Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

As a seasoned farmer and brewer in Norland, I can’t stress enough the importance of self-sufficiency in our community. We all know that Rye is the backbone of both our beer and flour production, and Hops are essential for adding that delightful flavor to our ale.

As a passionate gamer immersed in the medieval colony sim, Norland, I can’t ignore the essential role of alcoholic beverages in maintaining a content and productive community. Peasants and lords, alike, crave a drink every now and then to meet their Rest demand. When these drinks become scarce or costly, morale takes a hit, which could lead to more troubles down the line.

In the land of Norland, there are three distinct types of alcohol: Flavorful Ale, Beer, and Moonshine. The populace has a clear preference for these beverages, with Flavorful Ale being the most favored, followed closely by Beer, and Moonshine bringing up the rear. If the best option is available, citizens will always opt for it. Consuming Flavorful Ale brings about an uplift in spirits, while Moonshine has the opposite effect. All alcohol produced in Norland is brewed at the Brewery and retailed at the Tavern. Commoners buy their drinks there, but Lords are granted free access to the stockpile kept in the Warehouse.

How To Make A Brewery & Tavern In Norland

Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

In Norland, fortunately, you don’t need any prior knowledge to establish a Brewery or Tavern, making it a straightforward process. You can find the Brewery among the Production structures, while the Tavern is situated within the Service area.

As far as constructing a Brewery and Tavern goes, if players designate a lord to give building orders from the hall, these structures will progress fairly swiftly. Nevertheless, it’s advisable for players to hold off on harvesting Rutabagas until they are prepared, since this vegetable is essential for creating Moonshine, the fundamental alcohol in the game.

As a gamer, I’d put it this way: To run my Brewery efficiently, I need to appoint a manager who will give instructions to my workers. And for greater yields, I can always upgrade my Brewery to boost production.

Give control of managing complex construction projects, like the Brewery, to more experienced supervisors to enhance their output.

How To Make Moonshine In Norland

Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

As a gamer, I can tell you that moonshine is the basic alcohol brew I come across in Norland. This simple concoction is derived from the humble Rutabaga, which also goes by being the simplest type of edible item in the game.

How To Make Rutabaga In Norland

Based on my personal experience, growing Rutabagas is a simple process with just two essential steps, although it does require some patience as the harvest won’t be ready overnight. Here’s how to do it:

  • Build a Rutabaga Field on a patch of land with high fertility, and make sure a lord is set to manage the Hall so that builders will be directed to start construction.
  • Assign a lord to manage the completed field and wait for the harvest to come in every few days.

As a big fan of this game, I’d recommend building at least two Rutabaga Fields in order to harvest sufficient Rutabagas for both eating and producing Moonshine.

Turning Rutabaga Into Moonshine In Norland

Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

Fortunately, making moonshine doesn’t require any book learning, and if you have sufficient rutabagas and a functional brewery, the process is quite straightforward.

  • Click on the Production menu at the bottom of the screen, and order a set amount of Moonshine.
  • Make sure a lord is set to manage the Brewery if it wasn’t previously in use.

After Moonshine is manufactured, if players maintain an operational Tavern, peasants with sufficient coins and a desire to rest will purchase it. Lords, on the other hand, can obtain it for free from a Warehouse.

How To Make Beer In Norland

Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

In the course of playing this medieval-themed game, advanced players will eventually crave providing their townspeople with a more delectable beverage than Moonshine. This is where Beer enters the picture. To create Beer in the realm of Norland, two essential components are required: Rye and Hops. However, to acquire these elements, players must first obtain the necessary knowledge from literary sources.

How To Make Rye In Norland

In the region of Norland, rye serves a dual purpose as it is employed for the production of beer and flour. Consequently, it holds significant importance. For those aiming to begin cultivating this resource, kindly refer to the following procedures:

  • Purchase the Rye Field and Mill book from the Holy Caravan if you do not already have it.
  • Assign a lord to study the book in the library, ideally one with high Intelligence.
  • Build a Rye Field on fertile land, and assign a lord to manage it.

Since rye is valuable for brewing beer as well as producing flour, it’s recommended that players establish two rye fields and delegate a noble with excellent management skills to maximize their yield.

How To Make Hops In Norland

As a passionate fan of brewing in Norland, I can’t stress enough the importance of growing hops if we don’t want our characters to face complaints about moonshine throughout the game. Hops are essential ingredients for both beer and flavorful ale in Norland. Here’s an easy guide on how to grow them:

  • Purchase the Hop Field and Beer book from the Holy Caravan.
  • Assign a lord to study the book in the library, ideally one with high Intelligence.
  • Build a Hop Field on fertile land, and assign a lord to manage it.

Brewing Beer In Norland

Players who choose to cultivate Hops will need to familiarize themselves with the Hop Field and Beer manual. Consequently, they will acquire the ability to produce Beer as long as their Brewery remains operational. To initiate the brewing process, players should access the Production menu located at the bottom of the screen and input the desired amount of Beer to be manufactured.

Players should be mindful of their beer orders in this game that involves using rye, to avoid hindering the flour production process.

How To Make Flavorful Ale In Norland

Norland: How To Make Every Type Of Alcohol

In the land of Norland, nothing beats the delight of a flavor-rich Ale. Regularly sipping on this alcoholic beverage is known to enhance one’s mood, particularly for those from humble backgrounds who seldom indulge in such luxuries. To create this delectable ale, players must gather Hops and Herbs. For instructions on obtaining Hops, refer back to the relevant section as they hold a dual purpose – Hops are also essential for brewing Beer.

How To Make Herbs In Norland

Herbs serve multiple purposes beyond just adding flavor to Ale. They are also used to prepare Medicinal Salves and Nectars. Here’s a simple way to grow them:

  • Purchase the Herbalist book from the Holy Caravan and assign a lord to study it.
  • Build the Herbalist building from among the Resource buildings, and assign a lord to manage it.

Placing the Herbalist building close to a forest is the most effective way to boost herb production.

Brewing Flavorful Ale In Norland

After growing Hops and Herbs, there are two essential processes for creating Tasty Ale. It’s recommended to carry out the first step as soon as possible:

  • Purchase the Flavorful Ale book from the Holy Caravan and assign a lord to study it.
  • Click on the Production menu at the bottom and set an amount of Flavorful Ale to be made.

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2024-07-23 15:36