My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

Key Takeaways

  • Shigaraki’s potential transformation into a hero could have changed the League of Villains’ dynamic and All for One’s plans.
  • Without Shigaraki, the League’s formation could have been different, posing a lesser threat to society.
  • Shigaraki’s redemption arc as a hero could have resulted in a powerful confrontation with All for One, solidifying his status as a great hero.

As a storyteller who’s spent countless hours delving into the intricate world of My Hero Academia, I can’t help but ponder upon the what-ifs that lurk beneath its vibrant surface. If Tenko Shimura, the tragic soul destined to become Tomura Shigaraki, had been found by a hero instead of All for One, his life would have taken an entirely different course.

In an anime series, a single instance can significantly alter a character’s trajectory. This might be the encounter with a pivotal mentor or being caught up in a heartbreaking event; these instances serve as turning points for their narratives. Shows like “My Hero Academia” utilize this concept, where one character’s actions of choice and influence can alter everything. Imagine if the series’ main antagonist, Tomura Shigaraki, had chosen a different path? What if Shigaraki had rejected his future role as leader of the League of Villains, instead enrolling at U.A. High School to become a trainee hero? Let’s explore some potential consequences that could have unfolded.

Shigaraki’s tragic past steered him towards the sinister path guided by All for One. If his life had taken a different course, he could have aligned with the heroes instead. This raises numerous questions about how the League of Villains might have evolved, what All for One’s plans would look like, and how Shigaraki himself would have grown and developed differently.

A Path Not Taken

What If He Had a Normal Family

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

As a gamer, if fate hadn’t brought All for One into contact with Tenko Shimura’s family, and his father had never turned abusive, Tenko’s life would’ve taken a whole new direction. His inherent quirk, before it was enhanced by All for One, might have been far less destructive. Given that the Shimura lineage is linked to heroic potential, and Tenko being Nana Shimura’s grandson, it’s plausible his natural quirk could’ve been tied to emotional states or something more protective, similar to his grandmother’s Float quirk.

In a different scenario, Tenko might have developed his quirk in a healthier, less traumatic environment, making it more stable. Instead of rebelling against his grandmother’s heroic legacy, he could have found inspiration in it. Shigaraki would have grown up with his family intact and may have felt a sense of belonging among friends at U.A. High School, like Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki. Their shared struggles could have fostered mutual support rather than conflict. Guidance from teachers such as Aizawa and Recovery Girl might have helped him cope with his past traumas, transforming his destructive powers into protective ones, ultimately using them for the greater good instead of causing harm to others.

Throne Without An Heir

The League of Villains Without Shigaraki

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

In the absence of Shigaraki leading the League of Villains, the group as we know it might not have taken shape or even existed at all. With All for One nurturing him as his intended successor, he would have lacked the heir necessary to continue his schemes. The League could have been left without a competent leader, or one with differing ideas and aspirations.

It’s possible that Dabi, Spinner, Toga, Twice, and others might not have formed a group without Shigaraki; they were primarily attracted by his chaotic ambition. The League of Villains, as we know it, relies heavily on Shigaraki’s presence to maintain unity. Without him, these characters could have chosen different paths, leading smaller, less influential villainous groups. In this scenario, the League would have posed a significantly reduced threat to society, and our heroes wouldn’t have had to deal with such organized opposition.

Monarchy Without a Dark Scion

Plans of All for One Without Shigaraki

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

This implies that when contemplating All for One’s colossal scheme to dismantle the hero’s society, it was Shigaraki, formerly known as Tenko Shimura, who held a pivotal role at the heart of this plan, serving as his protégé and the one destined to carry on his legacy. It’s possible that without Shigaraki to control, All for One might have sought out another strong young boy to mentor and shape in his own likeness. Characters such as Dabi or even a villain like Nine from the “My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising” movie, but none showed as much promise as Shigaraki.

