2020’s “Chernobylite” was an intriguing game developed by indie studio The Farm 51, set in the actual Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The game utilized maps generated from a 3D scan of the area for authenticity. It blended shooting, stealth, survival, resource management, exploration, and role-playing elements to deliver a unique blend of history and science fiction. Although not as widely recognized as other indie games, “Chernobylite” garnered a fair amount of interest upon release and cultivated a dedicated fanbase. The initial game left some questions unanswered, but the prospect of a sequel seemed unlikely for quite some time. However, in 2024, The Farm 51 announced “Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone,” revealing some captivating details about the upcoming sequel. A few months later, they released another gameplay trailer, shedding light on even more intriguing features.