Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous The Best Classes For Beginners

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners

As a seasoned RPG player with decades under my belt and countless adventures etched into the annals of fantasy lore, let me tell you about these three intriguing characters that have caught my eye. First off, we’ve got the Slayer – a stealthy assassin with a single-minded focus on their target. They lack the wide-ranging abilities of some other classes, but they make up for it in pure, focused power. I’ve always had a soft spot for characters that know exactly what they want and go after it without hesitation – much like a cat after a shiny toy.

In recent years, there’s been a lack of new, standalone, isometric, turn-based fantasy video games, with many developers opting for MMOs or 3D, first-person perspectives instead. However, Owlcat Games bucked this trend with the release of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Rather than following the crowd, they chose to preserve the classic camera angle and build their turn-based games around the captivating world of the Pathfinder universe.

In comparison to its rivals, Pathfinder boasts an impressive selection of 25 unique character classes, not counting advanced Prestige classes or multi-class combinations. For those new to Pathfinder, or for those who prefer a less complex character while still immersing themselves in the narrative, there are several beginner-friendly options available.

16 Barbarian

Special Abilities: Rage Power, Damage Reduction, Danger Sense, Fast Movement

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners

  • Party Role: Melee damage, with some possibility for a Defender role.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 1/5, one of the easiest and best classes for a beginner.
  • Archetype Choices: There are six Archetype choices, some of which also offer better AC options for aspiring defenders and other features like animal companions.

In terms of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous classes, simplicity reigns supreme for this game. If you’re seeking a melee-focused character with restricted options when it comes to armor and intellectual endeavors, Barbarian is an exceptional choice to kick off any RPG adventure.

Characters can tailor their Barbarian character to wield abilities with weapons that can attack from a distance as well as up close, similar to any combat class. However, they may pick up a few basic magic tricks based on the specific build, but they’re not capable of casting spells or using most magical scrolls. Individuals who prefer a straightforward action-packed gameplay style would find playing a Barbarian quite enjoyable.

15 Cavalier

Special Abilities: Challenge, Banner, Cavalier’s Charge

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Equally effective as a melee or ranged DPS or as a Defender.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 2/5, partly due to the extra mechanics of an animal companion.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: There are seven, but the Cavalier of the Paw is restricted to Halflings.

This title appears to resemble a class for adventurous characters, and indeed, it delivers on weapons and equipment, yet offers more: players can select an animal companion as well. Typically, this companion is a horse or another mountable creature. Previously, certain choices were not available to Cavaliers, but that issue was addressed in an update.


Wrath of the Righteous.” Additionally, they gain a diverse set of martial skills, which encompass both weapons and armor, plus additional benefits such as the Tactician feat being awarded as a bonus.

14 Bard

Special Abilities: Bardic Knowledge, Jack Of All Trades, Inspire Courage

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Can take on a healing role but has some serious DPS abilities, including melee or ranged fighting.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 3/5 because of the variety of roles this class can take, making it both complex and simple.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: A total of six with vastly different abilities.

Enthusiasm for bard characters has grown significantly within the RPG gaming community due to their diverse skill set. Newcomers can easily manage these characters by focusing on them as either combatants or spellcasters, while more experienced players might opt to craft them as multifunctional party members, assuming multiple roles simultaneously.

The subcategories feature Bards resembling Rangers, Druids, or Sorcerers, which goes against the common perception of Bards as solely focused on healing or support roles. However, regardless of the selection made, all Bards retain access to useful skills such as Bardic Knowledge and Detect Magic.

13 Cleric

Special Abilities: Channel Energy, Domain/Diety Selection

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Often a healer, but can also be a defender or DPS, including melee or ranged.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 3/5 because of the sheer number of possibilities when it comes to a Cleric build, even a simple one.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Choose between six different Archetypes, some of which require certain moral alignments. Clerics cannot be Atheists.

In the game Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, a Cleric is exceptionally adaptable, capable of performing nearly any party task, and possessing a variety of helpful spells. Beyond healing chants, these include Restoration spells, shielding charms against energy types and alignments, and the ability to channel both Negative and Positive Energy.

A solid basis for crafting a Cleric character involves selecting a moral stance and a god or goddess, typically influencing whether your Cleric specializes in healing or ranged damage. One Archetype offers balanced abilities in both areas, but it demands a neutral alignment.

12 Fighter

Special Abilities: Bravery, Bonus Combat Feat, Weapon/Armor Mastery

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Defense or melee damage with little variation.
  • Difficulty Level: One of the easiest classes to play with a 1/5 rating.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Six choices are offered which include options for either defenders or damage dealers.

Initially, when Gary Gygax began shaping the foundations of what we now know as modern Dungeons & Dragons, he incorporated three primary classes, and the Fighter was one of them. This ever-present class in all role-playing games can be as straightforward or intricate as the player desires.

