My Hero Academia: The Potential For Quirkless Heroes, Explained


  • Quirkless individuals face discrimination and relegation in a world where quirks reign supreme.
  • Armored All Might challenges the concept of quirkless heroes with support gear and defeats All for One.
  • Challenges for quirkless heroes include affordability of support gear and vulnerability without it.

Since the initial episodes, it was clear from My Hero Academia that a world of heroes has no place for those without special abilities, or quirks. This idea was reinforced by the requirement that one must have a quirk to join any prestigious hero institution in Japan. However, it wasn’t until later seasons of My Hero Academia that the concept of quirks being essential for heroism began to be challenged.

In the world of “My Hero Academia”, All Might demonstrates that even characters without special abilities, or ‘quirks’, can compete with some of the strongest villains. This is achieved through support items and advanced equipment. The armored version of All Might paves a path for quirkless characters to potentially shape the hero environment within “My Hero Academia”. However, this idea is still rather novel and uncommon. It’s possible that in a potential spinoff, quirkless heroes could assume leading roles.

The Role of Quirķless Characters in My Hero Academia

Quirkless Individuals Are Relegated to the Sidelines

In a world dominated by unique abilities and peculiarities, approximately 80% of the populace wields some form of power. Individuals without such powers find themselves largely insignificant or undervalued in this society. Although not everyone with a power chooses the hero’s path, their unique abilities prove beneficial in various professions and fields. Conversely, those lacking any special ability often struggle to contribute meaningfully to society due to their lack of distinct offerings.

Approximately 80% of the world’s inhabitants possess distinct talents, which we refer to as ‘quirks’. Now, we find ourselves in an era characterized by superhuman abilities.

At the outset of “My Hero Academia”, it was made clear that people without superpowers (referred to as ‘quirkless’) who aspired to be heroes often joined the police force, where they mainly handled minor crimes and less complex tasks. Additionally, due to their scarcity among those with superpowers (quirk-possessing individuals), quirkless people frequently encounter discrimination and bias from their counterparts possessing superpowers.

It’s apparent from Deku’s initial stages that he endured frequent bullying by Bakugou, due to his lack of a quirk at birth. Notably, Deku is just one instance among many where those without a quirk faced bullying from their peers because they were born without a special ability. Although the prejudice against quirkless individuals may not have been as intense as Heteromorph discrimination, it’s clear that bias and intolerance persist in this context.

How Support Gear Challenges the Status Quo

Support Equipment Can Give Way to Quirkless Heroes

In the universe of “My Hero Academia,” a hero devoid of idiosyncrasies or unique abilities, like “Quirkless heroes,” is an unusual idea. It’s striking that this idea was not explored more in depth given the abundance of high-tech and sophisticated equipment available to the heroes. Throughout the series, we see these tools being utilized extensively by heroes, significantly enhancing their powers. The storyline presents numerous instances of this, such as Deku and Bakugou, whose abilities were greatly amplified thanks to specialized gear tailored to their unique quirks.

Just like non-superpowered individuals, those without special abilities, can also be empowered by using specialized equipment and tools that can function as weapons. This transformation allows them to perform heroic tasks similar to their counterparts with special powers. This idea isn’t new; it’s often portrayed in comics like Marvel and DC, where ordinary people become superheroes thanks to advanced technology. Characters like Iron Man and Batman are prime examples of this form of heroism, as they are regular humans who have taken on heroic roles using high-tech equipment.

Utilizing advanced technology, these characters have transformed into superheroes, matching their super-powered counterparts in combat. This idea translates to the universe of “My Hero Academia”, where individuals lacking a quirk can still contribute to heroism by employing supportive equipment that functions as weapons.

How Armored All Might paves the way for Quirkless Heroes

Armored All Might Is the First Quirkless Hero in My Hero Academia

First Appearance Episode 159 “Battle Without a Quirk”
Debut Date October 12, 2024

In the universe of My Hero Academia, the idea of ordinary citizens becoming heroes wasn’t typically seen as a strong possibility. But with the arrival of Armored All Might at the end of Season 7, this concept has gained traction. Once he lost One for All, All Might became an ordinary, quirkless person, losing all his superpowers. However, equipped with his uniquely designed armored suit, All Might was able to face off against powerful figures like All for One, who is almost deified in the world of My Hero Academia.

In his armored suit, All Might combines the abilities of nearly every student from Class 1-A, enabling him to utilize these powers sequentially, much like his students do. Initially, it was thought that Armored All Might wouldn’t stand a chance against All for One with just supportive gear, but their battle demonstrated otherwise. The fight highlighted the capabilities of Armored All Might, as he inflicted multiple injuries on the villain while taking minimal damage himself. Although the future of Armored All Might remains uncertain, the simple fact that he faced off against a vicious villain like All for One suggests that heroism without a quirk is definitely possible.

Power Suit and a car as his support items!

Limitations of Quirkless Heroes

Quirkless Heroes Are Held Back By a Few Weaknesses

Although quirkless individuals don’t necessarily face direct disadvantages when aspiring to become heroes, there are some challenges they might encounter in joining the hero world. One significant hurdle is the high cost of acquiring support gear, which is too expensive even for seasoned Pro Heroes who have been in the field for years. For ordinary civilians, affording such advanced technology would be extremely unlikely.

In simpler terms, this scenario would make it possible for only wealthy individuals to acquire advanced technology that could transform them into heroes, as demonstrated by Armored All Might. His ability to return to heroism was facilitated by his vast wealth. For an average person to duplicate the same feat is highly improbable.

I had a suit created by Hercules, as per my design, allowing me to participate, however briefly, in the ensuing battle.

A key point to remember is that those without special abilities (quirkless individuals) heavily depend on their equipment for support. If this equipment gets damaged or fails, they could find themselves powerless and completely at the mercy of villains. On the other hand, heroes who possess quirks can rely on these abilities when in danger, making them less risky to be in harm’s way. However, for quirkless heroes relying on their equipment, the risks are much higher because they could easily become exposed and vulnerable in unexpected situations. This drawback makes the idea of quirkless heroes seem less feasible, but it can still be improved upon with further advancements.

My Hero Academia is available to stream on Prime Video.

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2025-01-13 00:34