Nightingale: Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Survival

Nightingale: Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Survival

Key Takeaways

  • Start at low-difficulty realms to learn base mechanics safely.
  • Avoid corrupted realms due to constant enemy attacks and danger.
  • Utilize realm cards for resource boosts and exploration enhancements.

As an old-time gamer who’s seen more than a few sunsets in the gaming world, let me share some golden nuggets I’ve picked up along the way for those venturing into Nightingale.

In a simple paraphrase, “Nightingale” is an adventure game set in mystical realms, where players must strategize and utilize their skills to navigate through dangerous creatures and enigmatic landscapes. To excel as Realm Walkers, it’s beneficial to familiarize oneself with the game mechanics before embarking on this magical journey.

This list features important information on how to build for combat, how to take advantage of boons and realm effects to boost exploration, and an overall roundup of useful advice to get them started on this magical adventure.

10 Select A Low Difficulty Realm To Start

Don’t Try To Prove A Point, Just Learn The Basics First

  • Pros: Safer, easier-to-learn base mechanics
  • Cons: Less resource and essence yield

Even though players may believe they’re seasoned survivors in other survival games, Nightingale offers unique elements in its core mechanics and Realms structure that can make it challenging to get accustomed to. Don’t hesitate to select the most basic difficulty level initially to help you familiarize yourself with the game. The game doesn’t penalize players, instead, it advises them to start at an Easy Difficulty level and progressively increase it as they acquire knowledge and equipment.

At tougher levels, gamers may find themselves facing more advanced resource and material types, along with formidable foes. However, it’s not always necessary to resort to combat. Shrewd creatures such as Giants and Eoten are open to negotiation, and players might succeed in acquiring what they need by engaging in trade with these beings instead.

9 Avoid Corrupted Realms At The Beginning

If The Skies Are Red, It Doesn’t Bode Well

  • Pros: Filled to the brim with resources
  • Cons: Dangerous, non-stop attacks from enemy faction

As a fan, I can’t wait for the tutorial where Puck guides us on “cleansing” a realm using a Realm Cleansing Card. This special card wipes out all ongoing effects in the realm, but beware, it turns the sky into an ominous perpetual red or blood-like night, signifying danger. It’s crucial to steer clear of Corrupted Realms because this specific effect will cause The Bound (corrupted Fae) to relentlessly spawn near the player, regardless of what he’s doing or where he goes.

either lower your gear level to meet the challenge or utilize the Realm Cleansing Card in the Realm Card Machine to remove the corruption effect. However, this will also eliminate all positive effects within the realm, such as increased resource production. Nevertheless, it’s always wise to keep a Realm Cleansing Card handy, as you never know when it might be needed.

8 Use Realm Cards To Boost Exploration And Resource Gathering

Pick A Card, Any Card

  • Pros: Gain more resource yield, movement boosts, combat boosts
  • Cons: Players need to search for a Realm Card Machine every time they want to use them

When utilizing the Realm Card Machine, players have the ability to modify various aspects of the game world, including its conditions, advantages, creatures, and virtually everything else. To do this, they must interact with the Enchanter’s Focus technology, which can be accessed via the Progression window using Essence. Once unlocked, players can either discover additional Realm Cards within chests or craft them using their Workbench.

To help players find specific resources more efficiently, they should be aware of the impact each Realm Card has on the game environment: from enhancing resource production to spawning specific ruins and puzzles, these cards are ideal for strategically acquiring resources and speeding up progress. Players can view the current effects of their Realm Cards by opening the map window using the (M) key.

7 Forget About Melee, Ranged Is The New Meta

Shoot, Run, Shoot Some More

  • Pros: Safer to fight, cause more damage
  • Cons: Requires a constant supply of ammo

In the latest update titled “The Realms Rebuilt,” there was a significant enhancement to the long-range weaponry, along with the introduction of two fresh, lower-tier options – Bows and Throwing Knives. Moreover, the Scythe has been redesigned as a mid-range ranged weapon, which can be thrown like a boomerang and excels in dealing damage to groups of enemies.

In this game, both throwing knives and scythes can be wielded together, but bows require two hands to handle. However, bows have the ability to inflict potent shots directly to an enemy’s heart, which are challenging to hit but lethal enough to instantly kill an elephant or any other creature in the realms. Players also have the option of using the Slingbow, a weapon that can store marbles for various elemental damages, particularly effective against specific types of enemies such as Automatons.

