In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, the ominous saga of the Cursed Wombs is introduced promptly. Characters Yuuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki engage in a fierce fight against the twin brothers Kechizu and Eso. Upon their demise, their elder brother perceives their fate and swears vengeance upon their slayer. Among the Cursed Wombs’ Death Paintings brethren, Choso stands as the most formidable, a powerful relative of the Kamo clan, boasting an extraordinary cursed ability known as Blood Manipulation that outclasses Noritoshi Kamo of Kyoto. In combat with Itadori, Choso nearly claims his life; however, their blood mixes, disclosing to Choso that, like him, Itadori is a descendant of Kenjaku. From this moment forth, Choso pledges his loyalty and protection to Itadori, viewing him as his brother.