One Piece: Oda Might Have Revealed A Massive Secret About The Void Century

One Piece: Oda Might Have Revealed A Massive Secret About The Void Century


  • The Void Century holds crucial secrets in One Piece, linked to the Ancient Kingdom and World Government.
  • Vegapunk’s memory erasure hints at a possible mass memory erasure after the Void Century war.
  • Poneglyphs were created by the Ancient Kingdom to preserve their history for future generations to fight back.

As someone who has been navigating the Grand Line for what feels like an eternity, I can’t help but marvel at the intricate web of secrets and mysteries that Oda weaves into his masterpiece, One Piece. The erasure of memories after the Egghead Island Arc, though it may seem trivial on the surface, could very well hold the key to unraveling the enigma that is the Void Century.

This article contains spoilers from One Piece chapter 1123.

In the grand narrative of “One Piece,” particularly during the Final Saga, the Void Century stands out as a significant topic of discussion among fans. Given its connection to the “One Piece” itself, this isn’t surprising. Fans have long been intrigued by this plot point and eager for more insights into it. It is widely recognized that this mystery holds one of the key messages that Oda intends to convey in the story, and as the story progresses, it seems likely that we will delve deeper into its secrets.

In the thrill of chapter 1123, I, as a devoted fan, unearthed a trove of intriguing details. Among these revelations, there were tantalizing clues about the events that transpired and continued after the mysterious era known as the Void Century.

The Secrets Of The Void Century And How The Poneglyphs Carry Their Story

The Poneglyphs Were Carved Out To Remember History

One Piece: Oda Might Have Revealed A Massive Secret About The Void Century

As a dedicated follower of One Piece, I find myself often reflecting on the enigmatic era known as the Void Century. This period spanned an entire century, marked by a relentless conflict between the Ancient Kingdom and The Alliance, a formidable union forged by no less than 20 Kings.

Following this event, it’s plausible that the allies of the Ancient Kingdom surrendered, thereby ending the war and establishing the victors as the recognized rulers. They subsequently combined their forces to establish the World Government, a system familiar to fans. They ascended to power in Marijoa’s Sacred Land, ousting the Lunarians, who were already residing above the Red Line, a group known as the Lunarians, of which King is also a member, according to fans. From this point forward, the World Government ruled with an iron grip, successfully persuading numerous countries to join their formidable alliance. However, it’s important to note that while The Alliance triumphed at the end of the Void Century, it does not mean that the Ancient Kingdom was completely annihilated.

One Piece: Oda Might Have Revealed A Massive Secret About The Void Century

Realizing that they’d revive and wage battle in the future, the Ancient Civilization etched their tale onto Poneglyphs as a testament for upcoming generations. They understood that this conflict wouldn’t end here, but would resurface someday as a struggle against the oppressive World Government. The goal was to secure freedom and liberation for all, and this mission could not have been accomplished without Lily, who dispersed the Poneglyphs across the globe, preserving their messages indefinitely and rekindling hope within the Ancient Civilization once more.

How Vegapunk Erased Created A Void Fortnight

Vegapunk Erased His Own Memory Of Two Weeks Recently In One Piece

All the Void Century information is not new to the fans at all. This is something that has been explained in the story over and over again, but, One Piece chapter 1123 introduced a very exciting plot point which now could potentially connect directly to the Void Century itself. In the recent chapter, fans got to see a Vegapunk flashback, where he finally figured out how York was the traitor. Essentially, Stella, Pythagoras, and Shaka, were the only ones with perfect alibi, and they started figuring out who the traitor was. It was Pythagoras who eventually figured out due to uneven synchronization that York was the traitor. From that point onwards, these three Vegapunks decided to formulate a plan that would allow them to protect the information and research that they had carried out.

If I’m going down, I’ll make sure the price is very high! – Vegapunk

In essence, Vegapunk chose to document the final message from the Egghead Island Arc and crucially, he also wiped his own memory afterwards. He placed a reminder for himself to trust himself. Vegapunk forgot who the traitor was because he needed to reconnect with Punk Records, otherwise York might have discovered it. Similarly, neither Shaka nor Pythagoras retained the truth about York being the traitor, the research leak, and even the existence of the message itself effectively vanished.

As a gamer diving deep into the lore, this might seem small at first glance, but it’s colossal and potentially holds secrets about the enigmatic Void Century itself. Could it be that the Void Century followed a similar pattern?

The Erasure Of Memories Worldwide After The Void Century

The World Government Could’ve Erased Memories At The End Of The War

It’s quite plausible that following the Void Century, world inhabitants may have lost their memories. However, it’s hard to believe they would completely forget such significant events. Historical data tends to be passed down from one generation to another. In the universe of One Piece, it’s not unusual for information from several centuries ago to still exist today. People even possess records dating back thousands of years. Though these records might not always be accurate, we know they exist in some form. The idea that there’s no information at all about the Void Century, given that many people, especially Giants with lifespans over 300 years, lived during this period, seems rather implausible.

Everything that we know from the last two weeks will be completely erased! – Vegapunk

Indeed, a devastating flood of approximately 200 meters occurred, leaving only a handful of survivors. It stands to reason that these survivors would have been aware of the flood and passed on this knowledge. Similarly, they would also recall the preceding war. Given that the global population wasn’t entirely erased, as evident in the world depicted in ‘One Piece’, it seems plausible that some form of memory erasure occurred post-war. This mass forgetting could have been orchestrated by the World Government during that era, which explains why few remember the events during the 100-year Void.

As a fan, I’ve often pondered about Vegapunk’s ability to erase his own memory, and it’s clear that the technology of the Ancient Kingdom surpasses what Vegapunk could even imagine. This leads me to speculate that the Ancient Kingdom might have possessed the means for widespread memory erasure. If these advanced tools were ever acquired by the World Government, they could potentially have used them to make the entire world forget about the war, as if it never happened, and moreover, to obliterate any memory of the Ancient Kingdom itself from collective consciousness.

The carving of the Poneglyphs might have been done with the intention that they serve as a means to preserve the authentic history of the 100-year Void, since without them, people would forget. This concept can be contrasted with Oda’s note he left for himself, and similarly, Joy Boy and his companions could have created the Poneglyphs as a legacy for themselves and their offspring to recall past events and stand up against adversity.

You can access “One Piece” for reading through Viz Media. Fans can officially and at no cost read it on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app. The scheduled release date for One Piece chapter 1124 is August 25, 2024.

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2024-08-19 01:34