6 When In Doubt, Use An Umbrella

They’re Good For More Than Just Movement

  • Pros: Move Faster, Drop Slower And Safer
  • Cons: Can Be Broken Mid-Air, So Watch Out For Durability

In the game “Nightingale,” umbrellas serve a similar function to vehicles, acting as the primary means for players to travel safely from higher ground (point A) to lower ground (point B). These umbrellas offer more than just a transportation method; they enhance defense and magic power capabilities. Additionally, they safeguard the user against adverse weather conditions like rain and hail.

The primary drawback is that these items require a player to have one unoccupied hand for equipping, leaving the other hand free for weapons like knives or pistols. Interestingly, players can even fire a volley of bullets at enemies while flying away with pistols. An umbrella proves handy when moving, but keep an eye on your stamina bars since they drain continuously while in use.

5 Hire A Follower, And Equip It With A Backpack

Basically A Living Wheelbarrow

  • Pros: It is like an extra backpack to carry around
  • Cons: You need to properly equip them

Every Realm Walker needs followers because they not only aid in surviving tough battles with hazardous creatures, but they can handle mundane tasks like gathering rocks and wood as well, which can be tedious for players. Moreover, followers are useful for carrying heavy items that the player cannot lift themselves. When players exceed their carry limit, they can shift some of their belongings to their followers’ inventory.

Additionally, they may provide their followers with a bag for carrying extra items. However, it’s important to note that only one follower can be active simultaneously. Yet, usually, having just one is sufficient for most tasks.

4 Equip Your Follower With A Decent Weapon, It Will Save Your Life

Your Luggage Carrier Can Also Fight

  • Pros: Can aid you on a pinch
  • Cons: If not properly equipped, they become a responsibility

Followers of players can be armed with weapons as well, and they will engage in lethal combat against any adversaries that endanger their leaders. It’s essential for players to review the specific equipment sets their followers possess before choosing the right weapon for each one.

To make a specific ranged weapon useful for players, it’s essential that they have the necessary ammo on hand too.

After performing this action, followers transform into formidable assets in battles and expeditions, offering constant assistance whenever required. However, keep in mind that they can be defeated and left immobilized until you, the player, bring them back to life.

3 Quartz Is Valuable, Stock Up On It As Much As You Can

I See A Shiny Rock, I Pick It

  • Pros: Needed for most recipes related to magic
  • Cons: It’s heavy to carry around, and scarce

While exploring the various realms, players may stumble upon large, crystalline structures resembling quartz. These can be found embedded in rocks, towering on cliffs, hidden within caves, and particularly abundant along coastal areas, signifying that valuable Quartz deposits lie beneath these formations.

Quartz plays a crucial role in crafting various items and equipment that players need for specialized magical work, such as Infusions, Enchantments using the Enchanter’s Focus, and potions at the Alchemy Boiler. Therefore, it’s wise to seize any opportunity to gather Quartz since it’s an essential resource in your gaming journey.

2 Don’t Forget You Can Teleport To Your Base

Why Walk, If You Can Teleport?

  • Pros: Easy to go back once you’re done exploring
  • Cons: There’s no easy way to travel between two spots in different realms

After constructing your first Estate Cairn, the “Journey to Sanctuary” feature becomes accessible. Once you’ve established your initial base, you can return whenever you wish by activating this function when you open the map window by pressing ‘M’. Players can designate both their Respite Realms location and their teleport destination using their Estate cairn.

As a fan, I must admit that there’s one hiccup: this teleport skill isn’t usable when we’re cornered in specific locations, such as certain quest dungeons like Abeyances, or under the burden of the loot effect. However, if we find ourselves in such predicaments, escaping to the surface and distributing some of the loot to our companions could potentially solve the issue.

1 Rest Properly, Eat 3 Types Of Food To Buff Health And Stamina

Boosting Your Stats Is The Way To Go

  • Pros: Boosts all your general stats
  • Cons: You need to constantly rest and eat to gain the benefits

In survival games like Nightingale, players often face two critical factors: hunger and fatigue. These elements manifest in the game as reduced health and stamina, respectively. This reduction can make players feel sluggish and limit their activities significantly.

To avoid this issue, players should ensure they sleep at their bases or a self-made sanctuary, and maintain a balanced diet. Creating a simple camp with a Tent made of Sticks and a Bed Roll, along with a Basic Cooking Station for meals preparation, will suffice. However, taking rest in the Respite Realm on the base offers additional advantages. Be aware that various foods offer distinct benefits such as increased stamina, health, and regeneration, so pay attention to these too. Additionally, remember that you can adjust the game’s overall difficulty while resting, so consider this before settling down.

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2024-09-16 16:55