My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki’s Life Forever

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

Key Takeaways

  • Todoroki’s childhood trauma leads him to reject his powerful fire quirk, limiting his potential as a hero.
  • Deku’s intervention helps Todoroki realize his worth, inspiring him to embrace his unique abilities fully.
  • Todoroki’s journey highlights the importance of self-acceptance and forging one’s own path, separate from family expectations.

As someone who has been following My Hero Academia for quite some time now, I must say that Deku’s confrontation with Todoroki in Chapter 38 was nothing short of a game-changer! Deku, being the kind-hearted and perseverant soul he is, managed to break through Todoroki’s stubbornness and tunnel vision with his heartfelt words.

From the get-go in Class 1-A, I’ve been known as one of the top students, thanks to my unique double quirks – fire and ice. Just having one of these powers could make someone a force to be reckoned with. Take Endeavor for instance; he’s made quite a name for himself with his fiery quirk. And then there’s Geten, who gives the heroes chills with his icy terror.

Instead of fully leveraging his distinctive trait, Todoroki appears to be driven by anger and a desire for vengeance in his movements. His early stages suggest a descent into darkness. Fortunately for him, Deku steps in as a catalyst, guiding Todoroki away from the wrong path towards a better one. This is the account of how Deku transformed Todoroki’s life irrevocably.

Blinded by Rage and Vengeance

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

From my perspective, being the offspring of Japan’s second-strongest hero and inheriting two potent quirks from my parents might seem like an immense blessing to many. However, for me, Todoroki, it feels more like a burden. To grasp his frame of mind, it’s crucial to comprehend what it entails to be the son of Endeavor, the No. 2 hero in Japan.

Endeavor’s Creation

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

Though ranked second among the nation’s heroes, Endeavor harbors deep-seated bitterness due to his realization that he will never surpass All Might in terms of power or fame. Moreover, he acknowledges the vast chasm between their positions within the hero hierarchy. Yet, this doesn’t deter him from his pursuit of defeating All Might. If he himself cannot achieve it, then he aims to father children with extraordinary abilities capable of overcoming All Might.

To attain his goal, he marries a woman with an ice-based power in the belief that their offspring might inherit hybrid powers. Driven solely by his relentless ambition, Endeavor turns abusive towards his wife and children who received normal fire or ice abilities. When their fourth child, Shoto Todoroki, is born with the hybrid quirk, Endeavor intensifies his training of the toddler despite neglecting his family’s well-being. He believes that Shoto, whom he views as his ultimate creation, must surpass All Might at any cost.

“Mature, let go of the defiance, it’s unbecoming for someone in your position. Recall, you have been tasked with surpassing All Might. Do you comprehend? You are unique compared to your siblings; you are my masterpiece!”

– Endeavor, Chapter 34

Terrible Childhood

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

Due to his father’s relentless drive for success, Shoto endured an unusually difficult and distressing childhood that left lasting scars on him, as well as on his siblings and mother. It’s no secret that the atmosphere in Endeavor’s household was far from cheerful. Things only grew worse for Shoto when he started to resemble his father more and more, particularly when he utilized his fire quirk. Even his own mother began to distance herself from him due to this likeness.

On one side, there’s a father who mistreats him while focusing solely on achieving his own dreams, and on the other, a mother who struggles to endure his presence. It’s not surprising then, that Shoto develops into a disillusioned individual consumed by anger and thirst for vengeance.

Limiting Oneself

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

Because of his bitter feelings towards his father, Todoroki deliberately avoids using his fire quirk. He aspires to become a hero who surpasses his father in strength and abilities. However, he doesn’t want his father’s power or guidance to help him achieve this goal. Consequently, Todoroki willingly restricts his own potential, discarding what could be his greatest competitive edge.

Ice Only

Shoto has decided to focus solely on his mother’s ice quirk, as he wishes to distance himself from his father. His goal is to excel as a pro hero and rise through the ranks, relying only on his right side abilities. Consequently, he has become exceptionally skilled in manipulating ice. From freezing half a stadium with a single move to hindering opponents by freezing their feet, increasing his own speed by laying down icy paths, it’s no overstatement to say that Shoto Todoroki is one of the country’s top-tier ice users.

