Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

I’ve spent countless hours honing my skills as a seasoned Hunter in this treacherous world of Once Human. The Ravenous Hunter has been a formidable adversary that has tested my mettle time and again. With each encounter, I’ve learned to anticipate its every move and adapt accordingly.

In “Once Human,” players come across various perilous foes while exploring and surviving. Encountering creatures such as Smiling Suitcase Deviants and Spiders can be quite frightening. But what’s even more daunting are the Rift Entity bosses that players will need to defeat. One of these formidable opponents shows up relatively early in the game.

As a passionate gamer, I’d be happy to share with you how I managed to overcome the formidable challenge posed by the Ravenous Hunter, a level 10 Rift Entity nestled within the Monolith of Greed, tucked away in the Dayton Wetlands region. Conquering this boss is an essential step towards unlocking the captivating expanse of the Broken Delta. However, I must warn you that this encounter can be quite the test of skills and determination.

Ravenous Hunter Phase 1 Walkthrough

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

In the opening stage of the battle against the Ravenous Hunter boss, players will engage in a personal confrontation. The Ravenous Hunter is equipped with a Minigun and is known to let out a powerful roar as you enter the arena. This roar serves as an excellent moment for players to inflict some initial harm. Seize this chance by focusing your attacks on the boss’s head during its roar, landing critical hits. Afterwards, dodge behind a protective barrier when the boss readies its Minigun.

When the Ravenous Hunter goes on the offensive, it automatically continues shooting its weapon until it gets too hot. So, it’s wise to take shelter until this occurs. Meanwhile, players have the option of summoning their Butterfly Deviant companion to deal damage to the boss when they cannot attack directly.

After the Ravenous Hunter’s minigun overheats, players have an opportunity to attack the boss directly. It is essential to focus on the boss’s vulnerable areas during this time. The first weak spot is the head, which causes significant critical damage when hit. The second, less apparent weakness is the right arm, where the minigun is mounted. Inflicting consistent damage on this spot will sever the arm, causing the Ravenous Hunter to stumble and drop its minigun for players to use.

Eliminate The Spawners In The Boss Arena

When about one-third of the boss’s health is depleted, the boss will gain invulnerability and transport himself to a section of the arena that cannot be reached by players. In this interim, players must eliminate two Spawners that emerge on the eastern and western sides of the boss area, each producing Gnawers. This may appear to be a manageable task, but it is essential to employ available cover as the Ravenous Hunter will launch rockets towards the players during this phase, posing a considerable threat if they are exposed. Following the destruction of both Spawners, the Ravenous Hunter will reappear in the arena, initiating the second phase.

Ravenous Hunter Phase 2 Walkthrough

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

When the Ravenous Hunter returns to the battlefield, players will have a short opportunity to inflict some damage on it without retaliation. This is an excellent moment for teams to concentrate their attacks on the boss’s vulnerable areas or to seize one of the Explosive Barrels situated near the arena and hurl them at the boss.

The remaining part of the second phase is very similar to the first, with the Ravenous Hunter mainly attacking from a distance using its Minigun. Just as before, players can choose to take shelter and _hide until the Ravenous Hunter’s Minigun overheats_, then resume firing. Alternatively, they can aim for the Ravenous Hunter’s right arm again to chop it off and gain control of its Minigun.

Eliminate The Spawners In The Boss Arena

Similar to the last stage, when the Ravenous Hunter is left with about one-third of its total health, it will become invulnerable and escape to an out-of-reach location. It will also intermittently shoot rockets towards the players. In this phase, players must eliminate the two Spawners that reappear in their original positions from the initial stage. Once these enemies are defeated, the Ravenous Hunter will resurface in the arena for another confrontation.

If you’re a player getting hurt, carry some Activators with you and heal in safety by using them.

Ravenous Hunter Phase 3 Walkthrough

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

Starting from the third stage, the Ravenous Hunter will no longer carry its reliable Minigun; instead, it will keep using the Rocket Launcher that it employed during the initial two stages. From here, its assault tactics will exhibit some significant alterations. The following are the modifications in its attack patterns:

Missile Cluster – Utilize Cover Or Run Perpendicular To The Attack

In the course of this assault, the Ravenous Hunter will lift its Rocket Launcher skyward, priming it for a powerful discharge. Subsequently, it will unleash a volley of rockets, which will zero in on the players’ position. Seeking refuge behind cover is advisable to minimize damage received. For those unfortunate enough to be out in the open, swiftly moving to the sides and executing a roll could save them from the attack’s impact.

Artillery Strike – Avoid Cover And Keep Moving

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that the Ravenous Hunter’s attack animation bears a striking resemblance to its previous one, making it challenging for me to tell them apart and prepare accordingly. However, this time around, instead of firing a single rocket, the Hunter raises its Rocket Launcher high in the air before launching a barrage of rockets that behave more like artillery fire. These attacks typically occur when I’m hiding behind cover, and I’ll see a red indicator marking the area under attack. To minimize damage from this assault, I need to swiftly move away from the targeted zone during the charge-up phase. Once the rockets start raining down, it’s essential to maintain a safe distance until the attack concludes.

During an aerial assault, hiding behind cover right before the attack begins won’t offer much protection for players against the damage.

Acid Attack – Avoid Pools Of Damage On The Ground

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

In this assault, the Ravenous Hunter is capable of launching as many as five acid puddles, which carry on inflicting harm. Be cautious around these zones afflicted by this attack, as contact with them could result in substantial damage to players.

Homing Missile – Take Cover

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

This attack is quite similar to the Missile Cluster attack. This time, the Ravenous Hunter will fire a single homing rocket, often by pointing the Rocket Launcher directly at the player. As before, heading behind cover or rolling out of the way can be effective methods for avoiding this attack entirely.

Once Human: How To Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

After every assault, players are usually granted a brief period to inflict continuous damage on the opponent. Should players successfully chop off the Ravenous Hunter’s arms in the preceding two stages, they can then seize the boss’s Minigun for added firepower, albeit at the cost of moving much more slowly while wielding it. Once the Ravenous Hunter’s health has been reduced by a third, it will be defeated, enabling players to collect their rewards.

Ravenous Hunter Boss Fight Rewards

Defeating the relentless predator, the Ravenous Hunter, yields attractive compensations. The initial reward is the “Festering Gel,” a combat deviation that creates a healing zone when summoned, making it an invaluable asset for new players in their roster of deviations. Additionally, the Hunter’s leftovers may grant further rewards, which can vary based on previous victories over this boss. The potential prizes include:

  • Energy Links
  • Weapon/Melee Weapon (Tier 1)
  • Gear Mods
  • Weapon Mod Parts
  • Stardust Source
  • Electronic Parts

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2024-07-25 11:03