One Piece: Germa 66, Explained

One Piece: Germa 66, Explained


  • Germa 66, a secretive army in One Piece, is crucial for Sanji’s backstory and possesses advanced technology and military might.
  • Led by powerful scientist Vinsmoke Judge, Germa 66 controls a disposable clone army and genetically modified soldiers, creating a formidable force.
  • Sanji’s escape from Germa’s cruelty showcases the emotional conflict within the Vinsmoke family, making them intriguing characters in One Piece.

As a dedicated fan of One Piece, I cannot help but be intrigued by the mysterious and powerful organization known as Germa 66. Their impact on the story, particularly in relation to Sanji’s backstory, is nothing short of captivating.

In the vast universe of “One Piece,” there are countless races, factions, and groups, each striving for power or working towards their objectives. The well-known entities include the World Government, the Navy, and the Revolutionary Army, to name a few. However, among the lesser-known yet significant forces is Germa 66, the enigmatic army that keeps a low profile.

Before the Zou and Whole Cake Island storylines in “One Piece,” very little was revealed about the significance of Germa 66. However, it is now clear that this organization has a major impact on the backstory of a significant character, Sanji. Therefore, let’s delve into the reasons why Germa 66 holds such importance not only for Sanji’s arc but also for the entire “One Piece” story.

What is Germa 66?

A breakdown of the iconic organization

One Piece: Germa 66, Explained

First Appearance

One Piece, Episode 783, “Sanji’s Homecoming – Into Big Mom’s Territory!”

Debut Date

April 9, 2017

Story Arc

Whole Cake Island

The “Whole Cake Island” storyline introduced the enigmatic Germa 66 group to the public. This organization serves as both the military force and clandestine mercenary squad of the mighty Germa Kingdom, under the command of the ruling Vinsmoke Family. Germa 66 gained notoriety primarily from their portrayal as adversaries in a popular comic series published in the World Economic Journal.

In the comic book realm, some people dismiss Germa 66 as a mythical evil force due to their representation in the comics. However, this group is not a figment of imagination, but rather has a significant presence in the underground and various nations where they have historical ties. For instance, they played a pivotal role in the Conquest of Four Nations, resulting in the demise of four kings within North Blue. Moreover, Germa 66 functions as a mercenary army, evident when they were contracted by one faction on Broc Coli Island to annihilate their opponents.

As a gamer, I can tell you that this organization is famous for its advanced technology, unlike anything else out there. They use it primarily in battles and are always working to make it even better. That’s why an alliance with them was so desirable for Big Mom. She wanted to boost the military strength of the Germa Kingdom with their cutting-edge tech.

With their advanced technology and formidable military strength, the Germa Kingdom is a formidable power to contend with. They possess the ability to bring down entire nations in a short amount of time, and they have even ventured beyond accepted borders, moving from North Blue to East Blue.

Hierarchy of Germa 66

The individual holding the highest rank in Germa 66’s hierarchy is referred to as the Supreme Commander, a role now occupied by Sanji’s father, Judge Vinsmoke. While Judge is an accomplished fighter, his primary strength lies in his exceptional intellect, which earned him a place under Dr. Vegapunk in MADS. His groundbreaking research and collaboration were essential in unearthing the Lineage Factor, which he subsequently utilized to create Germa’s clone army and iconic Raid Suits.

The real explanation for Germa’s impressive military strength lies in their scientific advancements. They have the ability to create an entire army of clone soldiers, who are devoted to the Germa Kingdom and ready to sacrifice themselves at a moment’s notice. In addition, experiments were conducted on Judge’s own offspring, resulting in super-soldiers that surpass normal humans in almost every aspect.

As a devoted fan, I must make it clear that you, Sanji, hold a mere functional role for us. Let me be absolutely straightforward: you’ll never be my dear son, not even remotely close to my heart.

As someone who has closely followed the intricacies of the Germa Kingdom and its prominent figures, I can confidently assert that among the Vinsmoke siblings, Reiju stands out as a unique character. While she shares certain similarities with her younger brothers in terms of unwavering loyalty to their father and possessing exceptional physical abilities thanks to their genetic enhancements, what sets Reiju apart is her capacity for emotion.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji share similar abilities with their elder sister, but lack emotions, transforming them into formidable weapons. In contrast, Sanji underwent no alteration in his capabilities or physiology due to the genetic modifications, preserving his emotions and acting like an ordinary human throughout his upbringing. This treatment caused great distress for Sanji, who was frequently mocked and dismissed as a failure by his family. Consequently, he sought refuge at Baratie when the opportunity presented itself.

One Piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

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2024-07-18 00:03