Once Human: Beginner Guide

Once Human: Beginner Guide

In the game “Once Human,” Deviants are unique creatures that players can capture and befriend. They come in different types: Combat, Territory, Gadget, and Furniture. Combat Deviations fight alongside you in battle, offering offensive or defensive support. Territory Deviations help manage your base by gathering resources or speeding up productions. Gadget Deviants grant special abilities when used. Furniture Deviants are purely decorative.

In the captivating open-world RPG, Once Human, I find myself thrust into a post-apocalyptic landscape ravaged by an extraterrestrial menace known as the Stardust. As I regain consciousness, lying there clueless and isolated, my innate survival instincts surge to life, fueling my determination to not only endure but thrive in this alien wasteland.

As a fan and avid player of Once Human, I remember feeling both excited and overwhelmed when I first started playing. While Once Human’s tutorial provided a solid foundation with basic survival mechanics and essential items, I soon found myself lost in the expansive open world. To help fellow players navigate this challenging terrain, I’ve compiled a comprehensive beginner’s guide to mastering survival tips and advanced strategies for thriving in the corrupted world of Once Human.

Pay Attention To The Fitness Scale

Once Human: Beginner Guide

When developing your character in “Once Human,” remember to consider the Fitness level in the Body section carefully. The weight of your character is not merely for cosmetic purposes, but significantly influences their statistics and capabilities.

There are three weight tiers in Once Human, each impacting your gameplay differently:

  • Underweight characters (<65 kg) have increased stamina and can move faster, but are unable to carry more load and inflict lesser melee damage than others.
  • Moderate Weight characters (65–85kg) have a decent base load, increased torso damage reduction, and a high stamina recovery speed.
  • Overweight characters (>85 kg) can carry more loot and resources, and even deal more melee damage, but have an overall reduction in melee attack speed and rolling speed.

Maintaining a moderate weight for your character is advised, as it provides a good balance between the nimbleness of lighter figures and the power of heavier ones. Feel free to click on the body icon situated at the bottom right corner of the screen to observe how your weight influences the bonuses bestowed upon you.

Initially, you select a specific weight, but later in the game, you have the flexibility to alter it by consuming particular types of food. For instance, foods that are “fried to crispy,” such as French fries, contribute to weight gain. Conversely, consuming “rotten food” will trigger vomiting and result in weight loss. In such cases, an antibiotic is required to prevent prolonged vomiting.

Frequently Relocate Your Base

Once Human: Beginner Guide

In the game “Once Human,” as with many survival titles, constructing a base is vital. Your base serves as a sanctuary – a location to keep your items, manufacture tools, recuperate and recover, and formulate strategies for future expeditions.

When selecting an initial site for your base, it holds significance but doesn’t necessarily have to be ideal. Given that you’ll be venturing extensively during the early stages and may stumble upon superior sites as you advance, it is essential to frequently shift your base’s location towards areas with late-game resources.

In the game “Once Human,” there’s a distinctive feature that allows you to relocate your whole settlement with great ease, without requiring the laborious process of dismantling it first.

Join Or Create A Hive

Once Human: Beginner Guide

In the novel “Once Human,” Hives function as a crucial social aspect, enabling players to join forces and confront complex challenges, traverse perilous areas, and manage resources more efficiently. By merging territories, Hive members can collaborate on constructing a robust and protective base of operations. To initiate cooperative building, place your Territory Core within another Hive member’s territory.

For those seeking to become part of a Hive, reflect on your preferred gameplay approach and objectives. Certain Hives place greater emphasis on intense combat experiences, whereas others prioritze resource collection and crafting activities.

Take Care Of Your Body And Sanity

Once Human: Beginner Guide

As a Meta-Human gamer, I’ll encounter the same needs as a human: hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. And let me tell you, the world of “Once Human” is no place for weak-willed characters. If I neglect these basic requirements, I could even lose my sanity. So it’s crucial that I prioritize taking care of myself – feeding myself regularly, staying hydrated, and ensuring I get enough rest. Only then can I hope to thrive in this challenging game.

Exploring for long periods without adequate nourishment and hydration can significantly diminish your health and endurance, eventually hindering your progress and exposing you to risks. Therefore, it’s essential to carry supplies of food and purified water with you at all times.

In this virtual world, some edibles you obtain may go bad after a day’s time. These degenerated goods are referred to as “spoiled food.” Eating such items could result in illness and might even cause unwanted weight reduction. To prevent this, consider acquiring a refrigerator for preserving additional supplies.

In the game “Once Human,” there exists a “Sanity gauge” that dwindles when you encounter corrupted zones, confront formidable foes, or wade into polluted waters. A decline in sanity negatively influences both your wellbeing and stamina, leaving you less robust and more vulnerable to external risks.

For enhancing your mental well-being, consider consuming Sanity Gummies if they are available to you. Alternatively, getting a good night’s sleep in your bed serves as an effective method for restoring your sanity.

Catch Deviants

Once Human: Beginner Guide

In a more conversational and engaging manner, one could phrase it as: “Deviants aren’t your typical criminals. Instead, they’re extraordinary beings that you can encounter in the world of ‘Once Human’. By capturing and befriending them, you gain loyal companions with distinctive talents to aid you in this harsh environment. There are several kinds of Deviations: Combat, Territory, Gadget, and Furniture.”

  • Combat Deviations fight alongside you in battle and offer offensive or defensive support depending on their abilities.
  • Territory Deviations help manage your base by gathering resources for you or speeding up productions.
  • Gadget Deviants grant you special abilities when you use them.
  • Furniture Deviants are purely decorative and can be placed anywhere on your base.

In your base, deviations are kept in a distinctly secure area referred to as an Independent Secure Unit. Much like all creatures, deviants possess unique preferences that influence their disposition and productivity. By catering to their tastes through offerings such as music, flowers, or bright lights, you can ensure their contentment and peak performance.

Craft The Crossbow Early

Once Human: Beginner Guide

In the game “Once Human,” the crossbow is an excellent early-game weapon choice. You obtain a fundamental crossbow during the opening mission. However, it’s recommended that you create a Tier II Crossbow (or a more advanced one) once you have set up your base and constructed the Gear Workbench.

It’s intriguing that in the game “Once Human“, you have the ability to obtain crossbow ammunition from deceased adversaries or your surroundings each time, rendering it a dependable option for novice players.

In addition, crossbows inflict substantial damage and enable you to eliminate adversaries from a more secure distance, reducing the likelihood of encountering their assaults. This feature is particularly advantageous during wildlife hunting and monster slaying endeavors. As your proficiency advances, consider enhancing your crossbow for increased potency.

Keep Track Of The Seasonal Reset

Once Human: Beginner Guide

In “Human: The Beautiful Genesis,” there is a contentious gameplay aspect: a yearly overhaul of the server. Following each seasonal cycle, the game world resets, leading to new narratives and tasks for players to explore.

As a gamer, I hate to break it to you, but this update implies that some of the hard-earned advancements on my character will be erased. My level, mastered skills, strategic gear, and all the items stashed in my inventory will revert back to their initial state. It feels like starting from scratch again.

When starting the game, pay attention to which “Day” or “Phase” the server is presently experiencing. This information will help provide an estimate of the amount of time remaining for your character’s development.

Progress and certain belongings, such as your Gear Blueprints and their associated tiers, fragmented Blueprint pieces, weapon decorations, gear modifications, and cosmetic items, will carry over to the upcoming seasons. All other items will be transferred to each player’s individual realm called Eternaland, which remains active throughout different seasons.

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2024-07-13 20:04