Once Human: Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

Once Human: Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

As a seasoned gamer with hundreds of hours under my belt in the immersive world of Once Human, I can confidently say that Securement Silo Theta is a must-run dungeon for any adventurer looking to level up or farm valuable loot. With its straightforward layout and manageable enemies, it’s an excellent choice for both newcomers and veterans alike.

In Human’s extensive map, there are numerous engaging sites to discover, including villages, fortresses, hidden points of interest, and most notably, Securement Silos. These locales function as repeatable dungeons, yielding valuable loot for players. Among them, Securement Silo Theta is relatively simpler to explore, but newcomers should be aware of certain considerations before attempting it for the first time.

In the Red Sands area, around coordinates (5517, -529), lies Fortress Theta, a level 45 stronghold. Even if your character is only level 40, you can still conquer it on the Normal setting, but be sure to carry enhanced weapons from Once Human. Here’s what you might encounter inside:

Once Human Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

Once Human: Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

As a seasoned adventurer with years of exploration under my belt, I can tell you that this dungeon is quite tame by comparison to others I’ve faced. The layout is simple and linear, making it easier to navigate without getting lost. And while there are numerous enemies lurking within, they don’t pose much of a threat – at least not if you keep your wits about you.

To begin with this dungeon, eliminate the enemies in the initial sewer segment. The sewer monsters like zombies and Gnawers have comparably low health, so a weapon featuring the Unstable Bomber enhancement will efficiently handle them due to their damage output being greater. Another viable option involves employing grenades or detonating red explosive barrels to swiftly dispose of larger enemy groups.

Seepage Zone And Securement Silo Theta Statues Puzzle

In the protective container Silo Theta, the concealed Seepage Zone is hard to spot. Look for it in the initial large chamber where you need to eliminate floating Nest Sacs in the water. Once you’ve eliminated all sacs and enemies, move through the door with bars located opposite the room entrance. Engage with the statue to gain entry into the Seepage Zone.

Once Human: Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

Upon reaching the Seepage Zone, there lies a substantial, subterranean anti-flooding structure, marked by six intricately designed statues. To unlock the Securement Silo Theta enigma, adjust the statues so their reflections on the water are identical. Be meticulous in observing each statue’s distinct characteristics to avoid confusion.

Once you’ve repaired the statues, the colossal creature Deviation will appear in the mirroring waters. To subdue it, aim for its underside and fire a stun shot. Follow up with continuous attacks on the prominent blister atop it to inflict severe damage. Evade its assaults while unleashing relentless attacks until it perishes. Post-victory, collect your rewards, and tap the entrance statue once more to retrace your steps back to the silo.

Platforming Sections

Once Human: Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

After coming back to reality, veer right to discover a tunnel submerged in thick, oozing black goo. Disregard the platforms in this area and simply dash to the other side. Keep an eye out for Gnawers emerging from the muck, and be wary of the gas emitters on the walls; they can hinder your progress with a cloud of noxious fumes. Moreover, be mindful of your Sanity level as prolonged exposure to this sludge will cause it to dwindle.

Following your journey through the tunnel, you will find yourself in a spacious chamber adorned with roots and green shoots. Traverse this area by utilizing the roots as stepping stones, all the while dismantling the searchlights. Your destination: the boss battlefield.

Securement Silo Theta Boss Fight

Once Human: Securement Silo Theta Walkthrough

In this boss battle, the challenge isn’t overly complex, but be prepared for the area to fill up with mucky water. To keep your full health, stay on the raised platforms and only make necessary moves.

In the game world, Saint El, an alternate name for a common Elite creature, poses a significant challenge. To defeat him, aim for his boils on the legs to make him stumble, then take out his flower-like head for maximum damage. Be cautious as Saint El summons Gnawers when not actively attacking you. If these creatures are left unchecked, they may overpower you. Strategies such as Lonewolf’s Whisper, Zeno Purifier, and Mini Feaster can be effective in managing the distractions during combat.

After defeating the boss, a treasure chest will appear. Make sure to use your controller skills to grab the finest loot. Don’t forget to open the chests scattered around the dungeon before making your way out.

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2024-07-22 17:03