My Hero Academia: The Abandoned Plotlines At The End Of The Story, Explained

My Hero Academia: The Abandoned Plotlines At The End Of The Story, Explained


  • My Hero Academia’s ending left fans divided. Deku lost his quirk but found purpose as a teacher at UA.
  • Abandoned plotlines like the Quirk Singularity Theory disappointed fans, leaving them wanting more resolution.
  • Fans were left wanting to see Deku become a Pro Hero in a more detailed and satisfying manner, as the ending felt rushed.

As a longtime fan of My Hero Academia, I must say that I found the ending to be a bit of a letdown. While I understand that Horikoshi wanted to move on to new projects, I couldn’t help but feel like some important plotlines were left unresolved.

This article contains spoilers from My Hero Academia Chapter 430.

Recently, My Hero Academia wrapped up after a decade-long run, allowing fans to witness the culmination of Deku’s remarkable journey. This tale, filled with intensity and emotion, has left an indelible mark on audiences in recent years. It would be dishonest not to acknowledge that My Hero Academia was a triumphant story. This series has touched the hearts of millions worldwide, proving its success by captivating fans who have wholeheartedly embraced it, which is a testament to its enduring appeal.

Similarly to many tales, “My Hero Academia” also has some story threads that haven’t been fully resolved. The creator intentionally introduced these unfulfilled plots, but unfortunately, they didn’t receive the resolution or conclusion we might expect.

The End Of My Hero Academia

  • At The End Of My Hero Academia, Deku Lost His Quirk But Became A Hero Again

In summary, the conclusion of “My Hero Academia” sparked some debate among fans. For instance, viewers witnessed Deku reverting back to a Quirkless state, unlike his peers who went on to become Pro Heroes. Instead, Deku graduated from UA two years after the final war, which also signified the loss of his One For All quirk. Although he retained the Embers of the quirk within him, these eventually faded away, leaving him powerless. With his friends surpassing him in terms of progress, Deku ultimately chose to become a teacher at UA.

Goodbye, One For All! – Deku

As Deku believed, he still had valuable contributions to make to society, regardless of not having a Quirk. This conviction led him to dedicate himself to helping the upcoming generation and demonstrate that he can be just as beneficial to society without his supernatural ability. It’s possible that Deku also saw many of his students progress and achieve the rank of pro-hero.

Though I’ve been helping folks left and right, deep down inside, I yearned for the life of a true hero – something that the story subtly suggested, like when I rescued that boy tumbling before me. That moment reminded me I still had my hero instincts burning strong. Eventually, All Might bestowed upon me a hero suit, making me powerful once more. This armor was quite costly, and surprisingly enough, it was Bakugo who picked up the tab. Alongside him, other hero students chipped in with their own contributions.

It took several years for Deku’s armor to be finished, but when it finally was, he could return as a hero, rescuing people while wearing a grin. Thus, My Hero Academia reached its end, leaving fans eagerly anticipating additional stories.

The Changes Made To The Hero Society

The World Of My Hero Academia Changed Drastically At The End Of The Story

My Hero Academia: The Abandoned Plotlines At The End Of The Story, Explained

In the conclusion of “My Hero Academia”, although it wasn’t the most disappointing ending fans have encountered, there are still many aspects that fell short of expectations. One major criticism is that the Final War Saga felt rushed, leaving viewers with insufficient time to fully grasp the events that transpired during the war.

Simultaneously, the marginalized heteromorphs, often subjected to prejudice and discrimination, were orchestrating a tranquil uprising for change. Notably, significant progress was being made in this area. Regrettably, readers missed out on witnessing these developments unfold. Once more, Horikoshi chose to express these transformations through dialogue rather than actual events, resulting in the Hero Society remaining static throughout My Hero Academia, much to the dismay of fans. Instead, they desired a glimpse into how society would evolve before their very eyes.

It appears that Horikoshi was eager to conclude the series in order to move on to new projects.

The Quirk Singularity Theory

The World Didn’t Face The Doom That Was Theorized In MHA

My Hero Academia: The Abandoned Plotlines At The End Of The Story, Explained

In the anime series My Hero Academia, the concept of Quirk Singularity Theory, left unresolved, showcased the intriguing character development of Dr. Kyudai. His hypothesis suggested that over time, Quirks would progressively grow stronger in each succeeding generation, making today’s Quirk-bearers weaker compared to future ones. The theory foretold a potential apocalypse where humanity would struggle to adapt to these increasingly powerful Quirks, leading to the extinction of human civilization. This intriguing plotline captivated many fans. Regrettably, this storyline did not lead to any significant resolution or payoff in the series.

As a long-time fan of the “My Hero Academia” series, I can confidently say that one intriguing plot point left unresolved is the abandoned location which could have served as an exhilarating final challenge for Deku and the heroes. If the author were to continue the story in a sequel, I believe fans like me would be thrilled to witness this concept unfold. However, since it appears that the author chose not to wrap up this plot thread satisfactorily, it currently stands as an intriguing loose end in the narrative of the series.

Deku’s Rise To Pro Hero And The Farewell of One For All

Deku Never Lived Out His Life As A Pro Hero And Failed To Become The Number One Hero

My Hero Academia: The Abandoned Plotlines At The End Of The Story, Explained

A common complaint among fans about the conclusion of “My Hero Academia” is that they didn’t have the chance to witness Deku living out his days as a Pro Hero. Throughout the series, Deku expressed his ambition to become the top hero and emulate All Might, a successful Pro Hero. Although Deku achieved his goal of becoming a successful hero and even attained great fame among all heroes, fans did not get to see him graduate from UA, which was an essential part of realizing his dream as a Pro Hero.

You’ve earned this power too, young Midoriya! – All Might

As a die-hard fan of My Hero Academia, I can’t help but feel let down by how things unfolded towards the end. The off-screen events and hasty conclusions left me yearning for more. Deku, my favorite character, didn’t get to fully realize his dream of becoming a Pro Hero, which is something fans like me would have cherished seeing play out on-screen.

You can access “My Hero Academia” through Viz Media. This popular series is officially and freely available to read on both the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The final chapter of “My Hero Academia,” chapter 430, was published on August 4, 2024.

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2024-08-15 00:03