- Overthrown’s Livestock Update introduces Woolies, new combat features, new structures, and worker types.
- The update offers the ability to shear Woolies, burn buildings during combat, and use new resources like soap and hot baths.
- Brimstone plans to add difficulty options, map icons, and more based on player feedback to prepare for the game’s full release.
In a city-building game named Overthrown, which debuted in early access on December 5, 2024, the first major update, known as The Livestock Update, has been released. At present, this game can be played on PC via Steam and on Xbox Series X/S through Xbox Game Preview.
Created by Brimstone and distributed by Maximum Entertainment, the game Overthrown places you in the role of Runa, a monarch with magical abilities. Gameplay involves amassing resources, constructing facilities, defending against mutants, and more, to protect your kingdom. It also offers multiplayer cooperation through online play with up to six other players (in addition to single-player mode). On Steam, Overthrown‘s reviews have been quite favorable, earning a “Mostly Positive” rating at the time of writing. Almost two months after its early access launch, developers have released a significant update, introducing various new content such as different worker types and buildings to the game.
The latest Livestock Update for “Overthrown” was released for PC gamers on January 30, 2025, with its Xbox version set for release on January 31. A significant feature of this update is the introduction of farmable livestock known as Woolies. These creature resemble sheep and are available in three varieties—standard, fluffy, and a large, sinister mutated form. Remarkably, players can shear excess wool from these creatures by merely punching them. Furthermore, the combat system in “Overthrown” has been expanded to include fire bombs, mortars, and power kegs for use during battles. This update also allows Xbox Game Pass subscribers to set buildings ablaze during combat.
As a dedicated gamer, I’ve just dived into the latest content drop for my favorite city-building game! This update brings nine stunning new structures to my urban landscape, like the Mortar Tower, Washhouse, Well, Woolie Barn, and more. Plus, there’s an expanded research tree that offers intriguing possibilities for my city’s growth.
But wait, there’s more! A fresh batch of worker types with special skills has been added to the mix. Now I can hire Cannoneers, Gong Farmers, Launderers, Soapers, and Weavers to help me manage my bustling city.
And if that wasn’t enough, this update also includes a helpful new UX feature: tool tips! These handy hints will guide me through the game, helping me understand the various items I encounter along the way. This is going to make my gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable than ever!
With the recent overthrow of players adapting to the changes, Brimstone has already hinted at the upcoming features they plan to introduce. These include adjustable difficulty levels, distinct map icons, citizen spawn rates based on happiness, and dynamic outlaw settlements and raids. Seizing this early positive reception on Steam, the Overthrown team aims to consider player feedback diligently before fully launching the game on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. Historically, many games have demonstrated that the early access phase can lead to a successful official release.
Overthrown The Livestock Update Patch Notes
New resource: Fiber
New creature: Woolie
- Can be periodically sheared by Farmers or players for Wool
- Will wander around their barn and sleep inside it
- Don’t forget to shear them!
- Woolie tag!
New resource: Monster Eggs
New building: Woolie Barn
- Spawns woolies periodically at the cost of Monster Eggs
Woolies require fodder during Winter to restore calories
Characters and items are now capable of igniting, sustaining harm gradually while passing the flame onto others. This will continue until they are healed or the fire is put out.
- Burning items transform to a burnt version after a short duration
Characters and objects now become wet when touching or splashed with water
New building: Well
- Can be used by citizens and outlaws to extinguish themselves when burning
In the latest update, both soldiers and rogues have the ability to hurl explosive flammables at buildings or distant figures, inflicting harm through burning damage.
New constructible consumable: Powder Keg
- Can be armed and disarmed by players and cause massive explosions
- The outlaws brought their own!
New building: Mortar Tower
- Operated by players or Cannoneers, consuming Gunpowder to fire explosive shells at enemy structures spotted by players and citizens
New outlaw building: Field Mortar
- Fires explosive shells right back at you!
Mortar shell and Powder Keg explosions damage terrain
Cannoneer-controlled Mortar Towers, along with Field Mortars, will focus on attacking enemy buildings, while sparing any nearby wildlife.
Explosive damage inflicts burning immediately
New resource: Soap
New building: Soaper’s Workshop
- Employs a Soaper, turning Carcasses into Soap to be used by the Washhouse
New resource: Hot Baths
New building: Washhouse
- Employs a Launderer, consuming Soap and Fuel to supply citizens with Hot Baths (see Changes section below)
New building: Weaving mill
New Resource: Fashion
- Employs a Weaver, consuming Fiber to supply citizens with Fashion (see Changes section below)
In the natural world, collections or clusters of items such as trees, plants, and rocks will regenerate each day, while fresh groups appear following a change of seasons.
Removing an individual from their original group and isolating them may lead them to seek out and join the closest alternative group, or they might establish a new group on their own.
Map mode now allows natural entities to be selected and the whole group will be highlighted
Buildings on the map are now marked with symbols that indicate their friendly nature. These symbols may alter to represent any problems they encounter, such as being damaged or lacking personnel.
