Rurouni Kenshin: Strongest Characters In The Series, Ranked

The anime series titled “Rurouni Kenshin” is set amidst Japan’s Meiji era. Its narrative revolves around Himura Kenshin, once an assassin known as Hitokiri Battosai, who now swore off killing and travels the land as a Rurouni (a roaming samurai). During his journey, he encounters diverse individuals – friends and adversaries alike – and finds himself caught up in numerous disputes and combats.

The Best Nightmare On Elm Street Films

For decades, terrifying series featuring iconic characters have been cherished by fans who love the unexplained. Although fresh appearances from popular slayers can be thrilling – such as guest roles in collaborative games or latest iterations of the Alien franchise – nothing rivals the joy of re-experiencing the initial films that significantly influenced horror culture at large.

Best Essential Spells In Hogwarts Legacy

In the game ‘Hogwarts Legacy’, there are eight indispensable spells, and determining their relative importance requires a deep understanding of their intricacies within the game. Unlike other spells, these essential ones cannot be arranged in the diamond formation activated by RB/RT, and they don’t have a cooldown period. What sets them apart is that players can neither finish the game nor fully appreciate its offerings without mastering them.

Best Modern Horror Slasher Movies

The horror genre known as “slasher films” gained popularity during the ’70s and ’80s, echoing the chilling themes of movies like “Psycho” and “Peeping Tom”. Notable releases such as “Black Christmas”, “Halloween”, “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, “Friday the 13th”, and “Child’s Play” contributed significantly to this genre. These series continue to be admired, with some even delivering quality sequels in recent times.