In the third installment of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, known as “Thunderclap of Catastrophe”, Ryu pursues Elizabeth into New York City. After two chapters with a very straightforward progression, this chapter provides the player with a bit more freedom to explore. The storyline unfolds, revealing the consequences of Elizabeth and Genshin’s actions involving the Demon Statue at the end of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black’s second chapter. In this guide, we will walk you through completing “Thunderclap of Catastrophe” and help you locate all collectibles in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, chapter 3.
Thunderclap of Catastrophe Chapter 3 Walkthrough – Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
CIty Streets – Path to Save Point 1:

In the opening scene, Ryu finds himself on the bustling streets of New York City, a city drastically altered by a massive catastrophe. Ruins and devastation stretch as far as the eye can see. Despite the relatively clear surroundings, it’s essential to stay vigilant. Throughout this open space, you’ll come across several dogs equipped with blades in the center.
As a Ninja Gaiden 2 Black gamer, the number of foes I battle varies depending on the game’s difficulty level. While I provide details for every enemy encounter, the specific number of adversaries I’ll square off against in each instance remains flexible.
Four chests can be found in this uncovered area leading up to the initial save point. The first one is situated beside the Store statue and has a Herb of Spiritual Life inside it. The second chest is at the end of the road that diverges from the main path; it contains red Ki orbs. To locate the third chest, follow the main path, open the chest you encounter along the way with RB/R1, and continue until you find it just before entering an underground garage. Interestingly, the door to the garage won’t open unless you first open this chest.
Inside this chest, you’ll discover the upcoming weapon known as the Vigoorian Flail. Once you’ve obtained it, the gate to the subterranean yard will unlock. Proceed with caution, as you’ll encounter a blend of claw ninjas, archers, and common ninjas. Defeat them all, and stairs leading to the next level will appear. Prior to ascending, look behind the stairs for a corridor ending against bars. At the end, there’s a chest containing health-restoring blue orbs.
In this version, I’ve tried to maintain the original meaning while using more natural and easy-to-read language.

Alright, buddy, let’s retrace our steps and climb those stairs ahead. The primary route continues just beyond the summit, but remember to reach the very peak there. That’s where I stumbled upon the initial Crystal Skull in chapter three. Afterward, come back down one set of stairs and stick to the main path. As you advance along that raised platform, keep an eye out – two archers are ready to take me down with their arrows!

Along your primary route, you’ll be guided between structures temporarily, after which you’ll stumble upon the first “Dragon Save Point” tucked away comfortably in a cozy corner at the path’s end.
Roof Crossing – Path to Save Point 2:

Starting from your last checkpoint, search for the wall jumping segment, which indicates the damaged ladder leading to the rooftop. Upon reaching the rooftop, be prepared for an attack by several flame-wielding shinobi (flame mage ninjas), along with a group of regular ninjas.

Immediately after you vanquish those foes, some aerial adversaries will emerge from over the railing on the rooftop’s edge. Use the Fiend’s Banishing Bow to eliminate them.
Or more casually:
Once you’ve got ’em beat, some airborne nasties will show up at the railing on the roof’s edge. Take ’em out with your Fiend’s Bane Bow.

After vanquishing the foes, the following action is to traverse the rooftop-connecting railing. But prior to doing so, it might be beneficial for you to leap down to a lower level and gather the treasures hidden within not one, but two chests.

At the lower end of the street, you’ll encounter a group of ‘claw-wielding ninjas’. There, hidden behind a metal-paneled fence, you’ll find the first chest. Inside it, there are orbs of healing blue color.

Head towards the center of the ground floor, where you’ll find an alcove that lets you wall-jump onto a small building’s rooftop. Wall-run across a short distance to grab the second hidden treasure chest, inside which lies either a big yellow energy orb or a red spirit orb (if you have any vacant slots). Afterward, retrace your steps to the initial rooftop and climb down the ladder. Then, traverse the large gap on the roof using the rail.

As I leap off the balcony, I’m instantly pounced upon by ambushers. I’ve got to handle them first, then clear out the foes lurking below. Once they’re all taken care of, I’ll make my way to Dragon Save Point 2, nestled in the corner of the ground-level fence.
To the Pit – Path to Save Point 3:

After reaching the second safe spot, head left, and you’ll come across a gaol (prison cell) in the fence. Beyond the fence, there’s a broken section where you can jump down to continue along the main path. But instead of immediately moving forward, continue going left until you reach the end of the roof, where you’ll find a chest – containing a Herb of Spiritual Life – before descending to the lower level.
After gathering your belongings, make your way towards the next open expanse. This area is home to several ninjas who will immediately attack once you land. Once you’ve defeated them, you’ll find “The Four Greater Fiends, Part 1” on a corpse leaning against a fence in an unlit nook. Look for the prominent red sign atop buildings as your guide to this location.