Characters known as fighters offer a high degree of personalization for players. Among their options, you can select from various Archetypes, combat and survival skills, and additional beneficial traits. For those new to martial classes who may be uncertain about their character’s development path, choosing a fighter is an excellent choice because they acquire a fresh ability at each level. Their key attributes are either Dexterity or Strength. Fighters can assume the role of party defense with a sword and shield, or opt for dual-wielding and function as melee or ranged damage dealers.

11 Inquisitor

Special Abilities: Judgement, Exploit Weakness, Orisons

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Ranged or melee damage, with some spellcasting support.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 3/5 due to the management of their divine spells to heal, harm, or protect.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: There are six, but like Clerics, an Inquisitor cannot be an Atheist.

An Inquisitor shares some traits with a Paladin in terms of devotion to faith and melee combat effectiveness. However, the two differ significantly beyond that point. Unlike Paladins, Inquisitors aren’t bound by a Lawful Good alignment; instead, they are zealous followers of their deity who may take extreme measures against those who defy their god. This can involve employing methods like torture, murder, and summoning creatures to aid them in their pursuits.

For novice players, the basic RP background offers a solid foundation. What sets this class apart as one of the more accessible choices is its emphasis on dealing damage, whether it’s through ranged or melee attacks, and the selection of a few straightforward spells for healing allies or hurting adversaries.

10 Sorcerer

Special Abilities: Bloodline, Sorcerer’s Bonus Feat

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Ranged DPS, with little or no variation.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 3/5, an easier spellcasting class with intuitive abilities.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: There are seven, but some are restricted based on race and subclass.

Among all classes, it’s often the Sorcerer that gains a strong reputation for being particularly powerful. This makes it appealing to both novice and seasoned players alike. However, what makes the Sorcerer stand out is its ease of play; they intuitively know spells rather than having to study and memorize them.

This characteristic simplifies management and organization over other spellcasting classes, as its functionality is rooted in the Bloodline and customized through the chosen subclass, opening up intriguing options for both roleplay and combat scenarios.

9 Skald

Special Abilities: Bardic Knowledge, Skald Talent, Inspired Rage

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: A combination of both spellcasting and melee DPS and some off-healing, depending on the build.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 3/5, an easier spellcasting class with intuitive abilities.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: A total of 7, each one focusing on either spellcasting, melee fighting, or spellcasting damage.

In many role-playing games (RPGs), you might not encounter the Skald character class frequently, but it’s quite a beloved hybrid class that appears across numerous tabletop and video game versions. The Skald blends aspects from both the Bard class, such as Charisma for spellcasting and crowd control abilities, and the Barbarian class, which encompasses Rage mechanics and versatility in melee weapon use.

The foundation of this game is drawn from the battlefield musicians of Norse and Scottish folklore, who played pipes or horns during battles. What sets it apart for beginners is the diverse array of character roles and backstory options built into each Skald character. Players can customize their characters to resemble a Bard, emphasizing spellcasting and healing abilities, or a Barbarian, focusing on Rage powers and physical weapon skills.

8 Monk

Special Abilities: Ki Power, Flurry Of Blows, Monk Bonus Feat

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Ranged or melee DPS, with some support to the defender or healer.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 2/5, an easier class that requires some versatility when it comes to roles and weapons.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Seven, which all require a Lawful moral alignment. The Student of Stone option is only available to Oreads.

As a fellow enthusiast, I’d like to reassure you that with this particular class, there’s no need to fret about selecting the right weapons and armor – fewer options are actually an advantage here! Moreover, newcomers will enjoy a delightful blend of abilities that cater to both physical prowess (athletics) and keen perception skills.

In the game “Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous,” the Monk class boasts a wider variety of weapon options compared to similar classes in other games. Arsenal at their disposal includes handaxes, shurikens, daggers, and many others. However, when it comes to alignment choices, there’s somewhat less flexibility, but role-playing decisions based on the Monk’s deity or background help add intrigue.

7 Oracle

Special Abilities: Revelation, Oracle’s Curse, Mystery

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Healer or DPS, depending on moral alignment and choice of deity.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 3/5 just for the sheer amount an Oracle can do within even one or two-party roles.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: There are seven, one of which is only available to Aasimar, the Purifier.

In the realm of Pathfinder, I’m often likened to a Cleric when it comes to healing prowess. Yet, unlike the Cleric, my role is heavily steeped in my magical abilities, which can veer towards the beneficial or the unconventional. And yes, even an Atheist can tap into these mystical powers, making me unique in this fantastical universe.

When designing a character, Oracles must select between Healing Spells (Cure) and Harmful Spells (Inflict). A player can create a damaging character who utilizes Dark Energy against opponents, while relying on a limited selection of supportive healing spells to aid their party.

The Oracle class is fairly complex when it comes to mechanics and RP. Some players might not like the amount of work when it comes to creating a character with a unique build, but others will appreciate the detail. Oracles not only choose a Background like other characters, but also an inherent Curse, an Ancestral Mystery, and a Revelation, which is an extra ability related to their previous choices for spells.

6 Paladin

Special Abilities: Aura of Courage, Channel Positive Energy, Lay On Hands

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Often in the main defender role, they can also take on peripheral healing, support, and damage.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 2/5, making it one of the easiest spellcasting classes to manage.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Seven, all of which need a Lawful Good moral alignment. The Stonelord option is only available to Dwarves.

