One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

Key Takeaways

  • Kozuki Oden left Whitebeard to join Roger’s crew, despite the effort it took to become Whitebeard’s crewmate in the first place.
  • Arlong left the Sun Pirates due to the new leadership and formed the Arlong Pirates.
  • Blackbeard left Whitebeard after killing Thatch to get the Yami Yami no Mi to become a fearsome pirate emperor.

As a seasoned observer of the high seas and the intricate tapestry of lives that unfold upon it, I find myself captivated by the tales of those who dare to defy the status quo. Today, we delve into the lives of two such individuals: Charlotte Chiffon and Speed, both pirates in their own right, but bound by circumstances far more complex than the average seafarer’s.

There are numerous situations that could lead a pirate to grow discontent with the team they set sail with. One possible outcome of this situation is the pirate leaving the crew. The circumstances behind this can be as much about the pirate as they are about the crew, and it might occur swiftly or gradually, depending on the surrounding factors which often make the decision easier. To be included in this list, a pirate must have left a crew that remained active or continued to operate after their departure. Here are some pirates who chose to part ways with their ongoing crews.

5 Kozuki Oden

Admired Roger and His Goals

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

The free-willed leader of Kuri, often referred to as Daimyo, was an engaging man with the knack for transforming a diverse group from Wano Country into skilled warriors. Given Kozuki Oden’s character, it came as no surprise that he found ways to break free from Wano’s boundaries. Upon arriving at Wano on his pirate ship, Oden expressed interest in joining the Whitebeard Pirates. Despite Whitebeard’s hesitation due to Oden’s lack of experience, Oden demonstrated his commitment by clinging onto their ship with a chain for almost three days. He ended the test to save a woman named Hiyori, who had traveled through time from far into the past and was being held captive by human traffickers.

Following Hiyori’s rescue, who later became his wife, Oden set sail with his loyal followers and joined the crew. For a couple of years, Oden was an integral part of this crew, even when it split into various divisions due to its immense size. During this time, Oden held the position of second-in-command among the five division leaders. Interestingly, both of his children were born on board the ship while he was with the crew. However, after spending a significant amount of time with them, Oden encountered the Roger Pirates in a prolonged battle against the Whitebeard Pirates. He was deeply inspired by Roger’s ambition to find the legendary island, Laugh Tale. With Whitebeard’s reluctant permission, Oden departed from the crew, taking his family and two of his retainers along, secretly hiding onboard.

Despite many of his comrades having to head back to Wano because of an illness that Hiyori contracted, Oden continued sailing with the crew until they reached Laugh Tale, and parted ways soon after. He later returned to Wano in a futile attempt to become the country’s shogun, with the aim of opening its borders. Although Oden departed from the Whitebeard Pirates, his retainer, Izou, stayed on as a long-standing member. The pirate did not return to Wano until much later, when he aligned himself with many of Oden’s retainers in an effort to regain control of Wano for his former master’s kin.

4 Arlong

Disapproved of New Leadership

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

As a devoted fan, I’d rephrase it like this:

He met his end attempting to ferry a human slave back home, after her parents called the marines on Tiger, in an attempt at gaining clemency for harboring an escaped slave. Tiger ultimately passed, refusing a human blood transfusion that would’ve kept him alive due to his own hatred for humans. In his place, Jimbei became captain, and through connections with pirates and the government alike, attempted to improve fish-man and human relations.

Following this unfortunate event, a split occurred within their ranks, with Arlong and some fellow pirates deciding to establish the Arlong Pirates. This is quite ironic considering that their new leader, Jimbei, being a Warlord, had secured a pardon for Arlong upon his arrest by marines earlier. Despite Arlong’s admiration for Tiger, he was not swayed by Tiger’s wish to avoid spreading animosity towards humans. Furthermore, Macro and two other crew members departed from the Sun Pirates to found the Macro Pirates, a group infamous for their exploitation of slavery.

In the end, it was Jimbei who decided to part ways with the Sun Pirates, having been strongly influenced by Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite this departure, he remained faithful to his former comrades and made every effort to secure their safety before he went.