Afterward, seek out a compact white structure with the words “Welcome to Times Square” displayed on its side. Beyond this building, you’ll notice several blade dogs and a chest filled with blue health orbs. Gather these orbs, then proceed to the end of the area. Carry on past the chest, take a left at the main street. At the conclusion of the street, turn right into the open space. In the distance, you’ll spot another chest nestled against a wall.

Inside this chest lies a fresh mastery known as “The Art of the Flaming Phoenix Ninjutsu”. Equipping it summons protective phoenixes that encircle you, scorching foes and safeguarding Ryu. Once acquired, an instant cutscene unfolds, depicting a colossal chasm mysteriously opening up in the courtyard.
With a giant hole now exposed, you’ll find yourself isolated from the remainder of the stage. Menacing creatures will emerge from the sewer. Employ your fundamental assaults to sever their limbs, then annihilate them. Once they have been defeated, leap into the pit. Down there, you’ll discover Dragon Checkpoint 3.
In this version, I attempted to maintain the original’s tone while making it more natural and easy to read. The term “cut off” was replaced with “isolated,” “monsters” were changed to “creatures,” “obliterate” became “annihilate,” and “jump into” was revised to “leap into.” Also, I changed “Save Point 3” to “Checkpoint 3” for a more casual feel.
Chapter 3 Walkthrough Part 2 – Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
Through the Sewers – Path to Save Point 4:

In Chapter Three, the sewer system can be a bit maze-like and hard to find your way through. When you step out from Save Point Three, you’ll be assaulted by numerous blade-type creatures. Keep going straight along the path until it ends, where you’ll reach a T-junction. Avoid going left at this level as there’s nothing of interest there. Instead, turn right. Follow the wall with red lights, and you’ll discover a corpse holding the first Jewel of the Demon Seal. This item allows you to enhance one Ninpo spell of yours.

The red lights indicate the ladder leading up to the higher level. Once you reach the top, glance over the waterway and spot a chest. Jump across the metallic wall to gather the red energy orbs. Keep moving along this side of the waterway, then take a left turn. You’ll encounter a small crevice in the ground there; at that point, make another left turn and pass through the tiny gap in the gate.

Descend the first set of stairs where you’ll find a chest holding the “Herb of Spiritual Existence”. Jump over the second set of stairs to get back to ground level, and then proceed through the passageway to start the traversing part.

Initially, you’ll perform a sequence of wall-runs and rail-swings over a wide chasm. However, it seems that they anticipate your initial attempt may not be perfect, causing you to land in the water beneath. If you manage to clear the gap but wish to gather all the chests, don’t hesitate to dive into the water below when necessary.
In the heart of Chapter 3, I didn’t stumble upon any hidden loot submerged underwater at any given point. There were plenty of pools where I took a plunge, but alas, no treasure was lurking beneath the watery depths.

Make your way towards the expansive room featuring crumbling steps around its perimeter, which serves as a training ground for mastering advanced wall-climbing skills. Nestled in the center of this chamber lies the “Scroll of Unmatched Aerial Mastery” on a stationary figure. Utilize this scroll to ascend the stairs, where you’ll discover a chest brimming with essence. Subsequently, take a left turn into an adjoining passageway, jump down to the lower level, and you’ll return to the beginning of the traversal area.

Currently, you have the ability to wall run, rail swing, and wall run again to reach the platform where multiple archers await. Overcome them, and proceed down the corridor. As you advance, prepare for two additional groups of enemies that will attack in waves before you reach the next drop. Once you’ve finished dealing with these adversaries, descend to a lower level. The journey will lead you to an open chamber, where there is an exit tunnel. Proceed with caution through the tunnel, as several large and dangerous creatures may sneak up from behind a corner to ambush you.

Get rid of the fiends, and you’ll encounter Dragon Save Point 4 at the end of the tunnel.
Underground Continued – Path to Save Point 5

Starting at the fourth safe spot, propel yourself onto the close-by wall. You’ll find another platform obstacle awaiting you. Run along the wall as you jump over the initial chasm, and you’ll notice a pipe you can grab hold of to traverse the second gap.

Approximately midway along the pipe, there’s a platform on the left side where you’ll find a chest containing the “Lives of the Thousand Gods” artifact. Jump or swing over to the platform to grab it. This item will boost your maximum health capacity.
First, return to the pipeline, wiggle along the rest of it until you reach the ledge at the end. If by chance you fall into the water beneath, make your way back to the beginning and leap from there to regain your starting position. Following your drop from the pipe, employ the recently learned wall-running method to bounce from wall to wall, rounding the corner in the process. Upon landing, you’ll find a group of claw ninjas waiting for you.
This version aims to maintain the original meaning while using more natural and conversational language, making it easier for readers to understand.

As I vanquished the claws, I started scouring for a tiny, shattered flight of concrete stairs. With these as my launchpad, I leaped into another exhilarating wall-run along the corner, propelling myself towards the platform overhead. Upon reaching the summit, I discovered a Store conveniently placed just before the exit door.

