One Piece: Why Joy Boy Isn’t What People Assume Him To Be

One Piece: Why Joy Boy Isn't What People Assume Him To Be


  • Joy Boy’s past revealed during Egghead Island arc sheds light on his scientific prowess and link to ancient weapons.
  • Luffy and Joy Boy share powers and ideals, but the real Joy Boy likely possessed immense scientific knowledge and advanced tech.
  • Fans may have a different view of Joy Boy, who could have been a strategic mastermind with unique weapons and intelligence.

As a long-time fan of One Piece, I’ve always been fascinated by the enigmatic figure of Joy Boy. Growing up, I’ve heard tales of this legendary character hailing from the Ancient Kingdom, a place said to be so advanced in science that it surpasses even the technological marvels we see today.

In the captivating world of “One Piece,” Joy Boy is a character shrouded in enigma, leaving fans eager for more insights about him. Although we’ve gained some understanding of this intriguing figure post-timeskip, there remains an abundance of unanswered questions regarding his past. Fortunately, the Egghead Island arc in “One Piece” offered a tantalizing glimpse into Joy Boy’s history and the role he played during the Void Century, rekindling our curiosity about him once more.

As a devoted fan, I used to imagine Joy Boy based on the stories and information I’ve gathered over the years. However, my mental picture of him could be quite misaligned with his true character. Here’s how it might differ.

The Image of Joy Boy And Comparisons To Luffy

Joy Boy and Luffy Are Somewhat Similar In One Piece

In the story, when Joy Boy was introduced as a character, some fans anticipated that Luffy would develop similarities to him, leading to concerns about a reincarnation plotline. However, it was later revealed that Joy Boy was more symbolic than an actual person, allowing both Luffy and the individual from the Void Century to embody the title of Joy Boy. Although their identities differ, fans recognize that they share comparable powers. Joy Boy possessed the Nika power, which spread tales far and wide, and could elongate and shrink like rubber. Moreover, he had a magnificent, all-white form with a halo of smoke encircling his neck. Luffy’s Gear 5 represents this iconic appearance and is the awakened state of his Devil Fruit, further demonstrating their connection through the same Devil Fruit.

The Elders’ statement that the Gomu Gomu no Mi has not been activated in centuries implies that there was a person in the past who managed to awaken it, which is believed to be none other than the Joy Boy recognized by fans today. It’s reasonable to assume that Luffy and Joy Boy share several common traits since Zoan Devil Fruits are known to select individuals based on their character. This alignment with the fruit’s will is a defining feature of Zoan Devil Fruits, making it unsurprising for fans that both characters embody concepts like freedom and altruism.

Joy Boy, Where did you go? Want to see you. You were there, Joy Boy. Strange. So strange…

Those who possess power will only trust and accept those who share their values, such as carefreeness, freedom, and opposition to oppression. Consequently, only individuals with these qualities are deemed fit to wield this power. This is the reason fans can make the comparison between Joy Boy and Luffy based on their shared ideals. However, it’s important to remember that significant differences may exist between them, despite their similar beliefs. For example, Joy Boy might hold contrasting opinions, or be more intelligent than Luffy, who can come across as not very smart. Additionally, their combat styles could vary greatly, with Joy Boy utilizing abilities unlike anything Luffy has considered. This is why the origins of these characters play a crucial role in shaping their unique attributes and skills.

The Significance Of Joy Boy’s Place Of Origin

Joy Boy Was Born During The Void Century

One Piece: Why Joy Boy Isn't What People Assume Him To Be

In the One Piece universe, it’s common knowledge among fans that Joy Boy originated from an ancient, flourishing kingdom. This kingdom was so magnificent that it required the combined forces of the twenty existing kingdoms to rival its grandeur. Regrettably, this ancient kingdom met its end, and Vegapunk revealed that the cause was a clash in beliefs. However, Vegapunk did emphasize that this kingdom was far ahead of its time in scientific advancements.

The current Egghead Island is a vestige of an older time, and its technological advancements pale in comparison to those of the Ancient Kingdom which existed 900 years prior. In truth, the technology of the Ancient Kingdom surpasses our present-day comprehension, and Vegapunk devoted his entire life to replicating only one of their greatest accomplishments: the Mother Flame. This innovation is also connected to Joy Boy, a renowned figure from this advanced civilization. Fans are well aware that Joy Boy hailed from this technologically superior Kingdom.

Growing up in this Kingdom, it’s no surprise that Joy Boy possessed some level of scientific knowledge or ability. After all, he was the guardian of ancient weapons, intending to pass them down to future generations. This is just another indication of Joy Boy’s scientific background. It would be unusual for someone from such a place not to engage with scientific technology themselves. However, Joy Boy may differ from Luffy in this regard.

How Joy Boy Likely Differs From What You Think

Joy Boy Could’ve Been A Scientific Tech Master

Fans of Joy Boy imagine him to be similar to Luffy in his unrestrained fighting style, which is a characteristic of anyone who consumes the Nika fruit. However, unlike Luffy who primarily uses hand-to-hand combat in close quarters, the real Joy Boy may have additional abilities. While he should retain the ideals of freedom, unconventional combat, and carefree attitude, there are other potential differences that fans should consider. For example, Joy Boy might possess a more intelligent personality than what is currently imagined. He could utilize scientific knowledge to enhance his weapons or even create new ones through his imagination. Furthermore, advanced science could be incorporated into his attire, providing significant benefits during battles.

Joy Boy wanted to preserve the weapons for the future!! Why would he do that for such dangerous things? Have we not sunk far enough?

Joy Boy could potentially even make use of things like Mother Flame in combat, and this could directly tie to how the drums of liberation woke up the Iron Giant as well. The Joy Boy that fans have in their minds would not be anything like this. However, the real Joy Boy is likely somewhat with immense scientific know-how, a unique arsenal of weapons that fans cannot even imagine, and someone with immense intelligence and foresight, unlike Luffy.

One Piece: Why Joy Boy Isn't What People Assume Him To Be

From my perspective, if we were to create a character with distinct traits similar to Luffy from One Piece but with a unique twist, it would be fascinating. This new character could have had the same core attributes as Luffy in their past, but life experiences shaped them differently. Perhaps they underwent significant hardships that altered their personality or gave them additional quirks.

Fans can easily access and read One Piece for free through Viz Media’s Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The next chapter, numbered One Piece 1122, is scheduled to come out on August 4, 2024.

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2024-07-26 01:33