Overwatch 2 Players Want Helpful Support Feature Added for All Roles

Overwatch 2 Players Want Helpful Support Feature Added for All Roles

Key Takeaways

  • In Overwatch 2, support roles can see colored silhouettes of their teammates, helping these players quickly determine who needs healing.
  • Some players think this feature would be incredibly helpful for all roles to have, not just support players.
  • While most fans of the game agree, some also think that it would add to the title’s already cluttered UI.

As a seasoned Overwatch 2 player who has seen countless battles and team fights, I wholeheartedly support the idea of making the colored silhouette feature available for all roles. Currently, this feature is exclusive to support characters, but its potential benefits extend far beyond just the healing class.

In a recent Reddit discussion, players of Overwatch 2 debated the potential advantages of a feature currently exclusive to support characters, if it were made available for every role in the game. At present, only support characters can always see the outlines of their teammates. Introducing this feature to other roles might improve gameplay overall.

In Overwatch 2, characters in the supporting roles are primarily tasked with maintaining the health and survival of their teammates throughout the game, while also assisting in defeating enemies more swiftly. Being healers, they have a unique advantage: they can see the outlines of their allies on the map at all times, allowing them to locate their teammates easily. Moreover, the color of these outlines reflects the health status of each player, with more vibrant colors indicating that a player requires immediate attention. It’s essential to note that this feature is exclusive to those playing as support characters.

A Redditor recently highlighted the value of this feature not just for support players, but for all roles in the game. They argued that being able to view the health and silhouettes of teammates continuously would help them determine when their supports are occupied healing others, allowing them to decide who to aid when teammates are in distress. Additionally, they emphasized that a full-colored silhouette would be advantageous over the current outline, as it can sometimes be hard to spot at certain times due to its small size and lack of color.

Overwatch 2 Players Discuss Benefits of All Roles Seeing Detailed Silhouettes

Other Reddit users supported the proposal, finding it beneficial for every role to have access to such information. They believed that this would enable players to understand where battles are taking place and which players might be in peril at any particular moment. Identifying teammates in distress can aid all players in making informed decisions within the game, ultimately fostering a more unified and effective team dynamic if implemented as a feature in Overwatch 2.

A handful of users voiced their disapproval towards the proposal of incorporating this feature across all roles, arguing that the user interface in Overwatch 2 is already too congested. Yet, this argument was swiftly rebutted by multiple other users who proposed that such an option might be adjustable, similar to numerous other UI settings within Overwatch 2. Nonetheless, players of a hero shooter game generally find more information about their team beneficial, as it simplifies the process of strategizing their next action.

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2024-09-09 17:53