My Hero Academia: What Do The Todoroki Children Think Of Endeavor, Explained

My Hero Academia: What Do The Todoroki Children Think Of Endeavor, Explained

Key Takeaways

  • Shoto resented Endeavor for favoring him but grew to accept him after joining his agency.
  • Fuyumi sought to fix her broken family dynamics and supports Endeavor’s atonement.
  • Natsuo holds Endeavor accountable, and resents him, but finds him “cool” after his efforts.

As a child of Endeavor, I can attest that growing up under his shadow was no easy feat. My brother Natsuo and I bore the brunt of our father’s obsession with surpassing All Might, while my sister Fuyumi seemed to escape unscathed. Yet, even she wasn’t immune to the cruelty that our father inflicted upon Toya and Rei.

In the world of “My Hero Academia“, the Todoroki siblings are the results of Endeavor’s relentless pursuit to outshine All Might. However, beneath this ambition, Endeavor’s treatment towards each child varies significantly. Some were overlooked, while others endured abuse. Yet, as he evolves, Endeavor is making amends for his past misdeeds.

Even though Endeavor has admitted his mistakes, not all of his offspring have forgiven him completely and continue to keep him accountable for his past deeds. Consequently, each of his children responds uniquely to this changed persona, so let’s explore what the Todoroki siblings think about Endeavor now.

What Does Shoto Think of Endeavor?

Shoto is the Child Endeavor Always Wanted

My Hero Academia: What Do The Todoroki Children Think Of Endeavor, Explained

At the outset of My Hero Academia, it’s evident that Shoto harbors intense dislike towards his father. Born as the youngest among his siblings, Shoto possesses a unique Quirk combining Fire and Ice. Endeavor, Shoto’s father, has always aspired to excel beyond All Might, and upon Shoto’s birth, he pinned all his ambitions on him. Consequently, Endeavor subjected Shoto to rigorous training sessions that often left him vomiting or exhausted.

Unfortunately for Shoto, Toya harbors resentment towards him because he perceives Shoto as having taken his place, leading Toya to attempt to attack Shoto even as a baby. This incident kept Shoto apart from his other siblings, resulting in them growing up without much interaction with him, as Shoto became Endeavor’s preferred son. Consequently, Shoto’s reserved and uncomfortable demeanor may stem from this separation, as he likely didn’t have the opportunity to develop social skills during his formative years.

Beyond just being present during Endeavor’s mistreatment of his mother, Rei, Shoto was a silent observer to their conflicts. This experience fueled his growing animosity towards his father, leading him to suppress his Fire Quirk as a form of defiance. However, once he recognized that his Fire Quirk belongs uniquely to him, Shoto began to view Endeavor in a new light, albeit uneasily. Throughout the series, Shoto has consistently maintained a frosty demeanor towards his father, either responding awkwardly or expressing discomfort when in his presence.

Initially, when Shoto joined Endeavor’s Agency, he gradually grew more amicable towards him, eventually agreeing to learn about his Fire Quirk. Despite this, he remained cautious around his father, preferring to maintain a distance. However, upon discovering that Dabi is Toya, Shoto took decisive action to confront him with Endeavor’s support. Following the Final War, it appears that Shoto has mended fences with his father and harbors less animosity towards him compared to earlier times.

What does Fuyumi Think of Endeavor?

Fuyumi Wants to Fix Her Broken Family and Sees the Change in Her Father

My Hero Academia: What Do The Todoroki Children Think Of Endeavor, Explained

Fuyumi, who is one of Endeavor’s children and his only daughter, was not expected to become a Hero or follow in her father’s footsteps like her brothers. This may be due to the fact that she possesses an Ice Quirk, much like her mother, Rei. Furthermore, Fuyumi had witnessed a harmonious family environment before Endeavor became consumed by his ambition to surpass All Might.

In Chapter 302, Toya criticizes their father for undervaluing the women in their household by saying they’re worthless, suggesting they are passive and lack assertiveness. Meanwhile, Fuyumi confesses that she was fearful of challenging their troubled family situation, opting instead to maintain appearances by organizing dinners rather than actively addressing the problems at hand.

