My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair

My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair


  • Shōnen thrives on character pairings for chemistry and tension, showcasing Hawks and Endeavor as a standout duo in My Hero Academia.
  • Hawks’ cocky, personable nature complements Endeavor’s serious demeanor, helping lighten his load and enhance their strengths together.
  • Hawks’ belief in Endeavor, despite his abusive past, stems from a shared childhood trauma and the Flame Hero’s efforts to atone for his actions.

As someone who grew up in abusive households, I can deeply relate to both Hawks and Endeavor’s stories. Hawks’ determination to become a hero despite his harrowing childhood resonates with me, as I too found solace in the idea of becoming a beacon of hope for others. But what sets Hawks apart is his unwavering belief in Endeavor.

In a great shonen series, the heart lies in its well-developed characters and the unique ways they interact and form relationships. Shonen stories thrive on iconic trios, but a compelling duo can leave a lasting impression and even outshine the main protagonists, as seen in “My Hero Academia” with Hawks and Endeavor.

In the final episode of Season 4, two highly acclaimed Japanese heroes made their first screen appearance together. At this point, Endeavor was facing the challenge of being the number one hero, a role Hawks wasn’t making easier. Initially, they clashed, but since then, they have worked closely together. By Season 7, they are teaming up against All for One without any other allies.

A High-Flying Case of “Opposites Attract”

My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair

The final episode of Season 4 stands out as one of the most impactful in the show, marked by the intense emotional clash between Endeavor and the groundbreaking High-End Nomu. With All Might having stepped down, the weight of restoring faith in Japan fell heavily on their shoulders, making this confrontation more than just a typical monster fight. The storyline leading up to this point played a significant role in determining the hierarchy among the elite heroes and introduced numerous key characters whose roles would become crucial later on.

Their Partnership Got Off To A Rocky Start

My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair

Among all characters, Hawks stood out the most in terms of importance and memorability. He offers a striking contrast to Endeavor, with his bluntness, cockiness, and apparent indifference towards heroic rituals. His actions push Endeavor to shine when the pressure is already at its peak, making him seem like an arrogant child to Endeavor, although Hawks does not hold any malice towards him.

Instead of being at odds with each other, Hawks is actually a fan of Endeavor, and he’s eager to assist him in living up to the people’s expectations and requirements. Hawks even refers to himself as Endeavor’s “producer,” an audacious title given their age difference and experience levels. However, it doesn’t take long for viewers to realize that Endeavor could greatly benefit from having someone like Hawks by his side.

How Hawks Helped Lighten Endeavor’s Load

My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair

Before the climax of the High-End Nomu shattering the window, it was already clear that although Endeavor possessed great strength, being a hero extended beyond brute force; it encompassed empathy and serving as an inspiring figure, areas in which Endeavor fell short compared to All Might. In stark contrast, Hawks’ innate ability to help people shone through effortlessly, even during casual strolls down the street. Moreover, his friendly disposition made him all the more endearing.

During fierce battles, when the structure around them crumbles, Hawks steps in to protect innocent civilians, leaving Endeavor to focus on his expertise. Their teamwork allows for the coverage of each other’s shortcomings and amplification of strengths. It’s no surprise they continue collaborating, but their bond deepens once we understand why Hawks holds Endeavor in such high regard.

The Similar Baggage Endeavor and Hawks Carry

My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair

The development of Endeavor as a character is intricate, debated, and packed with emotion throughout the series. His hero status is frequently challenged as his burdens increase and his past of abuse is exposed. It’s not an overstatement to claim that he has very few supporters. However, Hawks remains steadfast in her belief in him, and her reason for doing so is quite ironic given Endeavor’s misdeeds.

Hawks’ Childhood Without Heroes

My Hero Academia: Why Hawks and Endeavor Are a Perfect Pair

In Episode 129, titled “The Todoroki Family’s Infernal Realm, Part 2,” Hawks’ past is given equal importance as that of the famed Todoroki family. Contrary to what one might assume, Hawks, who possesses wings and is a hero, hails from an abusive household himself. Surprisingly, this background does not necessarily make him antagonistic towards Endeavor. Instead, Keigo Takami’s upbringing in a constrictive and violent environment shaped his perspective. For young Keigo, superheroes were more than just figures on the screen; they were a tangible source of hope and inspiration during his difficult times.

Keigo held a special affinity for Endeavor among all heroes. This wasn’t solely due to being the sole hero he owned a toy of, but rather because Endeavor had locked up Keigo’s abusive and criminal father. Following this event, Keigo renounced his previous identity and dedicated his childhood to becoming Hawks, the hero. While not an uplifting tale, even the conclusion sheds light on the societal aspects of “My Hero,” revealing that it was only Keigo’s potential as a superhero that saved him.

How Endeavor Continues to Inspire Hawks

Despite this, Hawks consistently held faith in Endeavor’s redemption, an sentiment shared by few in Japan during his darkest moments. One was the instigator of harm, while the other suffered it, but both carried a burden of guilt for their past actions. Some might argue that Hawks had no reason to feel remorse given his own painful history. Nevertheless, he deeply regretted not attempting to repair his relationship with his parents. Thus, Endeavor’s efforts to make amends for such heinous acts would have held immense significance for Hawks.

If the conversations about Endeavor demonstrate anything, it’s that achieving such a feat is an immense challenge, calling for care, perseverance, and accepting that forgiveness will always be elusive. The fact that it’s challenging makes Endeavor’s determination to attempt it so commendable in Hawks’ opinion, driving him to advocate for him even when his strength isn’t what it once was. This is the motivation propelling him forward.

“Endeavor is making amends for his past mistakes. He can’t simply leave it behind like I did… Therefore, it’s important that I continue to stand by him.”

Hawks and Endeavor are among the most captivating pairs in “My Hero Academia,” not just because of their strong bond and effective teamwork in battles, but also due to their determination in facing their personal struggles. Although Endeavor may not view their friendship in the same light as Hawks does, the significance of having a friend during times when hope seems lost is undeniable.

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2024-07-18 20:34