MultiVersus: Superman Perk Build Guide

MultiVersus: Superman Perk Build Guide

As someone who’s spent countless hours battling it out in Multiversus, I can confidently say that Superman is a force to be reckoned with – especially when you’ve got the right Perks equipped. Now, let me tell ya, I ain’t no green kryptonite, but even I know Press the Advantage is the cream of the crop for our Man of Steel. It makes KO-ing opponents a breeze, and that’s saying something when you’re dealing with the likes of Wonder Woman or Batman.

Currently, Multiverse (as it’s called) has commenced its second season, introducing fresh characters such as Samurai Jack to the playable roster, with Beetlejuice not far behind. Despite the addition of numerous new characters, this doesn’t diminish the strength of the original cast. In fact, heroes like Superman have maintained a sense of power in Multiverse since its debut, remaining potent regardless of any updates or modifications.

To help Clark Kent, aka Superman, become even more powerful, it’s essential to choose the right Perks wisely. His Signature Perk is crucial, but don’t forget about his Team, Strong, and Standard Perk options as well. Let’s explore the various Perk choices in the game Multiversus and determine which ones provide the greatest advantage for Superman when equipped.

Signature Perk

Sniper Punch

MultiVersus: Superman Perk Build Guide

Name Effect
Sniper Punch Superman’s aim punch range is extended. The damage and knockback from the aim punch are increased at long distances but decreased in close quarters.

As a gamer, first off, I’ve got to say that Superman’s Signature Perk is all about Sniper Punch for me. The other two options, Break the Ice and Flaming Re-Entry, might work in specific situations or cater to certain playstyles, but they don’t quite gel with Superman’s superhero prowess. Sniper Punch, on the other hand, just amplifies Superman’s ability to take down opponents like it’s nothing. If you time it right and aim from the maximum range, Superman can KO some enemies even at the high 60% health mark, which is simply unreal!

As a gamer, I’ve found myself in a situation where Break the Ice and Flaming Re-Entry are my go-to abilities for Superman. However, when it comes to choosing the most effective move, Sniper Punch outperforms both, hands down. Keeping enemies debuffed with Ice Breath is crucial, but Sniper Punch’s power just seems to pack a bigger punch overall.

Team Perk

Press the Advantage

MultiVersus: Superman Perk Build Guide
Name Effect
Press the Advantage Your team applies a stack of Weakened when knocking back enemies that are above 125 damage. If your teammate also selects this Perk, Weakened is applied above 110 damage instead.

As a gamer, I find that Superman’s Team Perk slot is quite versatile, as many perks function fairly equally in this slot. However, when it comes to making the best choice, Press the Advantage stands out. This perk simply makes it easier for Superman to knock out opponents when he inflicts high damage.

In Superman, this strategy works exceptionally well because he can push opponents off-stage and into the air more safely compared to many other characters. This is mainly due to his high mobility and command grab Side+Special. The Snowball Effect is another useful alternative, but primarily because it’s a passive damage boost that doesn’t require active thought once equipped.

Strong Perk

Last Stand

MultiVersus: Superman Perk Build Guide
Name Effect
Last Stand While you have at least 100 damage, knocking back enemies applies Weakened.

In the game Multiversus, Last Stand is an exceptional choice for any character with tank-like qualities, and Superman happens to be one of the top tanks. Normally, it’s challenging to defeat Superman due to his high health, but with Last Stand equipped, he becomes even more resilient.

Utilizing Press the Advantage alongside it gives you an ongoing sensation of weakening your opponents, which is superb since Weakened is undeniably one of the game’s top debuffs. While Last Stand might seem monotonous, there’s no doubt that for any character other than Mages or Assassins, it’s unquestionably the superior choice.

Standard Perk

Armor Crush

MultiVersus: Superman Perk Build Guide
Name Effect
Armor Crush Your fully charged attacks break Armor.

To conclude, it’s Armor Crush that we suggest for Superman’s Perk recommendation. Although many might anticipate Pugilist as the choice, Armor Crush is specifically suited to enhance Superman’s existing strengths – his numerous Armored Charge Attacks. With over three Charge Attacks that boast armor, deal substantial damage and knockback, and are generally safe to employ, Superman truly shines with this Perk.

With the Armor Crush ability, it gives Superman an advantage in most fights, which seems unrealistic given that he typically wins fights due to his priority in regular attacks. However, if you rarely encounter opponents who use Armored Attacks, then Pugilist is a great secondary option. Generally speaking, Armor Crush simply adds to the already overwhelming power of Superman’s Charged Attacks.

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2024-08-01 16:23