As you pass through the doorway, you’ll find yourself in a room with two massive fans positioned at opposite ends. Aim your bow at the luminescent blue center of each fan, as shooting it will cause the fans to disintegrate and cease functioning. With the fans now out of the way, you can explore the regions lying beyond them.

First, make sure to remain on the top level and navigate towards the fan located on the right side of the room. Leap over the small space when you reach the fans, and you’ll spot the second Crystal Skull on an opposite ledge. To grab the skull, propel yourself using the wall at the end of the platform and perform a wall-run.

First, go in reverse and proceed past the fan located on the chamber’s left side. The path will gradually descend towards a lower section. Take a left turn when you find an opportunity and spot another destroyable fan. If you are standing before the fan, ensure that you’re on its left platform to pass by it. You’ll notice an opening in the fence on the fan’s left side, which you can navigate through using a hanging pipe.
Passing through the entrance, you’ll find yourself plunging into a sizable water body. Press A/X to slowly sink into the water. There lies a substantial underwater passageway that you can navigate to find your way out. Once you surface again, you’ll notice Dragon Save Point 5 positioned in the corner.
Destroyed Subway – Path to Save Point 6:

Starting at the fifth safe checkpoint, step into the subway car that’s vertically positioned. Utilize your wall-jumping ability to traverse back and forth, eventually reaching the top. Execute a corner wall jump, which will lead you to a platform featuring an unmissable chest. Inside this chest lies red energy orbs.

Dash straight into a narrow passageway situated diagonally from the platform where the treasure chest is kept. Continue along this passage until you encounter a fresh room ahead of you. At the far end of this room, you’ll spot the last Dragon Safe Point, but for now, it remains out of reach. Descend to the lower level, and there you will engage in combat with the enemies that materialize. The battlefield will consist of both ninjas and canines.
Following the skirmish, proceed through the hall, and when possible, veer left. As you ascend numerous ledges, the space around you will grow constricted. At the summit, you’ll discover the scroll detailing the Invisible Path Technique. This guide demonstrates how to transition from a wall-run to another on opposite sides of a pathway. To access the primary path, you’ll need to employ this technique.

Following my exhilarating wall run, I’ll stumble upon one last shop. Keep moving past it, and be prepared for a swarm of ninjas to ambush me. I’ll then leap over a stunning natural bridge formation, and an archer on the left will be taking aim and firing arrows at me. If you keep your eyes peeled, you’ll spot a brick wall that leads to the platform where I’m currently standing.
In your journey, leap along the walls to eliminate the archer, and hidden within that level is a treasure box holding the unique lore titled “Life of the Gods” in the third act.

Jump back to the main path, and you’ll see the sixth and final Dragon Save Point.
Path to Death Megalo Flyer:

Starting from checkpoint 6, proceed towards the location with overturned subway trains. Take a right and walk down the passageway, and you’ll come across a number of ninjas. Defeat them, and look upward at the stacked subway cars at the end of the path. You can traverse along the first car by wall-jumping, then leap into the open door of the second car.

At the rear of the vehicle, make a left turn and step out through the door. Proceed along the lengthy hallway until a group of formidable enemies confronts you. Once you’ve vanquished them, keep going to the end of the path, and the cutscene for the final boss will start on its own.
How to Beat Death Megalo Flyer in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black

Fiend’s Bane Bow is Your Friend:
the Fiend’s Bane Bow.

Upon our initial arrow strike, it was apparent that the blow inflicted significant harm on the massive head of the beast. Interestingly, it appeared as though every impact caused damage, with certain spots taking a tad less than others.

Next, we employed our primary skill known as the Art of Fire. At its basic level, this Ninpo technique inflicted a substantial amount of damage. If you happen to possess any Devil’s Way Mushrooms, now would be an ideal moment to utilize them. The Ninpo attacks will swiftly eliminate this boss.
Death Megalo Flyer Defense:
The DMF has three main attack tactics:
- Silver Projectiles: These projectiles emerge from the DMF’s tail and launch at incredibly fast speeds. When you see them emerge from the tail, begin to block immediately, or prepare to dodge if you are good with that skill.
- Electric Projectiles: DMF will come fairly close to Ryu and hurl little orbs of electricity. Not only do they do a lot of damage, they seem to briefly stun Ryu. We can not find a reliable defense against this that works 100% of the time. Dodging sporadically and using Wind Run to avoid as many as possible seemed like the best options.
- Shocking Aura: We use this name to describe the buildup of electricity DMF sometimes has around its body. If you get too close to it when this happens, you’ll get shocked and flung backwards in the air.
In essence, what we’re aiming for is maintaining a safe distance, being vigilant about incoming objects, and making full use of your bow and Ninpo techniques. By doing so, you’ll progress smoothly to Chapter 4.
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2025-01-27 11:22