One Piece: Elbaf is the Modern Day God Valley Incident


  • The God Valley Incident, a mysterious and perplexing event in One Piece, remains important to the overall story.
  • Elbaf may be a modern repeat of the God Valley Incident with similar themes and key players.
  • The connection between God Valley and Elbaf involves parallels with characters and potential showdowns between major players.

As “One Piece” progresses towards its final act and addresses many long-standing questions within the series, the God Valley Incident continues to be one of the most puzzling and crucial enigmas. With each new detail unveiled about this event, it only adds more intrigue, yet it’s evident that whatever transpired is pivotal to the broader narrative of “One Piece.

Although the specific details of this occurrence have only been skimmed over, the broader context or backstory has been clarified. Given this, many spectators anticipate that we might witness a reenactment of this historic event on Elbaf, where some of the most prominent figures will unite for an epic confrontation. Consequently, let’s delve into all the available information to speculate if Elbaf could become another God Valley.

What Exactly Happened At God Valley?

A Mysterious Incident

First Appearance One Piece, Chapter 957, “Ultimate”
Debut Date September 30, 2019
Story Arc Wano

In the universe they govern, the Celestial Dragons view themselves as divine beings, viewing everyone else as mere inferior entities. This twisted belief system allows them to act without restraint, often hosting events called “Native Islander Contests.” During these competitions, several World Nobles would hunt and kill inhabitants of a specific island, accumulating points. The winner at the end, having amassed the most points, receives an array of extraordinary rewards.

38 years prior to the narrative unfolding, a competition took place on the sacred ground of God Valley. However, the Celestial Dragons ransacked Hachinosu, seizing its riches as a prize for their own contest. In retaliation, the Rocks’ Pirates embarked on a mission to recover their stolen treasure. This led the Roger Pirates to intervene, drawing Garp and the Marines into the fray. The ensuing conflict saw the Rocks Pirates, Roger Pirates, Marines, and Gods’ Knights engage in an epic battle.

How Is Elbaf A Repeat Of God Valley?

Can We Be Witnessing Another God Valley Incident?

Initially, it appears that the scenario behind the God Valley Incident and the Knights of the Gods’ strategy on Elbaf share striking similarities, primarily due to a particular statement made by Shamrock at the end of Manga Chapter 1140. The Native Hunting Competition, an event where World Nobles participated, seemed to exploit the local populace for their own objectives, which raises suspicions about its true purpose.

It appears that the powerful nation of Elbaf, known for its mighty giants, has long been a challenge to the World Government’s control, as their strength has kept the government from seizing the island since the Void Century. Yet, recent events suggest that the island may now be vulnerable enough for a takeover. This factor is believed to be one of the reasons why the Gods’ Knights initially visited Elbaf. Their strategy seems to involve capturing the children of Elbaf as hostages, forcing the giants into submission and accepting the World Government’s control over their land.

With our combined power, we could make a game out of this!

After more than eight centuries of attempting, they would finally gain control over the island. When Shamrock proposes creating a game based on kidnapping children, it mirrors the God Valley Incident because, like in that event, there is an attack launched against the island’s inhabitants by the Gods’ Knights. By turning this act into a game, Shamrock essentially followed in his father’s footsteps from 38 years ago.

Intriguingly, the riches of God Valley are said to be among the most valuable artifacts in the One Piece universe, with two being Devil Fruits and possibly others having unique properties. Interestingly enough, these treasures could find parallels in today’s world through Loki’s Devil Fruit and speculated final Road Poneglyph, believed to be on Elbaf under the protection of Scopper Gaban. Since they couldn’t acquire the Devil Fruit themselves, it’s hypothesized that the Gods’ Knights sought out Loki to recruit him due to his power derived from the fruit, a power that mirrors the Devil Fruits of God Valley.

Currently, the key connection between Elbaf and God Valley lies in the significant figures involved in the ongoing arc. Firstly, it’s evident that the Gods’ Knights mirror their counterparts from 38 years ago, while the children of Elbaf resemble the native participants from the Native Hunting Competition. Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates serve as the contemporary analogue to the Roger Pirates. This leads us to wonder about the identities of the Rocks Pirates and Marines in this context.

In the narrative, Blackbeard’s actions and character traits seem to echo those of Rocks, leading us to believe that he might sail to the island by the end of this storyline, with the intention of seizing either Loki’s Devil Fruit or the last Road Poneglyph. When he arrives, Garp will be on his ship, a circumstance that could trigger the Marines to intervene and rescue one of their most valuable resources from Blackbeard.

Fate has chosen me to conquer this world!

Some believe Dragon might first see battle as a means to save his father, but it seems improbable. Yet, if Koby arrives to save his mentor, it would mirror the events of God Valley, since Luffy and Koby may need to work together to conquer Blackbeard, reminiscent of how Garp and Roger had to join forces against Rocks during the God Valley Incident 38 years back, thus completing the circle.

One Piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

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2025-03-03 22:26