Appearance: “Bakemonogatari” – Episode 1
  • Age: 17
  • Type: Oddity Victim (Heavy Stone Crab)

Hitagi Senjougahara was a typical student and something of a high-achiever, constantly striving to meet her father’s expectations. However, a shift occurred within her. She came under the influence of an unusual entity, known as the Heavy Stone Crab, which drastically altered her life. The Crab granted her the ability to become weightless, but this also made her extremely susceptible to the forces of gravity and she experienced numerous mishaps. To compensate for her lack of weight, she often carried a large number of sharp tools with her, almost like a peculiar version of a Bag of Holding. Her paths crossed with Araragi by sheer coincidence, as he intervened to save her life. Prior to this encounter, she scarcely gave him any notice.

Some admirers appreciate her romantic persona, accompanying Araragi to gaze at the stars, much like she did with her father, while others criticize this as a problematic Electra complex. She can also be quite solitary, possessing a distant demeanor akin to Koyomi’s. She harbors jealousy towards certain individuals, justified by her awareness that Araragi often finds himself surrounded by other women, particularly the vampire who follows in his wake. Fans note both Hitagi and Koyomi as potential romantic pairings, while others argue this relationship is merely a veneer. Regardless, Senjougahara plays a significant role in Nishio Ishin’s work, and the series would be significantly different without her presence.

4 Kanbaru Suruga

A Toxic And Selfish Character

  • First Appearance: Bakemonogatari – Episode 6
  • Age: 17
  • Type: Oddity Victim (Monkey Paw)

Kanbaru Suruga embodies traits of jealousy and fixation, often concealing her true emotions and resorting to dishonesty towards herself and others. During her time possessed by the Monkey Paw Oddity, her behavior towards Araragi became increasingly confrontational. Initially, she expressed mistrust over his relationship with her friend Hitagi Senjougahara. However, beneath this façade was a deeper emotion: love for her best friend. Her feelings of guilt morphed into resentment and envy, which ultimately led to the possession.

In several instances, Kanbaru attempted to win over Araragi, supposedly as a test of his unworthiness towards Hitachi’s trust, yet in truth, it was to serve her own self-centered desires. Her persistent insecurity about being second place, which manifested in her fascination with races and the dynamic between Hitachi and Araragi, ultimately caused chaos in Kanbaru’s life. Despite Araragi’s selfless assistance, she persistently joked about taking him away from Hitachi. Interestingly, one commonality between Araragi and Kanbaru is their admiration for Senjougahara, but this isn’t enough to make her a beloved character among fans. Surprisingly, many simply adore her for her amusing interactions with Koyomi.

3 Meme Oshino

So Full Of Himself That It’s Annoying To Watch

  • First Appearance: Bakemonogatari – Episode 1
  • Age: Unknown (Around 30)
  • Type: Oddity Specialist

A free-spirited, untidy middle-aged individual, who goes by the title of an Oddity Specialist, maintains an enigmatic presence as a supernatural detective. He frequently provides assistance to Araragi and others grappling with strange phenomena, but his real identity continues to elude us. With a casual demeanor and unwavering self-assurance that veers between charming and grating, he is a figure of intrigue.

He has the bad custom of coming and going as he pleases, sometimes disappearing when Araragi most needs his advice, and other times appearing when he is not called. Some fans suspect that he is actually an Oddity who feeds on chaos, or a vampire, which would explain why Kiss-shot sort of “respects him.” Some fans hate that this seemingly superficial and annoying character has this forced mystery halo surrounding him, and have mixed feelings about his usefulness for the plot.

2 Nadeko Sengoku

Some Find Her Cute Despite Being Deplorable

  • First Appearance: Bakemonogatari – Episode 9
  • Age: 14
  • Type: Oddity Victim (Snake God)

Nadeko Sengoku initially comes across as an innocent friend to Araragi and Tsukihi, but she’s a character shrouded in controversy within the series. Unbeknownst to many, this seemingly harmless child was gradually transforming into a serpent-like deity of a local temple. This transformation occurred due to her misguided attempts to delve into the supernatural using incorrect knowledge. Some empathize with her as a victim of her circumstances, while others argue that the curse and subsequent evolution simply unmasked her true character: one that is self-centered and egotistical, willing to go to great lengths to attain her desires.

In the world of Bakemonogatari, Nadeko holds a unique status – adored by many fans as an idol, yet often criticized for her villainous actions within the series. However, it’s essential to remember that none of the characters are entirely good or evil; their behaviors are shaped by circumstances. Among all, Nadeko stands out with some particularly negative traits. She frequently hides her true self behind an innocent facade, often yielding to others’ wishes rather than expressing herself honestly. This passive approach leads to a buildup of resentment that eventually erupts in harmful ways towards those around her.

1 Ononoki Yotsugi

Either You Love Her Or Hate Her

  • First Appearance: Niseimonogatari – Episode 9
  • Age: Unknown
  • Type: Oddity (Shikigami) – Oddity Specialist

Yotsugi Ononoki, resembling a Golem-like entity, was crafted to coexist with humans. Due to her unique nature, she can’t openly display emotions and typically wears an emotionless facade. To express herself in an unconventional manner, she frequently behaves in the most pompous and absurd ways, attempting to convey some semblance of a persona. However, it’s important to note that she does possess feelings, but her inability to express them like a typical human being is inherent to her non-human status.

Some viewers have adored her since her debut in “Niseimonogatari,” while others find her presence grating and irritating throughout the series. Without a doubt, she is the most divisive character among them all. Her role within the plot is frequently debated, often sparking disagreement among fans, with some rejecting her completely while others show an unwavering affection.

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2024-09-22 17:03