New World: Aeternum – How To Increase Carry Capacity

New World: Aeternum - How To Increase Carry Capacity

As a seasoned adventurer with years of backpacking through treacherous terrains and countless expeditions under my belt, I can confidently say that the struggle to manage weight and carry capacity is all too real. Thankfully, New World: Aeternum has heard our cries for help and introduced some fantastic Bag Enchantments to ease our burden.

Title Capacity Expansion in the Game World: Aeternum

As a devoted crafter and collector, I can’t stress enough the value of this guide for us! It empowers us to boost our farming efficiency significantly by minimizing trips back to the cities. With the extra storage capacity it offers, we can hoard hundreds of resources without having to worry about running out of space in our bags. This guide is truly a game-changer for those who want to immerse themselves in the art of crafting and trading!

How To Increase Encumbrance In New World: Aeternum

In the game “New World: Aeternum“, increasing the Carry Capacity means players should enhance their Burden Limit, a feature representing the amount of weight they can carry in their backpacks.

The sum of all your items’ weights is adjusted by subtracting benefits like Item Weight Reduction and Weight Carrying Enhancement, which can be found in various equipment such as bags, gear, or even stats, resulting in a more manageable load.

There are several ways to increase the total Encumbrance of the characters:

  • Equip more and better Carry Bags (Craft or Purchase), the slots of which are displayed in the Tool Tab of the Inventory.
  • Get at least 50/100 Stats and unlock Trait Nodes.
  • Get equipment that increases Weight Capacity Limit through Charms or Perks.

At levels 5, 30, and 45, you’ll find that your Bag slots become accessible. These slots can accommodate different bags or even the same one, but it’s advisable to mix up the bags you assign to your characters for better gameplay experience. Ideally, choose bags with Perks that enhance Carrying Capacity or reduce Burden (details on these perks will be discussed later).

Statistics such as Strength, Constitution, and Focus boost your Carry Capacity by up to +50 within some of their skill nodes, so don’t forget to take note of these traits.

Furthermore, as players continually boost their stats, they’ll discover that each stat correlates with specific Professions. For instance, Strength offers advantages for Mining, and enhancing one’s strength reduces the weight of ores once the Strength stat reaches 150.

Best Ways To Decrease Item Weight In New World: Aeternum

In the game “New World: Aeternum”, players can opt to enhance a stat relevant to their chosen profession, or acquire perks with the “Lighten Load” affix. Here’s a compiled list of all perk stats that lessen Item Weight and all item and bag perks designed to assist players in managing their load:

Stats That Increase Encumbrance And Decrease Item Weight

  • Strength attribute Perks: +25 encumbrance (50 stat points), +50 encumbrance (100 stat points), -10% mining Item weight (150 stat points).
  • Dexterity attribute Perks: +50 encumbrance (100 stat points), -10% skinning Item weight (150 stat points).
  • Intelligence attribute Perks: +50 encumbrance (100 stat points), -10% harvested Item weight (150 stat points).
  • Focus attribute Perks: +50 encumbrance (100 stat points), -10% fishing Item weight (150 stat points).
  • Constitution attribute Perks: +50 encumbrance (100 stat points), -10% lumber Item weight (150 stat points).

Item Perks That Improve Carry Capacity And Decrease Item Weight

  • Extra Pockets: Increases Encumbrance by 50-95 depending on Item Quality (Gearscore).
  • Lumberjack’s Burden: Wood, Wodcutter Axes, and Plank weight reduction 5-16%.
  • Gourmand’s Burden: Food Items weight reduction 5-16%.
  • Prospector’s Burden. Reduce the weight of ores, ingots, and pickaxes by 5-16%.
  • Quarryman’s Burden: Stone, Gems, and Pickaxe weight reduction 5-16%.
  • Weaver’s Burden: Fiber, Cloth, and Sickles weight reduction 5-16%.
  • Tanner’s Burden: Skinning Items weight reduction 5-16%.
  • Mercenary’s Burden: Weapons weight reduction 5-16%. (only when carried in bags).
  • Quartermaster’s Burden: Armors weight reduction 5-16%. (only when carried in bags).
  • Alchemist’s Burden: Flask and Potion Items weight reduction 5-16%.

Best Bag Enchantments To Increase Weight In New World: Aeternum

Essential features in bags include those that boost the maximum load capacity, making additional compartments or pockets a necessity in every bag purchased or made by players. Additionally, players can combine up to three identical Weight Reduction Perks – for instance, having three Quarryman’s Weight Reduction Perks, one on each bag, results in a total reduction of 30% on stone items.

Remember that making Bags necessitates the use of Runes of Storage, which can be obtained exclusively from Faction Vendors. The quality of the Runes of Storage varies for each Bag Tier, ranging from 1 to 5. Here’s a breakdown of the worth of each Runes of Storage and the Bag Tier that players can produce with them:

RuneCostTier Crafted
Minor Rune of Holding1000 Faction TokensTier 2 Bags
Major Rune of Holding3000 Faction TokensTier 3 Bags
Greater Rune of Holding5000 Faction TokensTier 4 Bags
Grand Rune of Holding7500 Faction TokensTier 5 Bags

As you elevate the Level or Quality of the Bag that players create or acquire, it’ll accommodate more Benefits or Perks. Furthermore, the higher the Equipment Score (determined by the materials used in crafting), the superior the Perks will be. Therefore, consider enhancing your Bags’ Levels, similar to other equipment, to maximize Storage Capacity as much as possible.

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2024-10-17 17:13