Open-World Games With Unique Terrain Types

Open-World Games With Unique Terrain Types

Key Takeaways

  • Subnautica: Below Zero offers an underwater world full of intrigue and mystery.
  • Kenshi features uniquely strange and hostile post-apocalyptic environments.
  • Greedfall boasts lush jungles and captivating lore for immersive gameplay.

As a seasoned adventurer who has traversed countless worlds both terrestrial and alien, I can confidently say that these open-world games offer some of the most unique and captivating terrains I’ve ever had the pleasure to explore.

Investigating new territories is one of the key elements that contributes to the widespread appeal of open-world games today. The excitement of choosing a path and venturing forth into unknown or alien lands, curious to discover what lies ahead, never fades.

Instead of just medieval forests, here are some open worlds that offer a wider variety of unique landscapes for those eager to venture beyond the familiar.

5 Subnautica: Below Zero

An Ever-Shifting Mix Of Underwater Biomes

In Subnautica, you’ll discover a rich and perilous blend of undersea landscapes. Hidden beneath a desolate, icy wasteland lies a teeming ocean filled with diverse marine life, from the bizarrely beautiful to the simply strange. The upcoming sequel to Subnautica shifts its focus towards a more versatile open world terrain, maintaining an emphasis on underwater exploration while also enabling players to traverse a surreal, frozen landscape above water.

In the storyline of this title, a captivating mystery is gradually unraveling, and delving into deserted research facilities beneath the planet’s surface offers an increasingly engaging experience for players, as they traverse dark sea caves and vibrant crystal coral reefs in their search for solutions. There are endless surprises to be found in the game Below Zero, particularly as the time of day significantly alters the mood and ambiance of the landscape.

4 Kenshi

Wonderfully Warped Post-Apocalyptic Environments

The landscape in Kenshi is remarkably peculiar and twisted, offering a unique blend of lethargic yet perilous, enigmatic scenery. Labels such as the Burning Forest and Purple Sands provide a glimpse into the player’s upcoming adventure. The ominous backdrop of Kenshi is characterized by blood-tinted swamps, labyrinthine forests, ethereal deserts, and psychotic cannibals. While the Cannibal Plains might not initially appear as a geographical feature, it soon becomes evident to players that it plays a significant role in their journey.

In the sea of post-apocalyptic open-world games, Kenshi distinguishes itself by offering exceptionally distinct, surreal landscapes that captivate players. The alien-like terrain entices explorers for hours on end, but once they glimpse some of the surprises hidden within the continent, gamers might find themselves hesitant to venture any further.

3 GreedFall

Primeval Forests And Colonial Settlements Make For A Unique Setting

In the realm of Role-Playing Games (RPGs), GreedFall has carved out a distinctive niche, standing out with its captivating Industrial Revolution ambiance. Moreover, the vast, verdant, and untamed wilderness of Teer Fradee is not only one of the most distinctive landscapes in open-world games, but it also offers an impressive range of diversity within itself. The dense, sprawling forests of one region may seamlessly transition into towering scrublands or peaceful waterfalls and streams. This entire experience feels like discovering a hidden Eden, particularly after the initial stages of the game effectively portray the protagonist’s homeland as plagued by illness and corruption.

In “GreedFall,” the intricate world-building and rich history elevate the already captivating landscapes to even greater heights. As players delve into the diverse cultures that have inhabited these lands over millennia, they’ll find themselves deeply engrossed in a complex, enigmatic narrative. However, the game’s stunningly lush environment will keep players mesmerized throughout their entire journey.

2 The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

A Uniquely Influential Setting

To certain players, the game “Morrowind” may appear nearly unplayable due to its peculiar combat system and less polished qualities compared to contemporary games. However, a significant portion of the “Elder Scrolls” fanbase considers “Morrowind” as the pinnacle that the series has yet to surpass. Overlooking any apprehension about the game’s age and quirks, it becomes clear why this is so. The unique appeal of “Morrowind” lies not only in its rich lore and world-building but also in its distinctive terrain, making it truly one-of-a-kind. There simply isn’t any other game quite like “Morrowind.

In these vast landscapes, you’ll find settlements carved from sandstone, resembling squat villages, or colossal structures akin to crab shell fortresses. These architectural wonders are often nestled amid sprawling deserts of ash or vibrant mangrove forests. The breathtaking backdrop of Morrowind is so deeply intertwined with its religious beliefs and cosmic structure that it’s not surprising that many role-playing game enthusiasts yearn for these distinctive elements to reappear in the game.

1 The Outer Worlds

Alien Terrain And Corporate Pre-Fab Cities

In a stunning display of Obsidian’s renowned storytelling and environment crafting, The Outer Worlds evoked a comforting sense of familiarity as players navigated its intricate, captivating sci-fi narrative. Despite the story propelling us into increasingly alien landscapes, it retained an almost-Earth-like ambiance, with each planet showcasing unique vegetation, mountains, and distinctly altered versions of what one might expect from our world.

The ongoing debate about the number of worlds in the upcoming “Outer Worlds” sequel underscores the enthusiasm among fans who eagerly anticipate that the new game will maintain the unique and lively environment similar to the original one.

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2024-09-20 06:33