A Self-Sabotaging Decision

As a gamer, I’ve found that the more adept I get with my ice abilities, the less I understand about the fiery talent I inherited from my old man. You see, for me, tapping into my fire quirk feels like embracing my father and letting go of the years of pain and torment he inflicted on us.

Initially, his choice might appear admirable; however, it soon becomes evident that he’s inadvertently set himself up for self-sabotage. His unique edge lies in his ability to manipulate both fire and ice, which gives him the flexibility to strategize based on his opponent and the situation. He can exploit either side of his abilities to outmaneuver or complicate matters for his adversary. Remarkably, he elected to discard this significant advantage, opting instead to focus solely on ice manipulation.

Be Yourself!

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

What part does Deku play in this family turmoil? Essentially, during the Sports Festival, Deku unintentionally eavesdrops on a talk between Todoroki and his father. Later, he gets an opportunity to converse with both Todoroki and Endeavor individually. It is then that Deku becomes aware of the broader situation concerning Todoroki. In response, he resolves to help Todoroki escape from his own predicament.

You Look Down on the Other Contestants!

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

Despite Deku not frequently interacting with Todoroki during this phase of the narrative, it’s clear that Todoroki is an unyielding individual. Once he chooses a path, he remains committed, regardless of circumstances. Moreover, Todoroki has a tendency to become singularly focused, almost to a fault. In the heat of a fight, his attention usually lies with optimizing his own abilities rather than considering his adversary.

Initially, Deku chooses to coax Todoroki into opening his eyes fully, allowing him to observe everyone nearby more clearly. By doing this, Deku aims to make Todoroki understand that he’s not alone in his struggles. He wants Todoroki to recognize that others too have dreams and purposes larger than themselves. Ida strives to honor his brother’s legacy, Uraraka works tirelessly towards becoming a pro hero to support her family economically, and even Deku grapples with the challenges posed by his newfound powers and the weighty responsibilities they bring.

As a gamer putting my thoughts out there, I’d say something like: “Hey Todoroki, I can’t help but notice that you’re only using half your fire and ice power in this competition. It feels like you’re undervaluing the effort others are pouring into it. Your decision to focus on just one side isn’t a sign of determination, but more of an arrogant stance. Unintentionally, you’re embodying a part of your father that you detest.”

As a gamer, here’s how I might rephrase that: “Everyone’s giving their best shot, aiming to win and reach their goals. But you think holding back half your strength will do the trick? You haven’t even scratched my surface yet! Bring it on, give me your all! Show me what you’ve got!”

– Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, Chapter 38

You Are Not Your Father!

My Hero Academia: How Deku Changed Todoroki's Life Forever

In a way that leaves Todoroki stunned, I, too, emphasize something he seems to have overlooked all this time. You’re not your father! That’s a truth Todoroki and I both share, as Deku is not All Might. This realization frees us from the pressure of following in our parents’ footsteps or rejecting them entirely. Instead, we should carve out our own paths. We should embrace who we truly are, Todoruki.

The fact that Todoroki inherits his father’s quirk doesn’t mean he owes the man anything. It also doesn’t mean that using his fire quirk is the same as admitting defeat to his father. No, that fire is his fire, not Endeavor’s fire. So whatever he decides to do with it, it has nothing to do with Endeavor. So stop focusing so much on the No. 2 Hero and worry more about himself. Because he is not the only one in their class who is determined to be the best hero.

Todoroki ends up beating Deku in that fight, but what All Might’s successor says to him during the fight is a huge wake-up call for him. Deku may only intend to let out his frustration to Todoroki, but it becomes a huge turning point that not only helps Todoroki move on from his obsession with defeating his father but also helps him reconnect with the rest of his family and forces him to reevaluate his way of life. Without realizing it, Deku has changed Todoroki’s life forever.

My Hero Academia is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-08-25 20:34