My Hero Academia: The Parallels Between All Might and Endeavor as Number One Hero

My Hero Academia: The Parallels Between All Might and Endeavor as Number One Hero

Key Takeaways

  • All Might aspired to be a Symbol of Peace, instilling hope and fear in citizens and villains alike.
  • Endeavor’s ambition to surpass All Might led to negative consequences, causing him to question his actions.
  • Endeavor’s desire to become Number One Hero through strength and merit clashed with All Might’s ideals of peace.

As a seasoned gamer and avid follower of My Hero Academia, I have to say that All Might and Endeavor are two heroes who embody different aspects of heroism. While All Might strives for peace and becomes the symbol of hope, Endeavor’s ambition to be number one leads him down a darker path.

Achieving the top spot as the leading hero in “My Hero Academia” not only brings acclaim, wealth, and admiration from both citizens and adversaries, but it also means serving as a beacon of hope for the innocent and striking terror into the hearts of evildoers. For All Might, being a Symbol of Peace has always been about standing tall as a powerful pillar that inspires citizens and instills fear in villains. Similarly, Endeavor aspired to become the Number One Hero, with his goal being to protect effectively.

Regrettably, while pursuing his goal, Endeavor deviated from his initial aspiration of matching All Might’s greatness. Instead, he became determined to surpass him, which resulted in choices that had a detrimental impact on his family. These actions led him to contemplate the true essence of being the new Symbol of Peace.

What kind of Hero was All Might?

All Might strives for peace and thus becomes the symbol that represents it

My Hero Academia: The Parallels Between All Might and Endeavor as Number One Hero

From an early age, Toshinori Yagi harbored a strong desire to become a hero who fostered peace. As a quirkless youth, he initially crossed paths with Nana Shimura, the seventh wielder of One For All. Despite the tireless efforts of heroes during that era to manage villainous disturbances, there was still no hero capable of instilling genuine fear in them.

At a tender age, All Might recognized that the world needed a beacon of peace, a stalwart embodying justice, trust, and optimism for all. This conviction spurred him to strive towards becoming one of the most powerful heroes, his determination to transform disorder into hope burning brightly within him. Upon sharing his beliefs with Nana Shimura, he adopted her form and was chosen as the eighth wielder of One For All.

While serving as a Pro Hero, All Might demonstrated numerous heroic acts that instilled hope within the citizens. His remarkable strength and unwavering dedication to protect others earned him the title of Symbol of Peace, effectively calming the turmoil among the villains. Yet, it wasn’t merely his deeds that validated his worthiness for this role. His powerful words and iconic smile reassured victims and the public alike, giving them the confidence that they were indeed secure.

If someone in distress was assured that All Might could help them, they would find comfort and trust in his ability to do so. While the innocent would feel secure, the wicked would experience unease. This significant impact on society led to a substantial reduction in villainous crimes, making Japan a safer place, although petty crimes still persisted occasionally.

Regrettably, when Japan and the globe lost their Symbol of Tranquility, there was a sharp rise in criminal activity among villains, as they no longer felt intimidated by Heroes. In truth, All Might aspired to be a Hero whose mission was to maintain Peace; riches and recognition were secondary considerations for him, unlike Endeavor, who craved the title of Number One Hero above all else.

What kind of Hero was Endeavor?

Endeavor was constantly trying to prove his worth, and along the way, lost what he was really fighting for

My Hero Academia: The Parallels Between All Might and Endeavor as Number One Hero

Similar to numerous other heroes, Endeavor admired All Might and his achievements. The memory of his father sacrificing his life to save a child from a villain sparked Endeavor’s ambition to become a powerful hero. During his hero career, Endeavor consistently ranked as the second-best hero in Japan, never quite managing to surpass All Might.

Endeavor’s aspirations drove him towards self-improvement to excel as a hero, but his strength and valor consistently saved the day. However, his aggressive nature and stoicism often alienated fans. Unlike All Might, Endeavor wasn’t cut from the same cloth. While they both served as heroes, their goals differed significantly. All Might has always strived to be the embodiment of peace, shielding others from danger and working tirelessly to foster a more harmonious society.

Endeavor’s drive to become the top hero was probably fueled by All Might’s achievements, but their goals and dreams were fundamentally distinct. To Endeavor, All Might represented a towering hurdle he had to overcome. He thought that his diligence and power would pave the path for him to succeed All Might as the Number One Hero.

by fathering a child with multiple Quirks, potentially surpassing All Might. Tragically, this choice led Endeavor to mistreat his family, with his eldest son eventually becoming a villain.

After the Kamino incident, due to his advanced age and injuries from past battles with One For All, All Might eventually decided to retire. Endeavor had long aspired to surpass All Might through his own abilities. However, when he assumed the role of Japan’s Number One Hero following the retirement, he found that title lacking, as it was more a default position rather than a true achievement of surpassing All Might.

By the time Endeavor ascended to the position of Japan’s leading hero, the dream of emulating All Might as the Symbol of Peace was no longer within his grasp. This led Endeavor to engage in lengthy discussions with All Might about the true essence of being a Number One Hero. Despite his lifelong ambition to claim the top spot among heroes, he failed to comprehend the profound implications of this title.

Regrettably, Endeavor found himself in a position where he would be the top hero for the rest of his career, inviting people to observe and judge his development as a hero. This situation unfolded twice: firstly, when Endeavor was declared the Number One Hero on the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart, and secondly, during the press conference where Endeavor acknowledged the accusations against him following Dabi’s revelation.

As Endeavor adapted to his new position, he understood the responsibilities that came with being the Lead Hero: protecting citizens, instilling trust in his abilities, and ensuring their safety. Simultaneously, he underwent a transformation as a father, seeking to make amends for past mistakes. Despite striving to emulate All Might, Endeavor felt inadequate and unworthy, leading him to retire from hero work in Chapter 426. This decision was not just due to his physical limitations but also served as his penance for past transgressions.

My Hero Academia is now available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-08 21:33