One Piece: The Traitor In The D Family, Explained

One Piece: The Traitor In The D Family, Explained


  • Vegapunk reveals secrets of the Void Century, linking D family to the Ancient Kingdom in One Piece lore.
  • The people of the D are enemies of the Celestial Dragons, hinting at a possible traitor among them.
  • Betrayal within the D ranks led to Ancient Kingdom’s downfall, with an ancient weapon falling into World Government hands.

As a long-time fan of One Piece, I’ve been captivated by the intricate world that Oda has built over the years. The recent revelations in the Egghead Island arc have left me in awe and made me reflect on the power and consequences of betrayal.

In the ongoing “One Piece” series, we find ourselves on Egghead Island where fans have been treated to an abundance of intriguing backstory information. This is primarily due to Vegapunk’s decision to defy the Government and unveil secrets related to the enigmatic Void Century. When discussing the Void Century, it was only a matter of time before we delved into the mysteries surrounding Joy Boy, the Ancient Kingdom, and their connection to the people of D.

As someone who has followed One Piece avidly for years, I can’t help but be intrigued by the ongoing mystery of Laugh Tale and the Strawhat Pirates’ quest to reach it. The wider enigma remains a captivating riddle, with its solution only promised upon reaching this fabled island. However, recent developments have given us fans reason to suspect that there might have been a traitor lurking within the ranks of the World Government, the D.

The D Family And The Ancient Kingdom

The D Family Was Connected To The Ancient Kingdom In One Piece

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but notice the fascinating connection between the D family and the Ancient Kingdom. This intriguing link isn’t a secret hidden from us readers; it has been subtly woven into the narrative since the beginning. For example, the people of the D have long been referred to as enemies of the gods. Luffy, our beloved Straw Hat Captain, was once labeled as Enel’s natural-born enemy – a god residing in Skypiea. Later on, Corazon made it clear to Law that the people of the D bore this ominous title and that Celestial Dragon children were warned about them, fearing their misbehavior would result in being consumed by these “enemies.” It’s evident that the people of the D are at odds with the Celestial Dragons. Moreover, we fans know that the Celestial Dragons clashed against the inhabitants of the Ancient Kingdom. Oda, the master storyteller, unveiled this prosperous land where science was so advanced it outshines today’s world. This flourishing kingdom stood opposed to what is now recognized as the World Government. The fact that the D family is currently enemies of the Celestial Dragons provides strong evidence of their connection to the Ancient Kingdom itself.

As a gamer, I ponder over the mystery of the D: are they directly connected to the Ancient Kingdom or merely embody a shared belief? It’s a puzzle that has yet to be unraveled. If they rose up against the World Government, it could be they adopted the name D as a symbol of their rebellion. Or perhaps, they belong to a larger entity, like an extensive pirate gang or an alliance, waging war against the World Government. The fans and I are left in the dark about the true nature and meaning of the D. But rest assured, the answer lies ahead in the storyline. Through the years, various D families have been introduced, indicating diverse motivations amongst those who bear the name.

In the present day One Piece storyline, Blackbeard, also known as Marshall D. Teach, is recognized as a villain by fans. It’s possible that there were wicked individuals among the D’s in the past as well. However, it’s not just speculation to suggest that there was a traitor amongst them.

Why There Must Be A Traitor In The Ranks Of D

The D Who Betrayed Joy Boy Led To The Downfall Of The Ancient Kingdom

One Piece: The Traitor In The D Family, Explained

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but feel uneasy about the recent developments in the D storyline. Oda has subtly hinted at the presence of a traitor among them, and this suspicion was ignited during the Egghead Island arc. Although he hasn’t explicitly stated it, we can infer this based on the past achievements of the people of D and the Ancient Kingdom.

Let me cut to the chase. Our world is going to sink into the ocean!!

After the demise of Joy Boy during the Void Century, this alliance gave rise to the establishment of the World Government. The Ancient Kingdom’s power was immense, making it hard for opponents to challenge them. This is especially surprising when you consider that the Ancient Kingdom was the birthplace of the Ancient Weapons. The people of the Ancient Kingdom held the power over Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus. Oda’s narrative makes it clear that these weapons possess the capability to destroy the world in various ways. Pluton can evaporate an entire island with a single blast, while Poseidon has the ability to submerge the whole world underwater. Not long ago, fans witnessed Uranus eradicating islands and creating massive holes in oceans that cannot be filled. Given the destructive potential of these three weapons combined, one would expect that they should have been enough to counteract the World Government. However, this was not the case. This outcome can be attributed to the fact that one of the Ancient Weapons fell into the hands of the World Government. As evidence, Uranus is currently under their control and has been used by them in the past.

One Piece: The Traitor In The D Family, Explained

Based on my extensive study of the lore and history of the One Piece universe, I am convinced that it was indeed the World Government who caused the sinking of the world, not Joy Boy or the people of D. The prophecy of Fishman Island is clear in stating that only Joy Boy can properly guide the Mermaid Princess to prevent catastrophic consequences. Misuse of her abilities, as mentioned in the prophecy, would lead to the downfall of the world.

In conclusion, this message is for those of you with the name D, no matter where you are in the world. Deep within each of you, there is a… (followed by the intended message)

The main question at hand is this: How did the ancient weapon, crafted by the people of the D and the Ancient Kingdom, end up in the possession of the world government? It’s likely that someone within the D betrayed Joy Boy and handed over this powerful weapon. Once this betrayal occurred, the playing field was significantly altered. The World Government, with little regard for the proper usage of ancient weapons, indiscriminately fired them, leading to catastrophic consequences. The world was plunged into chaos, and ultimately, Joy Boy’s forces and the Ancient Kingdom were both devastated.

Fans can easily access and read One Piece for free through Viz Media’s Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. Officially, these platforms offer the latest chapters of this popular series. Mark your calendars: The upcoming chapter, One Piece Chapter 1121, is scheduled to be released on July 21, 2024.

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2024-07-20 03:33