Netflix Reveals Staggering Number of Games It Currently Has in Development

Netflix Reveals Staggering Number of Games It Currently Has in Development


  • Netflix has over 80 games in development as of July 2024.
  • Its upcoming projects will see it double down on interactive narrative experiences and games based on its own IPs.
  • Netflix’s player engagement tripled in 2023, but its game publishing efforts still have a fairly minimal impact on its overall business.

As a long-time gamer and avid Netflix subscriber, I’m thrilled to hear about the streaming giant’s ambitious plans for its gaming division. With over 80 new games in development, it’s clear that Netflix is serious about expanding its offerings and refining its game catalog.

A senior Netflix officer recently shared that Netflix is currently working on over 80 different games in development. This information was part of a broader update on Netflix’s gaming sector, which provided insights into the current progress of this new aspect of the popular video streaming service.

Netflix initiated its gaming venture in July 2021, unveiling intentions to create and distribute games as an extra benefit for its membership base. Since then, they have obtained licenses for numerous external games and even began producing some in-house. Initially relying on collaborations with outside developers, Netflix has been striving to enhance its internal game development abilities progressively over the years.

Netflix Teases Over 80 New Games

As a passionate fan, I’m thrilled to share that Netflix’s influence in the gaming world has hit an all-time high. During their Q2 2024 earnings call, co-CEO Gregory K. Peters revealed they are developing over 80 new games! In his conversation with analysts, he described this upcoming collection as a refinement of Netflix’s game library. These new projects will primarily focus on elements that have previously succeeded while avoiding those that didn’t. Peters drew a parallel to how Netflix approaches the development of new movies and TV shows.

Netflix Reveals Staggering Number of Games It Currently Has in Development

Netflix Tripled Player Engagement in 2023, But It Wants More

Based on my experience as a seasoned tech industry analyst, I have closely followed Netflix’s evolution over the years. Peters’ recent announcement about tripling year-on-year player engagement in their gaming division during 2023 was intriguing, to say the least. The fact that this growth is continuing positively into the first half of 2024 adds credence to their ambitious plans for the future.

Over the past three years, Netflix’s foray into gaming has resulted in over 100 games being released, according to the co-CEO. Of these, 96 are currently accessible globally as of July 2024, based on a Game Rant review. Most of these titles are developed by third parties, but Netflix is also investing more in creating interactive experiences based on its own intellectual properties. Previous endeavors have led to games like “The Queen’s Gambit Chess,” “Narcos: Cartel Wars Unlimited,” and “Too Hot to Handle: Love Is a Game.”

Netflix Stories Moving to a Monthly Game Release Schedule

Peters indicated that the company will place a significant emphasis on those initial experiences in shaping their future gaming strategy. Similarly, interactive narrative experiences, which Peters described as less complex, will continue to be a part of their plans. Notably, the team has debuted a narrative platform named Netflix Stories, currently boasting two games. Beginning July 2024, they plan to roll out one new Netflix Stories game each month. Additionally, since June, they have been on the hunt for a new gaming head as Mike Verdu announced his departure to explore “pioneering advancements in gaming innovation.”

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2024-07-20 17:35