Open-World Games Where Your Gear Deteriorates Over Time

Open-World Games Where Your Gear Deteriorates Over Time

As a seasoned gamer who’s weathered countless virtual storms and traversed numerous digital landscapes, I can confidently say that gear deterioration is one of those mechanics that, love it or hate it, adds an extra layer of realism to games. It forces us, the players, to be more mindful of our actions, to make strategic decisions, and sometimes, to improvise when our trusted tools fail us.

Open-world games are fantastic choices for those seeking a game where they can roam freely. These games often belong to the RPG or survival genres, offering players opportunities to create different items like equipment and weapons to confront adversaries. Some of these titles go an extra mile by incorporating mechanics such as gear degradation.

As I delve deeper into this virtual world, I find myself constantly on the lookout for better weapons, armor, and even food. Over time, these resources I’ve gathered start to wear down, either from the rigors of combat or simply from exploring. Sometimes, they degrade to a point where I need to fix them up, and at other times, it means finding new gear altogether. Some players might find this deterioration mechanic stressful or annoying, but for me, it adds an extra layer of realism and excitement to the gameplay experience. Here are some open-world games that incorporate this intriguing feature, allowing my gear to degrade over time.

8 Far Cry 2

Besides Weapons, The Player’s Health Also Depletes Over Time

Despite the fact that the Far Cry franchise has progressed beyond equipment degrading over time, Far Cry 2 remains a timeless open-world first-person shooter game that emphasizes weapon maintenance. There is nothing quite like finding oneself in an intense firefight within Far Cry 2 only to have one’s weapon unexpectedly explode due to excessive deterioration.

Aside from malfunctioning, guns are more prone to jamming when they’re nearing a breakdown or it’s just a low-quality weapon. In addition to firearms, players might also perceive their character as having durability due to the character contracting Malaria. Keeping the character’s health high will require regular medication to manage this disease.

7 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat

Players Must Take Weapons And Armor To A Technician To Fix Them

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, equipment degrades gradually, setting it apart from other deterioration systems. What makes this game unique is that a player’s weapon may malfunction when fired frequently, adding an engaging layer of realism to the gaming experience.

In Call of Pripyat, not only is there an authentic portrayal of how some equipment wears out when subjected to specific weaponry, but it also doesn’t allow players to self-repair their gear. Instead, they can take their damaged items to technicians affiliated with different factions for a fee, fostering a need to interact with these factions and enhancing the gameplay experience by incorporating the equipment deterioration mechanic into the game world.

6 Fallout 3

Using A Weapon Or Being Shot Too Many Times Will Deplete Its Health

In contrast to Fallout 4, earlier versions like Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas necessitate players to handle their weapons and armor cautiously because they can wear down over time, reducing their effectiveness and eventually breaking if not properly maintained.

As the level of a gear’s durability decreases, its ability to perform effectively in combat diminishes. Fortunately, players don’t have to spend money on having their gear repaired by a vendor; instead, they can improve their repair skill until they are self-sufficient enough to mend any damaged weapons.

5 Minecraft

All Tools Will Break Eventually After Use

Some gamers might find it unexpected to come across Minecraft, but this remarkable sandbox survival game boasts an extraordinarily vast and unpredictable open world for players to traverse. As in any challenging survival experience, Minecraft offers a variety of tools crafted from diverse materials that will wear out with regular use over time.

Artisans who craft tools and weapons from wood may find their items shatter faster compared to those made from precious materials like diamonds. However, there are methods to minimize the likelihood of breakage by using enchantments, for instance, Unbreaking. Yet, even with these protective measures, tools will eventually wear out and need replacement.

4 Red Dead Redemption 2

Weapons Need To Be Cleaned To Improve Performance

In the world of open-world games, it’s not just S.T.A.L.K.E.R that demands players to maintain their firearms or watch them degrade over time. Similarly, in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need to buy gun oil and frequently clean your guns to remove any accumulated rust and dirt if you want them to restore their full shooting potential again.

In “Red Dead Redemption 2”, apart from being fired, the player’s guns can also deteriorate due to various environmental factors. For instance, immersing them in water, crossing snowy terrains, or getting caught in a sandstorm will cause them to rust and scratch, eventually reducing their effectiveness significantly.

3 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Players Shouldn’t Get Too Attached To Their Weaponry

In the game “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,” weapon degradation isn’t a new concept, but it’s undeniably one of the most effectively executed. The allure of this expansive Hyrule landscape lies in its encouragement to try out various weapons, a delightful aspect that allows players to interact with and shape their environment.

From picking up random sticks to kill foes with, to even using the skeleton arm of a recently defeated enemy, there is an assortment of interesting weapons for players to experiment with. While all weapons will break after a certain amount of use, this, thankfully, doesn’t carry over to the Master Sword, which merely loses energy on each hit before needing time to recharge.

2 Don’t Starve Together

Certain Gear Will Degrade Over Time

In these survival games, it’s typical for gear to wear out as time passes. However, Don’t Starve Together elevated this concept by making the equipment not just break after repeated use or encounters, but also due to prolonged exposure to the environment. For instance, imagine a massive block of ice called an Ice Cube, which players can secure to their head using a rope.

In the summer season of Don’t Starve Together, this item is extremely helpful. Just like real ice, it will gradually melt when used, eventually disappearing completely. There are many similar items in the game, such as umbrellas to shield you from rain, and all equipment tends to wear out over time due to usage.

1 Death Stranding

Boots Wear Out Through Walking, And Timefall Rusts Equipment

In Death Stranding, the wear and tear of gear isn’t just an annoying feature for some players; instead, it adds depth to the gaming experience by making the world feel more realistic. The primary objective in Death Stranding is transporting cargo between different locations set within a distinctly post-apocalyptic landscape. Although vehicles are provided initially, and more become accessible as the game progresses, a significant portion of travel will require walking on foot.

In Death Stranding, unlike many other open-world games that emphasize tool and weapon depletion, it’s essential for players to always have an extra pair of boots on hand due to Sam Porter Bridges’ boots wearing out from excessive walking. Additionally, Timefall, the game’s unique weather condition, accelerates aging, damaging not only the player’s cargo but also any other equipment they possess.

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2024-09-25 02:33