One Piece of Starfield Content Shouldn’t Be Left on the Cutting Room Floor

One Piece of Starfield Content Shouldn't Be Left on the Cutting Room Floor

As a long-time Bethesda fan who’s spent countless hours exploring the lore-rich worlds they’ve crafted, I can’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment with Starfield. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an impressive game, but it didn’t quite live up to the hype for me. However, if Bethesda decides to bring back the cut content that allowed players to craft unique ship parts, I might just find myself diving back into the cosmos of Starfield!

Released in September 2023 following years

The eagerness from fans of renowned developer, Bethesda Game Studios’ sci-fi RPG titled Starfield, was perceived by some as an unfulfilled promise. Although it offered players an extensive universe to traverse and a space opera narrative brimming with unexpected plot twists, Starfield fell short of the lofty expectations built up in the gaming community. However, by reintroducing a captivating cut feature – crafting distinctive ship components – Bethesda could deliver a more immersive and tailored gameplay experience to players, potentially giving Starfield another opportunity to achieve success.

Despite the existing variety of ship parts for customization in Starfield, Bethesda initially envisioned a feature where players could create their own components. The decision to forego the ship part crafting system might seem insignificant at first glance. However, reintroducing this discarded element could rejuvenate Starfield by introducing an additional layer of customization within the game. Moreover, by incorporating rare and potent new components with each expansion and major update, Bethesda could ensure that players remain engaged with Starfield for extended periods.

Player-Crafted Parts Could Make Starfield’s Ships Feel More Unique

Originally intended as part of an expansive system for resource management within Starfield, the feature enabling players to craft their own unique ship components didn’t make it into the game at launch. Despite this, modders have successfully replicated similar functionality. Reinstating custom-made ship parts as a fundamental gameplay aspect could persuade gamers to reconsider Starfield. This is particularly relevant considering the acclaim directed towards Starfield’s robust shipbuilding system, even from those who felt the overall game fell short of expectations.

Revamping the ability for players to design exclusive spaceships in Starfield, which has been one of the game’s most captivating features, could potentially rekindle enthusiasm for this expansive RPG. This customization feature would not only empower gamers to personalize their spacecraft and make it a singular masterpiece, but also pave the way for incorporating the crafting system in future Starfield expansions and updates. This would encourage players to return to the game regularly, ensuring that their spaceship is always adorned with the newest and most desirable upgrades.

Regularly Releasing New Components to Craft Can Keep Players Coming Back to Starfield

A smart strategy for Bethesda to generate excitement for the revival of crafting mechanics in Starfield could be integrating it with upcoming expansions and updates. By periodically introducing a few new crafting elements with each update, they can maintain a continuous flow of content, allowing players endless opportunities to personalize their spaceships. Future expansion packs and DLCs might even feature missions dedicated to the production of specific components.

In games like the forthcoming DLC for Starfield: Shattered Space, players might find themselves on a quest to gather hard-to-find components from House Va’ruun members. These components can then be utilized to assemble a potent new part. Other elements could only be crafted upon completion of certain missions, encouraging gamers to explore side-quests rather than solely focusing on the main storyline. In both scenarios, players who invest time in tracking down these rare items would be richly rewarded with exclusive ship parts that aren’t available for purchase from Starfield’s numerous vendors.

In the light of Bethesda’s decision to exclude the option for crafting personalized ship components in Starfield, there is a chance they made an error. However, there’s still room for improvement. Allowing players greater flexibility in customizing their ships would not only enhance one of Starfield’s most beloved aspects, but also extend the game’s longevity substantially.

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2024-09-24 20:14