Despite enduring less abuse from her father compared to others, Fuyumi was not immune to the harshness that pervaded the Todoroki household. Yet, Fuyumi witnessed a transformation in Endeavor, which prompted her to strive even harder to mend their fractured family. In essence, though Fuyumi continues to hold Endeavor responsible for his past deeds, she stands by him as he endeavors to make amends for them.

What does Natsuo think of Endeavor?

Natsuo is the Only One Who Has Been Holding Their Father Accountable for His Actions

My Hero Academia: What Do The Todoroki Children Think Of Endeavor, Explained

Natsuo, the third child of Endeavor, experienced neglect similar to his sister Fuyumi, but unlike her, he was born during a time when Endeavor’s obsession with surpassing All Might intensified. Consequently, he witnessed firsthand their father’s harsh treatment towards Toya and Rei.

Over time, Natsuo developed a deep resentment toward Endeavor, often displaying his animosity through scowls or cold stares whenever they were together. He also never let go of the grudge against Endeavor for past actions, suggesting that he believes Endeavor was responsible for Toya’s death. Despite this animosity, when Fuyumi asks for a family dinner, Natsuo will attend out of respect for her wishes. However, his disdain for his father will be evident, and he will promptly depart once the meal has ended.

During the fierce battle against the High-End Nomu, Natsuo exhibited worry for their father yet harbored resentment towards him. Upon discovering Toya as Dabi, Natsuo, Fuymi, and Rei united in search of a solution to help Endeavor handle Toya’s situation. In Chapter 302, Natsuo took Endeavor to task for his past actions, asserting that the disarray within their family was largely due to Endeavor’s decisions.

Following the Final War in Chapter 426, Natsuo reveals to his family that he will sever all ties with Endeavor and go ahead with marrying his girlfriend. This discussion also sees Endeavor express his intention to make amends for his wrongdoings throughout the remainder of his life. Although Natsuo has yet to find it in himself to forgive Endeavor for his past actions, he acknowledges that this was the moment when he found his father somewhat admirable for the first time.

What does Toya think of Endeavor?

Toya has always just wanted to be noticed by His Father

My Hero Academia: What Do The Todoroki Children Think Of Endeavor, Explained

Toya, who is Endeavor’s eldest son, was once the recipient of all his father’s aspirations to surpass All Might. Given his younger years, Toya boasted a more potent Fire Quirk than his dad, enhancing his likelihood of becoming a top-tier Pro Hero. Despite possessing a powerful Fire Quirk similar to his father, however, Toya’s body is sensitive to fire, causing him to burn and scar whenever he activates his Quirk.

Endeavor made every effort to prevent Toya from employing his Fire abilities, but ironically, his attempts only served to exacerbate the situation. Toya’s obduracy was a trait he inherited from Endeavor. As Endeavor went on to have more children, Toya grew increasingly anxious about being surpassed. This fear drove him to train in secret, hoping to gain his father’s attention.

In time, Toya’s disregard for his father would foster a deep-seated desire within him to consistently demonstrate that he too could excel as a Pro Hero and that his Fire Quirk was valuable. Tragically, his feelings often overpowered him, resulting in his Quirk losing control. This incident left him severely burnt, but fortunately, All For One intervened to save him.

This situation might cause All For One to convince the Todoroki family that Toya has died. Prior to this supposed news, Toya experienced a sudden understanding and desired to reconcile with his family. However, he was unable to do so because he felt overshadowed by Shoto and believed his own family had forgotten about him.

At a certain point, Toya transformed into Dabi and devoted his life to bringing down both Endeavor and Shoto. His intense animosity towards Endeavor stemmed from the hardships he endured at the hands of his father. Initially, it seemed that he sought revenge out of hatred, but during the Final War, it was revealed that deep down, he craved his father’s attention. Following the war, Endeavor vowed to make amends by visiting Toya daily, yet despite this, Toya continues to harbor resentment towards his father.

My Hero Academia is now available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-07 20:34