My Hero Academia: The Dark Side of Hero Licensing

My Hero Academia: The Dark Side of Hero Licensing

Key Takeaways

  • Hero licensing in My Hero Academia is crucial for aspiring heroes, with different types like provisional, national, and international licenses available.
  • Popularity and quirk strength play a significant role in a hero’s standing, affecting public opinion and opportunities within the hero community.
  • Hero licenses can restrict civilians from using their quirks, potentially causing harm, and might allow incompetent heroes to gain recognition.

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the captivating world of My Hero Academia, I can’t help but reflect upon the intricacies of its society and draw parallels to our own. The interplay between hero popularity, quirk strength, and the limitations on civilians is a fascinating exploration of power dynamics and societal expectations.

In the world of “My Hero Academia,” I’m immersed in a vibrant universe where ordinary folks like me transform into extraordinary heroes with unique abilities, or quirks. This anime revolves around the courage and selflessness of everyday heroes, their journey to become one, and the complex systems that regulate them. These heroes are more than just characters; they’re symbols of hope and security for the masses. They stand as the initial defense against most threats and criminal activities, so it takes a sharp mind and quick thinking to be among the first responders in this action-packed adventure.

In the world of “My Hero Academia”, individuals aspiring to become legitimate heroes must attend specialized schools for heroes and earn a professional license before they can legally engage in heroic activities. This license grants them advantages such as insurance, equipment, legal representation, and more. The license serves to distinguish official heroes from vigilantes and provides a system with sufficient resources for hero work. However, the benefits of this licensing system come with drawbacks. Potential issues include flaws within the structure of the hero organization or the overlooked recognition of deserving talents due to various reasons.

What Is A Hero License?

What Are The Permits And What They Do

My Hero Academia: The Dark Side of Hero Licensing

A Hero Permit serves as authorization for chosen individuals to employ their special abilities during emergencies. These permits provide common citizens with the right to use their powers against villains and offer aid in times of crisis on both personal and public grounds. Obtaining a permit requires completion of a stringent and uniform process, which includes studying at designated hero academies, passing necessary tests, and completing internships with established professional heroes. Heroes who fulfill the requirements are entitled to all the organizational perks offered to professional heroes, allowing them to legally uphold the law and safeguard the public from harm.

As such, three hero licenses are available for prospective heroes. Firstly, the Provisional Hero License. For students who during their breaks apply to hero firms to work, this license like the name suggests works to be provisional, given to these student interns after interning and participating in an exam afterward. The goal is to have pro heroes supervise these students once they are given the license, to help nurture them firsthand.

As a devoted fan, allow me to share some insights about the National Hero License. Essentially, this license serves as a testament that an individual has successfully navigated the fundamental stages of hero education, thereby qualifying them to function independently as a genuine hero, backed by official state recognition.

Ultimately, what we’re discussing is the International Hero Permit. This permit shares similarities with a National Hero Permit, but it offers a unique advantage: it enables verified heroes to intervene on an international scale whenever necessary. It grants certain heroes the flexibility to cross state boundaries in order to aid a nation when they face critical situations.

The Emphasis On Popularity

The Focus on Popularity Over Competence

In many anime stories, there’s a recurring theme about the importance and marketability of a hero’s fame. The level of popularity a hero attains is a significant discussion point among both civilians and heroes themselves. This popularity significantly impacts a hero’s public image and their position within the community. On one hand, it determines how civilians react to a hero’s intervention, thus making them aware of the strength of our initial defense against threats and disasters.

In the instance of All Might, this established system significantly boosted his standing due to his extraordinary power and captivating personality, making him the epitome of peace. The symbolic representation he held brought him an unparalleled positive image, yet it was earned only through tireless effort, dedication, and indomitable determination. However, this system has its pitfalls; it can elevate heroes based on popularity rather than actual performance or public service. This vulnerability allows for inadequate heroes to climb the ranks, often due to their fame and financial gains rather than genuine concern for the public welfare. Hero Killer Stain, despite being a ruthless antagonist, contended that modern society is plagued by heroes who prioritize fame and wealth over the well-being of the populace.

Focus Quirk Strength

Quirk Strength Is Overly Focused

My Hero Academia: The Dark Side of Hero Licensing

In the world of My Hero Academia, a person’s unique ability, often referred to as their “quirk,” significantly impacts their status as a hero. The perception and power level of one’s quirk play a significant role in their popularity and the process of obtaining a hero license. It is generally believed that the strength of a quirk greatly influences a person’s abilities in the world. Quirks that are weaker or non-combat related are often viewed negatively, and individuals with these types of quirks are typically confined to roles like support and administration. In essence, an individual’s quirk can limit their opportunities and role within the hero community, regardless of their actual abilities or personal preferences.

This system, while fair in its design and effective at categorizing heroes according to standardized criteria set by the hero association, has a tendency to favor those with strong quirks over others. It’s essential to note that hero licensing and genuine heroism go beyond just what is presented on paper. Often, individuals who excel in non-supportive or managerial roles are overlooked in favor of those with stronger abilities.

Limitations On Civilians

Hero Licenses Can Endanger Citizens

My Hero Academia: The Dark Side of Hero Licensing

The need for licensing in My Hero Academia can not be overstated. It maintains society by setting restrictions on the inherent powers of people in this world, this limits the actions that the average civilian may take, and the potential danger the average person could cause to others. This reason can be especially applied to quirks that can cause harm to others, which could be due to disagreements, fights, mistakes, or a person’s inability to control their quirk. With that being said, the concept of restrictions on quirks through hero licenses can heavily restrict the average citizens and cause them similar harm to what these restrictions were set in place for.

If a person who doesn’t have a license for their special ability (quirk) finds themselves in peril or under attack, they are bound by law not to use their quirk to protect themselves. However, there might be exceptions that allow an ordinary citizen to avoid legal consequences, but this rule could potentially backfire in certain situations.

My Hero Academia is available to watch on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-02 22:33