Paladins, adorned in heavy armor plating, possess the ability to self-heal. However, their noble and righteous nature can lead to numerous complications as they embark on a divine mission. It’s fortunate that this character excels in one of the top classes in “Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous”.

This course may catch beginners off guard as it’s not as straightforward as it seems, but this difficulty makes it an excellent choice for newcomers to either Pathfinder or role-playing games overall. Additionally, Paladins possess the ability to wield holy magic, which proves quite useful in “Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous,” a game where numerous foes are demons.

5 Ranger

Special Abilities: Camouflage, Endurance, Favored Enemy/Terrain

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: DPS, either ranged or melee but are often associated with bows.
  • Difficulty Level: 2/5, because of the straightforward role as a damage dealer and specialization when it comes to certain enemies and terrain, which keeps the gameplay simple.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Six, a few of which include unique magical powers and abilities along with animal companions.

As a devotee of the game, I must clarify that unlike certain other titles, this isn’t about being a woodland wanderer here. However, for those daring Pathfinder players who wish to create a Ranger character, it certainly can be! For beginners seeking a dynamic role with intriguing customization possibilities as they progress through the game, this class would undoubtedly appeal.

In the game Pathfinder, the Ranger character selects a preferred adversary and gains access to multiple Archetypes. These Archetypes offer capabilities usually exclusive to other classes, such as magic-casting and covert operations. Remarkably, the Ranger class can acquire these abilities too.

4 Rogue

Special Abilities: Trapfinding, Master Strike, Danger Sense

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: DPS, either ranged or melee, often uses some spellcasting power as well.
  • Difficulty Level: 1/5, one of the easiest DPS classes that exist and are highly customizable.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Seven choices, with Master of All only available to Half-Elves.

As a fan, I find that Rogues can be either straightforward or intricate, depending on one’s preferred playstyle, and they are frequently likened to Fighters in this aspect. This class acquires new talents or abilities at each level, making it an appealing option for beginners who enjoy tracking their character development and building their character progressively.

As a thrilled fan, I’m excited to share that the world of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous offers an expansive array of unique builds for Rogues like me. We can delve into specialized Archetypes that range from mastering explosives, underworld skills, rough-and-tumble street smarts, to even tapping into the mystical powers of nature magic.

3 Slayer

Special Abilities: Slayer’s Advance, Quarry, Sneak Attack

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: DPS, either melee or ranged, with some support in the form of extra spells.
  • Difficulty Level: Rated 1/5, similar to a Fighter or a Rogue when it comes to the build.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: There are seven, but the Imitator is only open to Humans.

When it comes to pursuit, a Slayer shares a trait with the Ranger: they both possess specialized insights about particular targets. However, unlike the Ranger who operates openly as a hunter, a Slayer functions covertly, resembling an assassin more than a traditional hunter. They lack experience in navigating certain terrains. In comparison to the Inquisitor, a Slayer is similar but does not share their religious zeal or magical powers; instead, they maintain a single-minded focus on their actions.

A Slayer’s primary talents lie in tracking down and eliminating targets, typically those with consciousness rather than beasts or monsters. They excel in stealth and agility, and their roles can vary from strategic planners (tacticians) to relentless pursuers (trackers), and even skilled executioners.

2 Druid

Special Abilities: Wild Shape, Nature Bond, Venom Immunity

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Druids can heal, defend, or deal ranged or melee damage.
  • Difficulty Level: 4/5. This is a more complex class to manage because of the options when it comes to party roles.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Six, with an impressive variety of abilities from various disciplines.

In many role-playing games, the Druid class stands out due to its adaptability, making it a valuable asset in any party setup. This flexibility, however, can make it challenging for experienced players. Yet, this same adaptability makes it an excellent choice for novice players who are eager to take on more complex roles.

In the context of Pathfinder‘s Druids, the subclasses serve as a means to categorize these roles while incorporating a touch of creativity. Some subclasses are ideal for dealing damage (DPS), whereas others may not possess the standard abilities often associated with Druids, such as healing spells or nature-based resistances.

1 Wizard

Special Abilities: Arcane Bond, Wizard Bonus Feat

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous  The Best Classes For Beginners
  • Party Role: Ranged DPS, with little variation unless they have some support spells.
  • Difficulty Level: At 4/5, this is a more complex class to manage, as players will need to learn and memorize spells.
  • Number of Archetype Choices: Seven, but the Cruoromancer is limited to the Dhampir race.

Wizards may appear simpler when it comes to party roles due to their limited options, yet they offer a wealth of tasks beyond mere spellcasting. This character class excels not only in knowledge-related tasks and understanding arcane secrets but also in perception and handling magical artifacts.

All of the above is an important and valuable addition to the party, especially when it comes time to rest and the adventurers need someone to cook, craft potions, or do some scroll-scribing. Wizards can also take on certain support roles depending on their choice of spell school.

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2024-09-20 21:55