Overwatch 2: Juno Guide – Abilities, Counters & More

Overwatch 2: Juno Guide - Abilities, Counters & More

As a long-time Overwatch player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I’ve faced off against countless Juno players and have learned a thing or two about countering this agile support hero.

Beginning in July 2024, Overwatch 2 will introduce its newest Support character, Juno, who was formerly known as ‘Space Ranger’ among players. During the initial phase, Juno will undergo a trial period from July 19-21, prior to being officially added during Season 12.

If you’re considering making Juno your primary character or just wanting to include her in your roster, it’s crucial to understand how her skills work and which opponents pose a challenge for her. For comprehensive information on Juno’s abilities, playstyle, and potential counters, check out the guide provided below.

Overwatch 2 Juno: Hero Kit & Abilities, Explained

Overwatch 2: Juno Guide - Abilities, Counters & More

Juno is a versatile Support character, known for her strong mobility and valuable abilities that benefit her team. She wields a unique weapon that allows her to both heal allies or inflict damage on enemies using the same button, making it essential for her to keep firing continuously with good target selection. In addition, Juno can provide lock-on burst damage for herself or her teammates, or offer healing over time through her secondary fire. Furthermore, Juno is the second character to be introduced with a speed-boosting ability, which makes her an excellent fit for dive and rush compositions alongside heroes such as Lucio, Winston, D.Va, Wrecking Ball, Genji, and Tracer.

her weapon, skills, and ultimate ability.

Mediblaster – Primary Fire

  • Burst fire weapon that heals allies and damages enemies.

Pulsar Torpedoes – Secondary Fire

  • Press Secondary Fire to lock on, then Primary Fire to fire homing projectiles. Heals allies over time and damages enemies.

Glide Boost

  • Glide horizontally with increased movement speed.

Hyper Ring

  • Deploy a ring that increases movement speed of allies who pass through it.

Martian Overboots

  • While airborne, press jump to double jump, and hold jump to hover.

Orbital Ray – Ultimate Ability

  • Call down a ray that travels forward, healing allies and increasing their damage.

Juno Gameplay Tips & Counters In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: Juno Guide - Abilities, Counters & More

When considering playing Juno in Overwatch, there are various factors to take into account, just like with any other character. These include identifying abilities that may be countered by the enemy team, determining which allies’ powers complement hers most effectively, and assessing how she matches up against different Heroes for optimal performance.

Juno Gameplay Tips

Overwatch 2: Juno Guide - Abilities, Counters & More
  • Unlike other heroes, Juno’s weapon can’t headshot, so there’s no point in aiming for the head – instead farm body shots to deal damage or heal allies.
  • Juno doesn’t need to go through her Hyper Ring to gain a speed boost like her allies do, instead, she receives it immediately upon casting the ability.
  • Her Ultimate Abilty can pass through walls, rooftops, floor levels, and entire buildings.
  • Unlike other flying characters, Juno doesn’t have vertical mobility in her dash. This means that you need to be clever about when and how you use your double jump and hover, and how you time this with your dash to achieve solid movement or rotations to a high ground.
  • While she has strong movement, Juno is very weak when isolated, due to a lack of protective ability. Juno is out-damaged even by other supports in a 1v1, due to not being able to headshot and no self-healing or self-saving ability. This means she is vulnerable to characters who can cut her off from the team and catch her in a 1v1 dive, such as Genji, Winston, D.Va, and Tracer, or flankers, such as Cassidy, Reaper, and Sombra.

Best Heroes For Countering Juno

Overwatch 2: Juno Guide - Abilities, Counters & More
  • Tank: Winston or D.Va – As mentioned above, Juno can be very vulnerable to dive heroes, especially Tanks, who she will almost never outdamage in a full 1v1. Winston is one of the Tank Heroes capable of harassing and picking Juno, while D.Va appears to be the strongest option, as in addition to being able to chase her down with her boost, she can also matrix Juno’s bullets.
  • DPS – Sombra / Tracer / Genji: Sombra has the ability to watch while invisible and isolate Juno from her team once movement abilities have been caught up, or when she is caught out of position. With no self heal or save ability, Juno is very easy to pick with hack and virus, especially when isolated. Tracer can simply zip around and harass Juno. With a good aim, Tracer can take down Juno very easily – especially when she is in her horizontal glide. Genji takes the same approach, as he can harrass her with his shiruken damage and dash. Furthermore, his Deflect is capable of deflecting her turrets, though they will not lock on to enemies when deflected. Juno is reliant on her team to peel on her when these Heroes attack her, and if this doesn’t happen, then she’s a fairly easy target.
  • DPS – Ashe / Widowmaker / Hanzo: Juno’s horizontal mobility is quite easily readable, and a Juno with poor general mobility is also very easy to read. A skilled sniper DPS can take advantage of this with good positioning and maintaining range, as Juno will essentially be completely reliant on her team to take care of the sniper in question.
  • Support – Ana / Zenyatta: While it’s a bit trickier to counter Juno on Support, there are some Heroes that work better than others when it comes to shutting down a strong Juno. Once again, this largely boils down to Juno not having a self-heal, or self-save ability in her kit. This means that if Zen and Ana can target her with sleep, Anti-Nade, and Discord Orb, then there are two likely scenarios that may follow:
    • 1: Juno will rely entirely on her other support cleansing or healing her through the de-buff – which applies high pressure to both Support players, especially when other team members are critical.
    • 2: Juno may be forced to use her movement abilities to reposition, which gets rid of important cooldowns and gives an opportunity for allies to dive on her.
  • Support – Lucio: Another approach may be Lucio, if you consider yourself a strong Lucio player who is particularly good at diving on targets. Lucio’s Speed Boost is consistent, and significantly more powerful than Juno’s. This means that he is one of the only characters capable of consistently chasing her down, even when she uses her Hyper Ring to try engage or disengage. This means Lucio can chase Juno down, harass her with damage to distract her, and boop her out of position or away from her team for yourself or an ally to kill.

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2024-07-20 16:44