Overwatch 2 Skin Concept Turns Roadhog Into Big the Cat

Overwatch 2 Skin Concept Turns Roadhog Into Big the Cat

Key Takeaways

  • An Overwatch 2 fan creates a skin concept that imagines Big the Cat as Roadhog.
  • The skin concept includes Froggy and fishing-themed design elements, creating a fun twist.
  • The artist, Onframer, has already created other impressive Sonic-inspired skin concepts.

As an avid gamer who has spent countless hours exploring the vibrant worlds of both Overwatch and Sonic the Hedgehog, I must say that this fan-made skin concept for Roadhog as Big the Cat is nothing short of genius! The fusion of these two beloved characters is a perfect blend of humor and creativity.

A creative spin on a character concept pairs Big the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog with Overwatch 2’s Roadhog, yielding an unexpected yet effective blend. Though the thought of Overwatch 2 fan art showcasing Big the Cat may initially appear humorous, this fresh take demonstrates that Roadhog’s abilities harmonize surprisingly well with Sonic’s design.

Since its debut, Roadhog has been a prominent Tank hero in the Overwatch series, experiencing fluctuations in power throughout the years. Blizzard has made numerous attempts to adjust Roadhog to fit within the game’s meta by buffing and nerfing his abilities, as well as reworking his kit entirely at times. Although he may not be the most frequently selected character, when played skillfully, Roadhog can prove to be a forceful presence on the battlefield. A player recently opted to introduce an original twist to this Tank, replacing him with another robust character from a well-known gaming series.

On Reddit, a user named Onframer showcased their unique idea for Roadhog’s skin, transforming the character into Big the Cat from the Sonic series. In the artwork, this creative fan presented both front and back views of the design, customizing Big the Cat with his own take on Roadhog’s Chain Hook and Scrap Gun, tailoring these items to reflect Big’s personality. Notably, the gun was given a fishing-inspired look, alluding to Big’s background in games like Sonic Adventure. This theme extended to the Chain Hook, which was reimagined as fishing tackle.

Overwatch 2 Fan’s Big the Cat Skin for Roadhog

As a gamer, I’ve noticed they’ve added a cool touch in this game – my character’s buddy, Froggy, Big the Cat’s pet frog, is now part of the design! You can spot him chilling on a lily pad-style shoulder pad, and his appearance is even reflected in the Scrap Gun. To top it off, they’ve given the Take a Breather ability canister a fun frog-like face, making the game even more charming!

After posting the Froggy skin concept on Reddit, several enthusiasts have praised the idea, with one user pointing out that Froggy could potentially replace Pachamari. Furthermore, another fan expressed appreciation towards the artist for expanding their Sonic the Hedgehog skin series for Overwatch 2 characters. Over the past few months, Onframer has developed numerous skin concepts for the hero shooter, such as transforming Sonic into Tracer, Shadow into Juno, and Tails into Kiriko. They’ve even given Wrecking Ball a Dr. Eggman transformation, turning the hamster into a mustachioed mech.

It’s intriguing to find out which Sonic the Hedgehog characters Onframer might draw inspiration from when creating new skin ideas. Thankfully, Overwatch 2 offers a wide variety of Tank, Support, and Damage heroes, ensuring they have plenty of options for an extended period.

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2024-09-17 04:53