Decorations do not show an icon by default, but will when damaged
At greater distances, icons representing low-priority areas or structures without problems will become less distinct or disappear entirely, as they’re not the main focus when viewing from afar.
Added difficulty settings
- Added difficulty preset option when starting a new world
- Added individually adjustable settings in the Manage Players screen, accessible through the pause menu: Difficulty preset, World hostility
- Aggressive: outlaws will launch raids against players
- Defensive: outlaws will not launch raids
- Passive: enemies will never attack players, the players’ kingdom or each other
- Toggle whether or not the crown be stolen by enemies
- Enemy spawn rate multiplier
- Enemy health multiplier
- Enemy damage multiplier
- Player health multiplier
- Player stamina recharge rate multiplier
New decoration: Hay Feeder
New decoration: Flower Bucket
- Has five selectable variants
New map: Canyon
NPCs can now wander around when idling outdoors
Added a console command to drop the crown
New main menu background!
Berry bushes and apple trees now produce fruit every day in Summer
Spring, Summer and Fall are now each 5 days long. Winter is 5 days long.
Removed buildings: Soup Kitchen, Pie Shop, Windmill, Smithy and Dredger
Removed resources: Landfill, Clay, Bricks, Ingots and Flour
Knowledge has been removed; research costs have been replaced with other resources
Removed building: Storehouse
- Storage limit is now set to 50,000 for all resources
The research tree has been updated
As a devoted player, I’m excited about the new terraforming update! Now, when I sculpt the terrain using my trusty shovel, I’ll earn 1 Ore for every tile I lower. On the other hand, raising each tile now sets me back 2 Ores. This adds a strategic depth to gameplay that I can’t wait to explore!
Structures are now immune to Cutting and Piercing damage (now that NPCs can use fire bombs)
Taxes and salaries have been removed
The Civil Service research allows employed civilians to generate Coin passively
To join the ranks, soldiers are expected to pay an initial, non-refundable fee called a “Coin.” This fee is returned if the soldier decides to change employers, but it’s not returned in cases of defection or death.
Instead of the respawn cost for the Coin fluctuating based on the current amount stored, it will now maintain a consistent, fixed price.
The player’s stamina recharge associated with the crown is now independent, and it no longer regenerates depending on the presence of living characters or creatures nearby.
All players can generate reserve charge passively as long as any player is crowned
When an NPC dies, players within range will absorb bonus reserve charge
While the crown is dropped or stolen, reserve charge cannot be gained and will deplete over time
The Crown Power can be utilized after any player has grabbed the Crown for the initial time within a single gameplay session.
The citizen capacity is now determined by the amount of housing available rather than vacant jobs
Bladder as a need has been removed
Buildings no longer provide amenities to citizens within a limited range
Citizens now consume food resources globally to restore their calories need
Outhouses will now only increase the capacity of how many citizens are producing fertilizer
Worldwide, luxury items such as high-end drinks, indulgent bath experiences, and stylish fashion garments are utilized to bestow additional joy upon their citizens.
Beyond the freshly established Laundry House and Textile Factory churning out Hot Bath Essentials and Trendy Garments, respectively, here are some structures in our world that supply resources widely utilized daily by global citizens:
1. The Farmstead, where food is grown for every table across the globe.
2. The Orefields, where precious metals and stones are mined to adorn homes and bodies everywhere.
3. The Lumberyard, providing wood for construction in countless cities worldwide.
4. The Saltworks, delivering a vital seasoning that enhances flavors in kitchens around the world.
5. The Oil Refinery, powering engines and lighting homes across continents.
- Bakeries produce Bread
- Butcheries produce Meat
- Alehouses produce Drinks
Adjusted objectives to reflect the above changes to citizen needs
Various resource net change numbers now show the amount gained/lost per day instead of per minute
- All other jobs use the early shift
Info feed message are now shown when a shift changes if there are citizens on that shift schedule
When berry bushes are picked, they no longer exist in their original form (however, because of alterations in plant growth, there are now even more thriving bushes that yield a greater amount of fruit).
Now, when Hunters control Hunting Towers, they can continue aiming during the reload process. Similarly, Cannoneers can do the same with Mortar Towers. In simpler terms, both types of towers will maintain their aim while being reloaded when managed by these specific characters.
Self-activation for Hunting Towers is now possible based on a timer, following interaction from players. Similarly, the latest Mortar Towers possess this autonomous activation feature too.
In the Resources window, we’ve eliminated the points where players can control the pause or resume of resource production.
I’ve incorporated a recruitment slide into the Population section within the Town Hall, allowing for manual control over the rate at which citizens are generated.
Added citizen housing, resource consumption and production information to the Population window
I incorporated tooltips for the icon headers in the Population window as well as the equipment icons within the Character window.
In the Population window and building interior menus, we took out the citizen skill bars and job slot names for skills, because at this point, skills have no impact on anything within the game.
Adjusted housing and soldier cost issue tracker messages for better clarity
Revise the goals for better understanding, and temporarily disable certain prompts and shortcuts until they become necessary within their respective objectives.
