One Piece: Oda Reveals Vegapunk’s Secret Request To Sanji

One Piece: Oda Reveals Vegapunk's Secret Request To Sanji


  • Egghead Island arc officially over, story moving towards Elbaf – fans excited for Giants’ land.
  • Vegapunk’s sacrifice revealed – begged Sanji to let him die, entrusted Strawhats with One Piece.
  • Sanji carries Vegapunk’s legacy – burdened by death, will use loss to grow stronger and honor him.

As a longtime fan of One Piece, I must say that this latest chapter has truly touched my heart. The bond between Sanji and Vegapunk, though seemingly unexpected, was evident in their final conversation. It’s not every day you see a character carrying the will and sacrifice of another who’s passed on, especially one as significant as Vegapunk.

This article contains spoilers from One Piece chapter 1123.

In the latest installment of “One Piece,” chapter 1123, we witness a significant leap forward in the series, hinting at the commencement of a fresh arc. This development makes it clear that the Egghead Island storyline has concluded, and the narrative is now steering towards Elbaf – a long-awaited location in the “One Piece” world where the Giants reside. Fans have been eagerly anticipating this moment for years, and with the crew edging closer to Elbaf, their wait seems set to end soon.

As someone who has followed this series for years, I must say that this week’s chapter was particularly captivating. It delved deeper into Egghead’s story than we’ve seen before, and I couldn’t help but feel drawn to his character development. The Vegapunk flashback was a nice touch, shedding light on the events leading up to York’s betrayal, which has been a mystery for quite some time now. What really intrigued me was learning why Vegapunk wasn’t aware of the traitor among them, and the revelation that he and Sanji had a secret plan all along adds an exciting new layer to their relationship. I can’t wait to see where this story goes next!

How Vegapunk Died In The Egghead Island Arc

Vegapunk Sacrificed His Life To Reveal The Truth

In the Egghead Island arc, it was clear that Vegapunk anticipated his own demise from the start. Once the Strawhats boarded the Labophase, Shaka also sensed his impending death, a feeling echoed by Stella. However, Stella pleaded with Luffy to save him, and it seemed like he might survive. But sadly, that hope didn’t last long as Stella ultimately sacrificed himself on the Fabriophase while trying to rescue Bonney along with Sanji, Franky, and Atlas. The situation escalated dramatically when the Elders arrived, and the presence of Saturn made things even more challenging. During this tense period, Vegapunk endured significant hardships.

Please, I beg you, let me die here! I’ve made my bed! – Vegapunk

In addition to being fatally stabbed through the chest by Saturn, it was Kizaru who delivered the final blow by shooting a potent laser straight into his chest. Despite Sanji’s valiant efforts to protect him, Vegapunk eventually succumbed to his wounds, leading to the playback of a pre-recorded message that revealed his demise. Essentially, this message signaled Vegapunk’s passing, making him the world’s most brilliant mind no more. Admittedly, some fans have placed blame on Sanji for allowing Vegapunk to perish. However, chapter 1123 of One Piece clarifies that Sanji and Vegapunk had a prior arrangement in place.

Vegapunk’s Secret Request To Sanji Before Dying

Vegapunk Begged Sanji To Be Allowed To Die

One Piece: Oda Reveals Vegapunk's Secret Request To Sanji

In chapter 1123 of “One Piece,” fans were treated to a reunion between Sanji and Vegapunk inside the Vegatank once more. This flashback took place during their descent from the Labophase to the Fabriophase, as they worked together to save Bonney. Throughout this journey, Vegapunk asked Sanji to allow him to die on the Fabriophase. As expected of his compassionate nature, Sanji initially refused, for it’s not in his character to let another person perish before his eyes. Indeed, Sanji is a very kind soul and could easily be considered the kindest among all characters in “One Piece.” It would be difficult for him to make such a decision without hesitation.

However, this was not enough to convince Vegapunk either. Clearly, Vegapunk continued begging Sanji to let him die, because his death was going to accomplish something massive. Vegapunk did not know what it was going to accomplish, but he knew in his bones that his death was necessary.

About the One Piece…I want you guys to claim it! – Vegapunk

1. Sanji had been considering this matter, and it played a significant role in Vegapunk’s eventual demise. He had no intention of leaving the Fabriophase, which was also Sanji’s desire. In essence, Vegapunk was compelled to die, and while it seems that Sanji eventually accepted this, he would never allow Vegapunk’s body to be disrespected or left for the Marines to exploit.

In the latest One Piece chapter 1123, we witnessed Sanji making his way to Vegapunk’s ship, accompanied by his own body. This time around, fans were treated to a conversation between Sanji and Vegapunk’s lifeless corpse. The dialogue provided clarification on Vegapunk’s demise, despite Sanji’s efforts to protect him earlier. It also underscored the unique connection that existed between Sanji and Vegapunk.

How Sanji Is The Carrier Of Vegapunk’s Will and Sacrifice

Sanji Will Forever Uphold Vegapunk’s Wishes

In their final encounter onboard the Vegatank, it was only Sanji who conversed directly with Vegapunk. Although Atlas and Franky were present too, it’s clear that Sanji was the one who absorbed Vegapunk’s words most deeply. Their conversation was exclusively between these two individuals, suggesting a unique bond between them.

One Piece: Oda Reveals Vegapunk's Secret Request To Sanji

Primarily, Vegapunk has passed away, leaving a profound impact on Sanji. Although Sanji is a compassionate character, Pedro’s death affected him deeply as well. Given that another life was lost in his presence, Sanji finds it challenging to deal with the sorrow of this loss, particularly since he felt compelled to let him perish. Moving forward, Sanji will bear this grief and utilize it as a catalyst for growth, hoping to find better solutions in the future. Furthermore, Sanji is tasked with upholding Vegapunk’s legacy in whatever capacity he can. This development may intensify the scientific genetic modification storyline involving Sanji, leaving fans eagerly anticipating its outcome and the direction it will take his character.

Indeed, before this event transpires, fans must exercise patience and wait for the upcoming Elbaf arc, which is almost here in just a few short weeks. Soon, they’ll be transported to the land of Giants, marking the start of an exhilarating adventure where Sanji is expected to grow significantly – an exciting journey that lies ahead very soon.

You can access “One Piece” for reading through Viz Media. Fans can read it officially and at no cost on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app. The upcoming chapter of “One Piece,” titled “One Piece 1124,” is scheduled to be published on August 25, 2024.

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2024-08-19 02:33