Instead, it might be more advantageous for him to pursue simpler means to accomplish his objectives quicker rather than investing time in nurturing a successor. This swift approach could have significantly accelerated the conflict between the heroes and the villains, with All for One clashing against All Might and U.A. decades earlier, during events that predate the current series timeline. The void left by his absence would have compelled All for One to adopt more extreme tactics to undermine the hero community.

Plus Ultra Hero

Who Would Have Mentored Tenko?

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

In another scenario where All for One didn’t find Shigaraki, it’s intriguing to speculate who would have mentored him instead. Two potential candidates could have been Gran Torino and Aizawa. With Gran Torino’s history of working with his grandmother and All Might, and his knack for recognizing troubled individuals, he might have provided a conducive environment for Shigaraki’s growth. Similarly, Aizawa’s stern approach could have aided Shigaraki in mastering his powers more effectively.

Above all, the compassionate atmosphere at U.A., filled with nurturing instructors and an inspiring philosophy, likely would have given Shigaraki a renewed sense of direction. Surrounding him would be fellow students battling similar traumatic problems and barriers, much like himself. With the encouragement of these mentors and peers, Shigaraki may find a path to make amends for his past mistakes and channel his incredible power towards righteousness.

Yet Another Outcome

The Inevitable But With Fate’s Good Hand

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

If All for One hadn’t manipulated events to transform Tenko Shimura into Tomura Shigaraki, but instead, a hero found him after the tragic incident where he unintentionally killed his family, the storyline would have significantly changed. Following the tragedy, heroes such as All Might or Gran Torino might have discovered and empathized with Tenko’s pain. Given their close relationship with Nana Shimura, Tenko’s grandmother, they could have taken him under their protection, offering guidance and emotional support that he desperately needed.

If even a single person had contacted me… anyone, for that matter… perhaps the itching could have ceased. – Tenko Shimura (paraphrased)

Tenko’s Quirk, whatever its initial form might have been, would be nurtured and controlled so he wouldn’t end up with the wickedest villain in the world. Ideally, All Might or Gran Torino could guide him towards reconciliation with his sorrowful past and teach him to use his power constructively instead of letting it breed resentment. At this stage, Tenko would be under the tutelage of All Might or perhaps studying at U.A., following in the footsteps of his grandmother and growing into a heroic figure.

In his absence, the League of Villains might never have grown as formidable, and All For One’s plans could have been hindered or even halted altogether. Instead of a narrative filled with villainy and animosity, his life could have been a journey towards penance and recovery. His powers, rather than being used to harm others, could have been employed to protect them – a tribute to Nana Shimura’s legacy, not a contradiction of it. This parallel redemption arc would be similar to those of characters like Endeavor and Bakugo, who confronted their inner demons and strived for self-improvement. Tenko’s atonement could have become a powerful narrative, transforming a destructive figure into one of hope – embodying the concept of second chances.

What Could Have Been

From A Potential Vessel To Ultimate Demise

My Hero Academia: What if Shigaraki Had Joined U.A. As a Student Instead of Becoming a Villain?

Regardless of whether Tenko’s journey led him down the path of heroism, it’s likely that his story would have culminated in a climactic showdown with All for One. His potential acquisition of the powerful Decay Quirk or not, he had the potential to rank among the most formidable heroes within U.A., even challenging Might Guy. This encounter could have marked the completion of Tenko’s transformation, as he turned his back on the darkness that once sought to engulf him and instead chose heroism. The defeat of All for One would serve as a testament to his complete redemption and solidify his place among the elite heroes in the My Hero Academia world.

In an alternate scenario where Shigaraki or Tenko had chosen to attend U.A. High School instead of following their present paths, the world within “My Hero Academia” would have experienced a significant shift. For instance, the League of Villains may not have developed into its current form, as All for One might have needed to adjust his strategies. Tenko’s life story could have unfolded with a more optimistic trajectory. Under the guidance of skilled mentors, their potential could have redefined them from one of the saddest villains to one of the most powerful and inspiring heroes in the series.

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2024-10-25 18:04