Added contextual prompts for Shoot and Exit when in Hunting (or the new Mortar Tower)
Introduced extra exit options, such as the E key on a keyboard or the North Face button on a gamepad (default settings), for exiting Hunting Towers (as well as Mortar Towers).
The message regarding the “continuous transition between seasons” within our issue tracker system has been rephrased as “world creation in progress,” aiming for better comprehension. It’s also set to be displayed during the daily process of plant growth.
Once a player utilizes a resource, the specific resource’s counter within the resource list will be emphasized, rather than the entire resource category.
Sunflowers will now randomly use one of 3 models that all have a more organic feel than the old one
I took away the “Missing Gunpowder” symbol from both the Hunting Tower’s inspection interface and player control interface, and instead emphasized the resource counter within the resources list by displaying the appropriate reload cost alongside it. Similarly, the Mortar Tower’s UI has been updated to follow this new design.
As a fervent enthusiast, I’d pause before venturing out if there’s been a brief lull in the fight, just to make sure the area is safe for me (and the new Woolies) who are seeking refuge.
If people find themselves inside a building where they don’t belong (for instance, if they weren’t offered a position in that particular structure), they will leave and venture outside instead.
Now, instead of utilizing the same Farmer models, the Composter’s workers – the Gong Farmers – are assigned their personalized models.
Instead of recycling the Farmer models, the Gong Farmers working for the Composter now have their individual models.
Both options maintain the original meaning while making the text more natural and easier to read.
Musket shots baited by players dashing now have a small randomized delay to feel more natural
Mountain, Highland, and Cold regions now start at slightly higher altitude thresholds
Trampling requires much fewer steps to turn grass into dirt
Organic items take a full day to spoil instead of 5 minutes
NPCs have a wider vertical field of view
Tuskar nests and outlaw camps in the wild can now be destroyed with normal attacks
Some outlaw camp objects have received a health increase
In a revised setup, soldiers are no longer classified as the Armored physical type, instead, they are now categorized as Regular or Normal types. This change eliminates their previous attributes such as resistance to Cutting damage, among others.
Initially, lawless towns tend to have a more substantial population, and they quickly attain the maximum number of residents allowed.
All outlaws drop Coin when defeated, instead of Poachers dropping Gunpowder
Player respawn cost has been increased
With the latest updates considered (such as global resource consumption patterns), all cost calculations for research, resource drops from loot, production, and consumption rates have been fine-tuned accordingly.
On the Challenging difficulty setting, player’s health and armor have been reduced, whereas the health and armor of soldiers, outlaws, and Tuskars have been boosted.
Individual ore deposits are found, not in clusters, to motivate players to establish and protect various mining locations instead of concentrating on one area.
Crown, spawn location, and zones updated on all maps
Lowered one of the coastal hills on the Seaside Cliffs map
Fixed potential crash when NPCs search for nearby resources to pick up
Fixed issue tracker messages regarding housing and jobs often being wrong and misleading
NPC camps should no longer appear within or over previously terraformed ground when they are supposed to spawn on it.
Fixed growing trees losing a percentage of their health
Fixed compass markers for enemies not displaying as red for non-host players
Fixed players being visible to NPCs while indoors
Fixed musket shots triggered against players due to dodging still being able to hit them sometimes
Instead of being blocked, musket shots aimed at players during their dash maneuvers will now go straight through them.
Fixed some portions of NPC animations playing incorrectly
Characters can bypass their attack phases altogether when these phases are quicker than a single frame, thus avoiding any logic processes that would normally run during those rapid phases.
Fixed NPCs not canceling attacks immediately when switching targets
Instead of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) persistently staring at a location they can’t reach while trying to navigate towards it, they should automatically move to the closest position that is reachable. This way, they maintain their focus on the task at hand and don’t appear stuck or unresponsive.
Fixed NPC attacks playing a few very stiff animation frames when ending
Fixed some Tuskar ledge climbing jank (also affecting the new Woolies)
Newly built structures, symmetrical like mirrors, have replaced the original terrain biomes, maintaining the same footprint before the construction.
Fixed ground stomp (crown-charged aerial unarmed attack) earth particles appearing completely white
Fixed hunting tower shots not having a smoke trail unless they hit nothing
When you alter the display language in the Population window, the happiness bonuses and penalties for citizens do not update or refresh.
The happiness bonuses and penalties for citizens in the Population window fail to change or renew when the displayed language is switched.
Fixed some buildings having inconsistent wood textures
Fixed auto-saves sometimes failing
Fixed some saves not loading at all
Added the following graphics options:
- Texture quality
- Shadow quality
- Shadow distance
- Post-processing quality
- [Screen-space reflection quality
- Grass render distance
Added automatic recommended graphics settings
Enhancing the process of creating objects quickly, thus decreasing load times, boosting the efficiency of changing between days or seasons, and making the overall experience smoother.
Optimized terrain data loading, reducing loading times
Occluded plants now skip the growth animation, changing into their grown version instantly instead
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2025-01-31 07:47