3 Blackbeard

Left After Breaking “The One Rule” to Achieve His Goal

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

Marshall D. Teach is a notorious pirate with an immense bounty on his head and a significant menace to the current World Government. Within his Blackbeard Pirates, he has bestowed himself the title of “Admiral,” as each key crew member serves as a “Captain” for different sections of his team. However, he was previously obscure in the pirate community, despite his long-standing involvement in it.

Growing up, Oden (also known as Teach) desired a unique Devil Fruit – the Yami Yami no Mi, capable of nullifying other Devil Fruits’ powers. He approached Edward Newgate, famously known as Whitebeard, to join his pirate crew, the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard agreed, starting a long-term plan for Teach to boost his chances of locating the fruit.

Subsequently, Teach departed from the original crew because he violated their sole rule against killing subordinates. With his newly acquired power, he began assembling a new team, earning the title “Blackbeard.” The Blackbeard Pirates eventually overthrew the Whitebeard Pirates, with Teach gaining control of his captain’s Devil Fruit abilities (somehow utilizing them concurrently with his own), territories he was familiar with from his time in the crew, and even instigating a conflict known as the Payback War. This war resulted in the Blackbeard Pirates defeating the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

2 Charlotte Chiffon

Defector by Marriage

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

Occasionally, a pirate may find themselves dissatisfied with their crew members, yet remain due to a lack of viable alternatives. This was precisely the predicament of Charlotte Chiffon, one of Big Mom’s numerous daughters. Her twin sister, Lola, was slated for a political marriage with Prince Loki of Elbaf, aiming to alleviate strained relations between the giants and their realm. However, Lola opted out of this arrangement, instead choosing the pirate life. In her place, Chiffon took on the role that was intended for her sister. Unfortunately, the giants could discern the switch, which further worsened their already strained relations. This treatment by her mother led to Charlotte harboring a deep-seated resentment towards her.

Chiffon understood her mother wouldn’t be pleased if she departed the island, and had the capability to harm her if she dared. A surprising solution emerged for Chiffon through another political union, where this time she was the intended bride. Chiffon married Capone Bege, a part of the Worst Generation who didn’t confront Big Mom Pirates directly. The couple gave birth to a child named Pez, and seem to genuinely treasure each other. Bege’s own group, the Fire Tank Pirates, accepted a lower rank, waiting for the right moment to plot an assassination. Chiffon agreed with this strategy, stating that Lola, Bege, and Pez were her only family.

Despite the attempt being unsuccessful due to the murder weapons getting annihilated by Big Mom’s powerful screams, Chiffon confirmed her defection by departing with her husband and his team. In time, she reconnected with her sister and their absent father, taking part in Lola’s wedding, which was officiated by Bege’s subordinate, Gotti.

1 Speed

Kibi Dango-Induced Defection

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Left Their Crews

Speed belonged to the Beasts Pirate group, which strengthened Shogun Kurozumi Orochi’s rule over Wano. Notably powerful, she consumed a SMILE (Artificial Devil Fruit), transforming her into a centaur-like being. Initially, Speed appeared to be a devoted member of the Beasts Pirates, serving as one of their high-ranking officers.

Yet, it was ultimately her decision to switch sides that was set in stone by the enigmatic fruit known as Kibi Kibi no Mi. This fruit, consumed by Tama when she was only eight years old, granted her an extraordinary ability: the power to domesticate animals through the offering of millet dumplings (Kibi Dango), which she would pinch from her own face. Since those who wield the SMILE technology possess a partial animal nature, they can also be subdued by Tama’s powers. Following the consumption of a dumpling, the pirate Speed promptly defected, becoming fiercely protective of Tama, putting her own safety on the line to guard her.

Over time, the gifters (SMILE users) who had given out the dumplings gradually stopped participating. Yet, it seemed that none of them shared the same close bond with Speed as Tama did. Regrettably, the impact of the dumplings is transient, and eventually, all creatures and gifters were left to make their own decisions again. Tama requested Speed to remain by her side as a companion even after the effects of the dumpling subsided. Although it’s been noted that at this point in the storyline, Speed hasn’t appeared in the Wano-centric cover stories yet, it seems she may have agreed to stay with Tama.

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2024-10-23 06:34